Annuaire du CSM

Technicienne Supérieure - Équipe Écophysiologie et ÉcologieTel. +377 97 77 44 87
Email : [javascript protected email address]
Thèmes de recherche développés
Aquariologie : maintenance de coraux. Mise en place de systèmes expérimentaux.
Biochimie : extraction et dosage de protéines, lipides et chlorophylles.
Photosynthèse, absorption et dosage de sels nutritifs, dosage de carbone liquide organique et inorganique.
Mission : préparation du matériel, échantillonnage en mer de l'eau, du sédiment, du plancton et de gorgones profondes, vie sur un bateau.
Biologie moléculaire : extraction et dosage d'ADN et ARN, PCR.
Rédaction de protocoles, traitements de données, formation des étudiants et stagiaires au travail sur paillasse.
Plongeur scientifique.
Publications CSM
Symbiotic stony and soft corals: Is their host-algae relationship really mutualistic at lower mesophotic reefs?
Ferrier-Pagès C, Bednarz V, Grover R, Benayahu Y, Maguer J-F, Rottier C, Wiedenmann J, Fine M
Limnol Oceanogr 67: 261-271 -
Dendrophylliidae cold-water corals in a warm ocean: The effect of exposure duration on their physiological response
Reynaud S, Orejas C, Campagno A, Rottier C, Jimenez C, Ferrier-Pagès C
Deep Sea Res. Part II, Trop Stud Oceanogr. 193: 104962 -
Dissolved Nitrogen Acquisition in the Symbioses of Soft and Hard Corals With Symbiodiniaceae: A Key to Understanding Their Different Nutritional Strategies?
Pupier C, Grover R, Fine M, Rottier C, van de Water J A J M, Ferrier-Pagès C
Front Microbiol 12(657759) -
Low levels of ultra-violet radiation mitigate the deleterious effects of nitrate and thermal stress on coral photosynthesis
Blanckaert A, Marangoni L, Rottier C, Grover R, Ferrier-Pagès C
Mar Pollut Bull 167: 112257 -
Symbiont regulation in Stylophora pistillata during cold stress: an acclimation mechanism against oxidative stress and severe bleaching
Marangoni L, Rottier C, Ferrier-Pagès C
J Exp Biol 224: jeb235275 -
The reef building coral Stylophora pistillata uses stored carbohydrates to maintain ATP levels under thermal stress
Kochman N, Grover R, Rottier C, Ferrier-Pagès C, Fine M
Coral Reefs -
Artificial light at night (ALAN) alters the physiology and biochemistry of symbiotic reef building corals
Marangoni L, Levy O, Cohen J I, Rottier C, Béraud E, Grover R, Ferrier-Pagès C
Environ Pollut 266, Part 2: 114987 -
Effect of temperature and feeding on carbon budgets and O2 dynamics in Pocillopora damicornis
Lyndby N H, Holm J B, Wangpraseurt D, Grover R, Rottier C, Kühl M, Ferrier-Pagès C
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 652: 49-62 -
Unravelling the different causes of nitrate and ammonium effects on coral bleaching
Marangoni L, Ferrier-Pagès C, Rottier C, Bianchini A, Grover R
Sci Rep 10: 11975 -
Nutrient starvation impairs the trophic plasticity of reef‐building corals under ocean warming
Ezzat L, Maguer J-F, Grover R, Rottier C, Tremblay P, Ferrier-Pagès C
Funct Ecol 33(4): 643-653 -
Productivity and carbon fluxes depend on species and symbiont density in soft coral symbioses
Pupier C, Fine M, Bednarz V, Rottier C, Grover R, Ferrier-Pagès C
Sci Rep 9: 17819 -
Response of the temperate scleractinian coral Cladocora caespitosa to high temperature and long-term nutrient enrichment
Hadjioannou L, Jimenez C, Rottier C, Sfenthourakis S, Ferrier-Pagès C
Sci Rep 9(1): 14229 -
Enhancement of coral calcification via the interplay of nickel and urease
Biscere T, Ferrier-Pagès C, Grover R, Gilbert A, Rottier C, Wright A, Payri C, Houlbrèque F
Aquat Toxicol 200: 247-256 -
Effects of temperature and UVR on organic matter fluxes and the metabolic activity of Acropora muricata
Courtial L, Ferrier-Pagès C, Jacquet S, Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Reynaud S, Rottier C, Houlbrèque F
Biology Open 6(8): 1190-1199 -
Seasonal Stability in the Microbiomes of Temperate Gorgonians and the Red Coral Corallium rubrum Across the Mediterranean Sea
van de Water J A J M, Voolstra C, Rottier C, Cocito S, Peirano A, Allemand D, Ferrier-Pagès C
Microb Ecol 75(1): 274-288 -
The c-Jun N-terminal kinase prevents oxidative stress induced by UV and thermal stresses in corals and human cells
Picco V, Courtial L, Grover R, Cormerais Y, Rottier C, Labbe A, Pagès G, Ferrier-Pagès C
Sci Rep 7: 45713 -
Physiological response of the cold-water coral Desmophyllum dianthus to thermal stress and ocean acidification
Gori A, Ferrier-Pagès C, Hennige S J, Murray F, Rottier C, Wicks L C, Roberts J M
PeerJ 4: e1606 -
Among-species variation in the energy budgets of reef-building corals: scaling from coral polyps to communities
Hoogenboom M, Rottier C, Sikorski S, Ferrier-Pagès C
J Exp Biol 218: 3866-3877 -
Photophysiology and daily primary production of a temperate symbiotic gorgonian
Ferrier-Pagès C, Reynaud S, Béraud E, Rottier C, Menu D, Duong G, Gevaert F
Photosyn Res 123(1): 95-104 -
Thermally tolerant corals have limited capacity to acclimatize to future warming
Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Hoogenboom M, Rottier C, Ramos-Espla A, Baker A C, Fine M, Ferrier-Pagès C
Glob Chang Biol 20(10): 3036-3049 -
Nutrient acquisition in four Mediterranean gorgonian species
Cocito S, Ferrier-Pagès C, Cupido R, Rottier C, Meier-Augenstein W, Kemp H, Reynaud S, Peirano A
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 473: 179-188 -
The response of the scleractinian coral Turbinaria reniformis to thermal stress depends on the nitrogen status of the coral holobiont
Béraud E, Gevaert F, Rottier C, Ferrier-Pagès C
J Exp Biol 216(14): 2665-2674 -
Controlling effects of irradiance and heterotrophy on carbon translocation in the temperate coral Cladocora caespitosa
Tremblay P, Ferrier-Pagès C, Maguer J-F, Rottier C, Legendre L, Grover R
PLoS ONE 7(9): e44672 -
Mucus composition and bacterial communities associated with the tissue and skeleton of three scleractinian corals maintained under culture conditions
Tremblay P, Weinbauer M G, Rottier C, Guerardel Y, Nozais C, Ferrier-Pagès C
J Mar Biolog Assoc. U.K. 91(3): 649-657 -
Summer autotrophy and winter heterotrophy in the temperate symbiotic coral Cladocora caespitosa
Ferrier-Pagès C, Peirano A, Abbate M, Cocito S, Negri A, Rottier C, Riera P, Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Reynaud S
Limnol Oceanogr 56(4): 1429-1438 -
Experimental assessment of the feeding effort of three scleractinian coral species during a thermal stress: Effect on the rates of photosynthesis
Ferrier-Pagès C, Rottier C, Béraud E, Levy O
J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 390(2): 118-124