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Publications CSM
Bacterial symbionts of the precious coral Corallium rubrum are differentially distributed across colony-specific compartments and differ among colormorphs
van de Water J A J M, Allemand D, Ferrier-Pagès C
Environ Microbiol Rep 16(2): e13236 -
Blue Carbon as a Nature-Based Mitigation Solution in Temperate Zones
Cinar M, Hilmi N, Arruda G, Elsler L, Safa A, van de Water J A J M
su 16(17), 7446 -
Insights into the occurrence of phylosymbiosis and co‑phylogeny in the holobionts of octocorals from the Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea
Prioux C, Ferrier-Pagès C, Deter J, Tignat-Perrier R, Guilbert A, Ballesta L, Allemand D, van de Water J A J M
anim microbiome 6, 62 (2024) -
Metatranscriptomics of Host/Coral-associated Bacterial Communities: Enrichment of bacterial mRNA for metatranscriptomics through sequential polyA(+)-mRNA and rRNA subtractions
van de Water J A J M, Ferrier-Pagès C, Voolstra C R
zenodo 10475223 -
Holobiont responses of mesophotic precious red coral Corallium rubrum to thermal anomalies
Tignat-Perrier R, van de Water J A J M, Allemand D, Ferrier-Pagès C
Environ Microbiome 18, 70 (2023) -
Coral holobionts and biotechnology: from Blue Economy to coral reef conservation
van de Water J A J M, Tignat-Perrier R, Allemand D, Ferrier-Pagès C
COB Vol. 74, pp. 110-121 -
The Effect of Thermal Stress on the Physiology and Bacterial Communities of Two Key Mediterranean Gorgonians
Tignat-Perrier R, van de Water J A J M, Guillemain D, Aurelle D, Allemand D, Ferrier-Pagès C
AEM Vol. 88, No. 6, e02340-21 -
Dissolved Nitrogen Acquisition in the Symbioses of Soft and Hard Corals With Symbiodiniaceae: A Key to Understanding Their Different Nutritional Strategies?
Pupier C, Grover R, Fine M, Rottier C, van de Water J A J M, Ferrier-Pagès C
Front Microbiol 12(657759) -
Unravelling the importance of diazotrophy in corals - Combined assessment of nitrogen assimilation, diazotrophic community and natural stable isotope signatures
van de Water J A J M, Bednarz V, Grover R, Maguer J-F, Fine M, Ferrier-Pagès C
Front Microbiol 12, 631244 -
Coastal urbanization influences human pathogens and microdebris contamination in seafood
Littman R A, Fiorenza E A, Wenger A S, Berry K L E, van de Water J A J M, Nguyen L, Aung S T, Parker D M, Rader D N, Harvell C D, Lamb J B
Sci Total Environ 736: 139081 -
Human Health and Ocean Pollution
Landrigan P J, Stegeman J J, Fleming L E, Allemand D, Anderson D M, Backer L C, Brucker-Davis F, Chevalier N, Corra L, Czerucka D, Dechraoui Bottein M-Y, Demeneix B, Depledge M, Deheyn D D, Dorman C J, Fénichel P, Fisher S, Gaill F, Galgani F, Gaze W H, Giuliano L, Grandjean P, Hahn M E, Hamdoun A, Hess P, Judson B, Laborde A, McGlade J, Mu J, Mustapha A, Neira M, Noble R T, Pedrotti M L, Reddy C, Rocklöv J, Scharler U M, Shanmugam H, Taghian G, van de Water J A J M, Vezzulli L, Weihe P, Zeka A, Raps H, Rampal P
Annals of Global Health 86(1): 144, 1-64 -
Local conditions influence the prokaryotic communities associated with the mesophotic black coral Antipathella subpinnata
van de Water J A J M, Coppari M, Enrichetti F, Ferrier-Pagès C, Bo M
Front Microbiol 11, 537813: 1-20 -
Diazotrophic community and associated dinitrogen fixation within the temperate coral Oculina patagonica
Bednarz V, van de Water J A J M, Rabouille S, Maguer J-F, Grover R, Ferrier-Pagès C
Environ Microbiol 21(1): 480-495 -
Reduced diversity and stability of coral-associated bacterial communities and suppressed immune function precedes disease onset in corals
Pollock F J, Lamb J B, van de Water J A J M, Smith H A, Schaffelke B, Willis B L, Bourne D G
R Soc Open Sci 6: 190355 -
Antimicrobial and stress responses to increased temperature and bacterial pathogen challenge in the holobiont of a reef-building coral
van de Water J A J M, Chaib de Mares M, Dixon G B, Raina J B, Willis B L, Bourne D G, van Oppen M J H
Mol Ecol 27(4): 1065-1080 -
Host-microbe interactions in octocoral holobionts - recent advances and perspectives
van de Water J A J M, Allemand D, Ferrier-Pagès C
Microbiome 6(1): 64 -
Ultra-violet radiation has a limited impact on seasonal differences in the Acropora Muricata holobiont
van de Water J A J M, Courtial L, Houlbrèque F, Jacquet S, Ferrier-Pagès C
Front Mar Sci 5(275): 1-14 -
Comparative Assessment of Mediterranean Gorgonian-Associated Microbial Communities Reveals Conserved Core and Locally Variant Bacteria
van de Water J A J M, Melkonian R, Voolstra C R, Junca H, Béraud E, Allemand D, Ferrier-Pagès C
Microb Ecol 73(2): 466-478 -
Coral larvae for restoration and research: a large-scale method for rearing Acropora millepora larvae, inducing settlement, and establishing symbiosis
Pollock F J, Katz S M, van de Water J A J M, Davies S W, Hein M, Torda G, Matz M V, Beltran V H, Buerger P, Puill-Stephan E, Abrego D, Bourne D G, Willis B L
PeerJ 5: e3732 -
Seagrass ecosystems reduce exposure to bacterial pathogens of humans, fishes, and invertebrates
Lamb J B, van de Water J A J M, Bourne D G, Altier C, Hein M Y, Fiorenza E A, Abu N, Jompa J, Harvell C D
Science 355(6326): 731 -
Seasonal Stability in the Microbiomes of Temperate Gorgonians and the Red Coral Corallium rubrum Across the Mediterranean Sea
van de Water J A J M, Voolstra C, Rottier C, Cocito S, Peirano A, Allemand D, Ferrier-Pagès C
Microb Ecol 75(1): 274-288 -
Spirochaetes dominate the microbial community associated with the red coral Corallium rubrum on a broad geographic scale
van de Water J A J M, Melkonian R, Junca H, Voolstra C R, Reynaud S, Allemand D, Ferrier-Pagès C
Sci Rep 6: 27277 -
Temporal patterns in innate immunity parameters in reef-building corals and linkages with local climatic conditions
van de Water J A J M, Lamb J B, Heron S F, van Oppen M J H, Willis B L
Ecosphere 7(11): e01505