Scientific Directory

Dr Philippe GANOT
Chargé de Recherche - Unité de Recherche CSM-CHANELTel. +377 97 77 44 76
Email : [javascript protected email address]
CV 2018
Thèmes de recherche développés
Utilisant des approches combinant la génomique, la transcriptomique, la phylogénie et l’imagerie confocale, mes thématiques de recherches englobent les mécanismes moléculaires de la calcification chez les coraux, l’évolution au sein du phylum Animalia de ces acteurs moléculaires, ainsi que la compréhension des processus régissant le développement des colonies d’individus que forment les polypes chez les coraux.
Publications CSM
Polyp dimorphism in the Mediterranean Red Coral Corallium rubrum: siphonozooids are precursors to autozooids
Loentgen G, Parks S K, Allemand D, Tambutté S, Ganot P
FMarS 12:1512361 -
Coral Calcification at the Cellular Scale: Insight Through the ‘Window’ of the Growing Edge
Venn A A, Tambutté E, Zoccola D, Capasso L, Allemand D, Caminiti Segonds N, Técher N, Ganot P, Tambutté S
FronInPhy 1:7, 343-397 -
In vivo injection of exogenous molecules into octocorals: Application to the study of calcification
Forin C, Loentgen G, Allemand D, Tambutté S, Ganot P
Limnol Oceanogr Methods 3.10610 -
An alternative and effective method for extracting skeletal organic matrix adapted to the red coral Corallium rubrum
Ganot P, Loentgen G, Marin F, Plasseraud L, Allemand D, Tambutté S
Biology Open bio.059536; 19 -
SpiAMT1d: molecular characterization, localization, and potential role in coral calcification of an ammonium transporter in Stylophora pistillata
Capasso L, Zoccola D, Ganot P, Aranda M, Tambutté S
Coral Reefs 10.1007 -
Intracellular pH regulation: characterization and functional investigation of H+ transporters in Stylophora pistillata
Capasso L, Ganot P, Planas-Bielsa V, Tambutté S, Zoccola D
BMC Mol Cell Biol 22(1): 18 -
The skeletome of the red coral Corallium rubrum indicates an independent evolution of biomineralization process in octocorals
Le Roy N, Ganot P, Aranda M, Allemand D, Tambutté S
BMC Ecol Evol 21(1): 1-21 -
A role for primary cilia in coral calcification?
Tambutté E, Ganot P, Venn A A, Tambutté S,
Cell Tissue Res -
Ubiquitous macropinocytosis in anthozoans
Ganot P, Tambutté E, Caminiti Segonds N, Toullec G, Allemand D, Tambutté S
Elife 9: e50022 -
Carbonic Anhydrases in Cnidarians: Novel Perspectives from the Octocorallian Corallium rubrum
Le Goff C, Ganot P, Zoccola D, Caminiti Segonds N, Allemand D, Tambutté S
PLoS ONE 11(8): e0160368 -
Bicarbonate transporters in corals point towards a key step in the evolution of cnidarian calcification
Zoccola D, Ganot P, Bertucci A, Caminiti Segonds N, Técher N, Voolstra C R, Aranda M, Tambutté E, Allemand D, Casey J R, Tambutté S
Sci Rep 5: 9983 -
Structural molecular components of Septate Junctions in cnidarians point to the origin of epithelial junctions in Eukaryotes
Ganot P, Zoccola D, Tambutté E, Voolstra C R, Aranda M, Allemand D, Tambutté S
Mol Biol Evol 32(1): 44-62 -
Regulation of intracellular pH in cnidarians: response to acidosis in Anemonia viridis
Laurent J, Venn A A, Tambutté E, Ganot P, Allemand D, Tambutté S
FEBS J 281(3): 683-695