Annuaire du CSM

Dr Graziana Maria SCIGLIUOLO
Chercheur Postdoctoral - Équipe MONACORDTel. +377 97 77 44 29
Email : [javascript protected email address]
CV 2018
Thèmes de recherche développés
Hémoglobinopathies et pathologies hématologiques oncologiques.
Greffe de cellules souches hématopoïétiques.
Publications CSM
Cord blood transplantation for adult mature lymphoid neoplasms in Europe and Japan
Watanabe M, Kanda J, Volt F, Ruggeri A, Suzuki R, Rafii H, Kimura F, Cappelli B, Kondo E, Scigliuolo G, Takahashi S, Kenzey C, Rivera-Franco M M, Okamoto S, Rocha V, Chevallier P, Sanz J, Fürst S, Cornelissen J, Milpied N, Uchida N, Sugio Y, Kimura T, Ichinohe T, Fukuda T, Mohty M, Peffault de Latour R, Atsuta Y, Gluckman E
Blood Advances 8(3):640-652 -
Umbilical Cord Blood Transplantation for Fanconi Anemia With a Special Focus on Late Complications: a Study on Behalf of Eurocord and SAAWP-EBMT
Rafii H, Volt F, Bierings M, Dalle J-H, Ayas M, Rihani R, Faraci M, de Simone G, Sengeloev H, Passweg J, Cavazzana M, Costello R, Maertens J, Biffi A, Johansson J-E, Montoro J, Roth Guepin G, Diaz M A, Sirvent A, Kenzey C, Rivera Franco M M, Cappelli B, Scigliuolo G, Rocha V, Ruggeri A, Risitano A, Perrault De Latour R, Gluckman E
Transplantation and Cellular Therapy 2024 May;30(5):532.e1-532.e16 -
Unsupervised Clustering Analysis of Regimen and HLA Characteristics in Pediatric Umbilical Cord Blood Transplantation
Rivera-Franco M M, Wynn L, Volt F, Hernandez D, Cappelli B, Scigliuolo G, Danby R, Horton R, Gibson D, Rafii H, Kenzey C, Rocha V, Ruggeri A, Tamouza R, Gluckman E
Transplantation and Cellular Therapy 2024 Sep;30(9):910.e1-910.e15 -
Comparative analysis of the variability of the human leukocyte antigen peptide-binding pockets in patients with acute leukaemia
Boukouaci W, Rivera-Franco M M, Volt F, Wu C-L, Rafii H, Cappelli B, Scigliuolo G, Kenzey C, Ruggeri A, Rocha V, Gluckman E, Tamouza R
BJH 2023;200(2):197-209 -
HLA haplotype frequencies and diversity in patients with hemoglobinopathies
Scigliuolo G, Boukouaci W, Cappelli B, Volt F, Rivera Franco M M, Dhédin N, Peffault De Latour R, Devalck C, Dalle J-H, Castelle M, Hermine O, Ouachée Chardin M, Poiré X, Brichard B, Paillard C, Rafii H, Kenzey C, Wu C-L, Bouassida J, Robin M, Raus N, Rocha V, Ruggeri A, Gluckman E, Tamouza R, Eurocord and SFGM-TC
eJHaem 4(4):963-969 -
Impact of Allele-Level HLA-Matching on Outcomes after Double Cord Blood Transplantation in Adults with Malignancies
Fatobene G, Mariano L, Volt F, Moreira F, Conelissen J, Furst S, Daguindau E, Sirvent A, Peffault de Latour R, Rafii H, Rivera Franco M, Kenzey C, Scigliuolo G, Cappelli B, Ruggeri A, Gluckman E, Rocha V
Blood Advances ADV-2022-009251R1 -
Outcomes of subsequent neoplasms after umbilical cord blood transplantation in Europe
Rafii H, Ruggeri A, Kenzey C, Sanz J, Peffault De La Tour R, Esquirol A, Michel G, Chevallier P, Rubio M T, Cornelissen J J, Michallet M, Volt F, Rivera-Franco M M, Scigliuolo G, Cappelli B, Rocha V, Gluckman E
Blood Advances 7(10):1976-1986 -
Unrelated Donor Cord Blood Transplantation in Children: Lessons Learned Over 3 Decades
Kurtzberg J, Troy J D, Page K M, Rafii El Ayoubi H, Volt F, Scigliuolo G, Cappelli B, Rocha V, Ruggeri A, Gluckman E
stcltm Volume 12, Issue 1, Pages 26–38 -
Use of Letermovir in Umbilical Cord Blood Transplantation Based on Risk Scores
Rivera Franco M, Rafii H, Volt F, Kenzey C, Cappelli B, Scigliuolo G, Rocha V, Raus N, Dalle J-H, Chevallier P, Robin M, Rubio M T, Ruggeri A, Gluckman E
Blood Advances 2023 Jun 5;bloodadvances.2023010573 -
Outcomes of subsequent neoplasms after umbilical cord blood transplantation in Europe
Rafii H, Ruggeri A, Kenzey C, Sanz J, Peffault De La Tour R, Esquirol A, Michel G, Chevallier P, Rubio M-T, Cornelissen J J, Michallet M, Volt F, Rivera-Franco M M, Scigliuolo G, Cappelli B, Rocha V, Gluckman E
Blood Advances 2022 Nov 9, 2022007941 -
Possible effect of the use of mesenchymal stromal cells in the treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders : A review
Tamouza R, Volt F, Richard J-R, Wu C-L, Bouassida J, Boukouaci W, Lansiaux P, Cappelli B, Scigliuolo G, Rafii H, Kenzey C, Mezouad E, Naamoune S, Chami L, Lejuste F, Farge D, Gluckman E
Front Cell Dev Biol 10.3389 -
Umbilical Cord Blood Transplantation after Graft Failure from a Previous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
Volt F, Ruggeri A, Scigliuolo G, Peffault de Latour R, Bierings M, Al-Seraihy A, Bittencourt H, Labussière-Wallet H, Rocha V, Kenzey C, Cappelli B, Rafii H, Gluckman E, Guerino-Cunha R L
Transplantation and Cellular Therapy Vol.28, pp.46.e1-46.e7 -
Impact of the human leucocyte antigen (HLA)-B leader peptide dimorphism and HLA-A expression on outcomes of stem cell transplantation for sickle cell disease
Cappelli B, Scigliuolo G, Boukouaci W, Rafii H, Volt F, Kenzey C, Maio K T, Chabannon C, Corbacioglu S, Rocha V, Ruggeri A, Gluckman E, Tamouza R
BJH doi: 10.1111/bjh.17665 -
Systematic review/meta-analysis on efficacy of allogeneic HCT in sickle cell disease: an international effort on behalf of the Pediatric Diseases Working Party of EBMT and the Sickle Cell Transplantation International Consortium
Iqbal M, Reljic T, Corbacioglu S, de la Fuente J, Gluckman E, Kumar A, Yassine F, Ayala E, El-Jawahri A, Murthy H, Almohareb F, Hashmi S K, Cappelli B, Alahmari A, Scigliuolo G, Kassim A, Aljurf M, Kharfan-Dabaja M A
Transplantation and Cellular Therapy 27(2): 167.e1-167.e12 -
Alternative donor hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for sickle cell disease in Europe
Gluckman E, Cappelli B, Scigliuolo G, De la Fuente J, Corbacioglu S
Hematol Oncol Stem Cell Ther pii: S1658-3876(20)30034-0 -
Human leukocyte antigen matched unrelated donors for patients with sickle cell disease: results of international donor searches
Tozatto-Maio K, Torres M A, Degaide N H S, Cardoso J F, Volt F, Silva Pinto A C, Oliveira D, Elayoubi H, Kashima S, Loiseau P, Veelken J H, Ferster A, Cappelli B, Rodrigues E S, Scigliuolo G, Kenzey C, Ruggeri A, Rocha V, Simões B P, Tamouza R, Gluckman E
Biol Blood Marrow Transplant -
Polymorphisms in Inflammatory Genes Modulate Clinical Complications in Patients With Sickle Cell Disease
Tozatto-Maio K, Girot R, Ly I D, Silva Pinto A C, Rocha V, Fernandes F, Diagne I, Benzerara Y, Dinardo C L, Pavan Soler J, Kashima S, Araujo I L, Kenzey C, Fonseca G H H , Rodrigues E S, Volt F, Jarduli L, Ruggeri A, Mariaselvam C, Gualandro S F M , Rafii H, Cappelli B, Melo Nogueira F, Scigliuolo G, Guerino-Cunha R L, Ribeiro-Malmegrim K, Simoes B P, Gluckman E, Tamouza R
Front Immunol 11: 2041 -
Risk score to predict event-free survival after hematopoietic cell transplant for sickle cell disease
Brazauskas R, Scigliuolo G, Wang H-L, Cappelli B, Ruggeri A, Fitzhugh C D, Hankins J S, Kanter J, Meerpohl J J, Panepinto J A, Rondelli D, Shenoy S, Walters M C, Wagner J E, Tisdale J F, Gluckman E, Eapen M
Blood 136(5): 623-626 -
The role of HLA matching in unrelated donor hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for sickle cell disease in Europe
Gluckman E, Fuente J, Cappelli B, Scigliuolo G, Volt F, Tozzato-Maio K, Rocha V, Tommaso M, O'Boyle F, Smiers F, Cunha-Riehm C B D , Calore E, Bonanomi S, Graphakos S, Paisiou A, Albert M H, Ruggeri A, Zecca M, Lankester A C, Corbacioglu S, Paediatric Diseases (PDWP), Inborn Errors Working Parties (IEWP) of the EBMT
Bone Marrow Transplant 55: 1946-1954 -
Risk factors and outcomes according to age at transplantation with an HLA-identical sibling for sickle cell disease
Cappelli B, Volt F, Tozatto-Maio K, Scigliuolo G, Ferster A, Dupont S, Pinto Simoes B, Al-Seraihy A, Aljurf M D, Almohareb F, Belendez C, Matthes S, Dhedin N, Pondarre C, Dalle J-H, Bertrand Y, Vannier J-P, Kuentz M, Lutz P, Michel G, Rafii H, Neven B, Zecca M, Bader P, Cavazzana M, Labopin M, Locatelli F, Magnani A, Ruggeri A, Rocha V, Corbacioglu SJ, Bernaudin F, de La Fuente J, Corbacioglu S, Gluckman E
Haematologica 104(6)