Les récifs coralliens couvrent environ 284 000km2, soit 15 % de la surface des fonds de 0 à 30 m de l'océan mondial. Ce sont des formations sous-marines constituées de squelettes calcaires appartenant aux organismes qui les construisent, les coraux. On distingue deux catégories de récifs coralliens: les récifs d’eau froide et les récifs tropicaux. Les récifs d’eau froide sont situés en grande profondeur (> 150 m) et peuplent tous les fonds marins, des régions polaires jusqu’aux régions équatoriales. Les récifs tropicaux se répartissent entre les latitudes 30° Nord et 30° Sud. Leur extension est principalement limitée par la température, la salinité et la charge sédimentaire de l'eau de mer. La partie active des récifs tropicaux n'excède pas une profondeur de 80 à 150 m, variable selon la pénétration de la lumière dans l'eau et donc selon la turbidité. Les récifs en général sont les analogues sous-marins des forêts primaires. Ils font partie des écosystèmes les plus riches et diversifiés de la planète, car ils hébergent le quart des espèces marines connues. Ainsi, ils jouent également un rôle économique majeur pour les pays qu’ils bordent, de part les activités de pêche, de tourisme, et de protection des côtes.
Les coraux constructeurs de récifs forment des colonies généralement composées d’un grand nombre d’entités dénommées polypes. Les polypes sont l’équivalent de petites méduses: un sac entouré de tentacules qui servent à capturer des proies. La taille des polypes varie d’une espèce à l’autre, du millimètre à plusieurs centimètres. Tous les polypes sont connectés les uns aux autres et reposent sur un squelette calcaire. Alors que les coraux profonds ne vivent pas en symbiose avec des algues, les coraux tropicaux contiennent dans leurs tissus des dinoflagellés symbiotiques. Ces dinoflagellés transfèrent la plupart des produits de leur photosynthèse à l’animal hôte pour sa propre nutrition. Les coraux et leurs algues symbiotiques exigent un environnement très stable pour se développer. Tout stress environnemental peut rompre la symbiose et provoquer l’expulsion des algues. Les coraux deviennent alors totalement blancs (blanchissement corallien) et ils peuvent en mourir.
Corals and Coral Reefs
Récif corallien © J. van de Water (CSM)
Récif corallien © J. van de Water (CSM)
Récif corallien © J. van de Water (CSM)
Récif corallien © A. Venn (CSM)
Récif corallien © A. Venn (CSM)
Bacterial symbionts of the precious coral Corallium rubrum are differentially distributed across colony-specific compartments and differ among colormorphs
van de Water J A J M, Allemand D, Ferrier-Pagès C
Environ Microbiol Rep 16(2): e13236 -
Contrasting effects of increasing dissolved iron on photosynthesis and O2 availability in the gastric cavity of two Mediterranean corals
Dellisanti W, Zhang Q, Ferrier-Pagès C, Kühl M
PeerJ 2024 Apr 29:12:e17259 -
Coral Calcification at the Cellular Scale: Insight Through the ‘Window’ of the Growing Edge
Venn A A, Tambutté E, Zoccola D, Capasso L, Allemand D, Caminiti Segonds N, Técher N, Ganot P, Tambutté S
FronInPhy 1:7, 343-397 -
Editorial: Optics and ecophysiology of coral reef organisms: volume II
Bollati E, Wangpraseurt D, Larkum A W D, Ferrier-Pagès C, Kühl M
FMarS 11:1367849 -
Heterotrophy in marine animal forests in an era of climate change
Denis V, Ferrier-Pagès C, Schubert N, Coppari M, Baker D M, Camp E F, Gori A, Grottoli A G, Houlbrèque F, Maier S R, Mancinelli G, Martinez S, Yalçın Özdilek Ş, Radice V Z, Ribes M, Richter C, Viladrich N, Rossi S
Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc 99(3):965-978 -
In vivo injection of exogenous molecules into octocorals: Application to the study of calcification
Forin C, Loentgen G, Allemand D, Tambutté S, Ganot P
Limnol Oceanogr Methods 3.10610 -
Increased coral biomineralization due to enhanced symbiotic activity upon volcanic ash exposure
Förster F, Reynaud S, Sauzéat L, Ferrier-Pagès C, Samankassou E, Sheldrake T E
Sci Total Environ 912:168694 -
Insights into the occurrence of phylosymbiosis and co‑phylogeny in the holobionts of octocorals from the Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea
Prioux C, Ferrier-Pagès C, Deter J, Tignat-Perrier R, Guilbert A, Ballesta L, Allemand D, van de Water J A J M
anim microbiome 6, 62 (2024) -
Metatranscriptomics of Host/Coral-associated Bacterial Communities: Enrichment of bacterial mRNA for metatranscriptomics through sequential polyA(+)-mRNA and rRNA subtractions
van de Water J A J M, Ferrier-Pagès C, Voolstra C R
zenodo 10475223 -
Myriad Mapping of nanoscale minerals reveals calcium carbonate hemihydrate in forming nacre and coral biominerals
Schmidt C A, Tambutté E, Venn A A, Zou Z, Castillo Alvarez C, Devriendt L S, Bechtel H A, Stifler C A, Anglemyer S, Breit C P, Foust C L, Hopanchuk A, Klaus C N, Kohler I J, LeCloux I M, Mezera J, Patton M R, Purisch A, Quach V, Sengkhammee J S, Sristy T, Vattem S, Walch E J, Albéric M, Politi Y, Fratzl P, Tambutté S, Gilbert P U P A
Nat Commun 15:1812 (2024) -
Nutrient depletion and heat stress impair the assimilation of nitrogen compounds in a scleractinian coral
Crehan O, Davy S K, Grover R, Ferrier-Pagès C
J Exp Biol 227(8):jeb246466 -
Quantification of cytosolic ‘free’ calcium in isolated coral cells with confocal microscopy
Venn A A, Técher N, Caminiti Segonds N, Tambutté E, Tambutté S
J Exp Biol 227(19):jeb247638 -
Spatial variability of and effect of light on the coelenteron pH of a reef coral
Crovetto L, Venn A A, Sevilgen D, Tambutté S, Tambutté E
Comm Biol 7, 246(2024) -
Unveiling the importance of heterotrophy for coral symbiosis under heat stress
Martinez S, Grover R, Ferrier-Pagès C
Mbio 15(10): e0196624
A comparison of SNARF-1 and skeletal δ11B estimates of calcification media pH in tropical coral
Allison N, Venn A A, Tambutté S, Tambutté E, Wilckens F K, Kasemann S A, EIMF
Geochim Cosmochim Acta 355 (2023) : 184-194 -
Differences in carbonate chemistry up‐regulation of long‐lived reef‐building corals
Canesi M, Douville E, Montagna P, Taviani M, Stolarski J, Bordier L, Dapoigny A, Coulibaly G E H, Simon A-C, Agelou M, Fin J, Metzl N, Iwankow G, Allemand D, Planes S, Moulin C, Lombard F, Bourdin G, Troublé R, Agostini S, Banaigs B, Boissin E, Boss E, Bowler C, de Vargas C, Flores M, Forcioli D, Furla P, Gilson E, Galand P E, Pesant S, Sunagawa S, Thomas O P, Vega Thurber R, Voolstra C R, Wincker P, Zoccola D, Reynaud S
Sci Rep (2023) 13:11589 -
Different environmental response strategies in sympatric corals from Pacific Islands
Porro B, Zamoum T, Forcioli D, Gilson E, Poquet A, Di Franco E, Barnay-Verdier S, Lombard F, Voolstra C R, Hume B C C, Galand P E, Moulin C, Boissin E, Bourdin G, Iwankow G, Poulain J, Romac S, Agostini S, Banaigs B, Boss E, Bowler C, de Vargas C, Douville E, Flores M, Pesant S, Reynaud S, Sullivan M B, Sunagawa S, Thomas O P, Troublé R, Vega Thurber R, Wincker P, Zoccola D, Planes S, Allemand D, Röttinger E, Furla P
Commun Earth Environ 4, 311 (2023) -
Disparate genetic divergence patterns in three corals across a pan-Pacific environmental gradient highlight species-specific adaptation
Voolstra C R, Hume B C C, Armstrong E J, Mitushasi G, Porro B, Oury N, Agostini S, Boissin E, Poulain J, Carradec Q, Paz-Garcia D A, Zoccola D, Magalon H, Moulin C, Bourdin G, Iwankow G, Romac S, Banaigs B, Boss E, Bowler C, de Vargas C, Douville E, Flores M, Furla P, Galand P E, Gilson E, Lombard F, Pesant S, Reynaud S, Sullivan M B, Sunagawa S, Thomas O P, Troublé R, Vega Thurber R, Wincker P, Planes S, Allemand D, Forcioli D
npj biodivers 2, 15 (2023) -
Diversity of the Pacific Ocean coral reef microbiome
Galand P E, Ruscheweyh H-J, Salazar G, Hochart C, Henry N, Hume B C C, Oliveira P H, Perdereau A, Labadie K, Belser C, Boissin E, Romac S, Poulain J, Bourdin G, Iwankow G, Moulin C, Armstrong E J, Paz-Garcia D A, Ziegler M, Agostini S, Banaigs B, Boss E, Bowler C, de Vargas C, Douville E, Flores M, Forcioli D, Furla P, Gilson E, Lombard F, Pesant S, Reynaud S, Thomas O P, Troublé R, Zoccola D, Voolstra C R, Vega Thurber R, Sunagawa S, Wincker P, Allemand D, Planes S
Nat Commun 14: 3039 (2023) -
Ecology of Endozoicomonadaceae in three coral genera across the Pacific Ocean
Hochart C, Paoli L, Ruscheweyh H-J, Salazar G, Boissin E, Romac S, Poulain J, Bourdin G, Iwankow G, Moulin C, Ziegler M, Porro B, Armstrong E J, Hume B C C, Aury J-M, Pogoreutz C, Paz-Garcia D A, Nugues M M, Agostini S, Banaigs B, Boss E, Bowler C, de Vargas C, Douville E, Flores M, Forcioli D, Furla P, Gilson E, Lombard F, Pesant S, Reynaud S, Thomas O P, Troublé R, Wincker P, Zoccola D, Allemand D, Planes S, Vega Thurber R, Voolstra C R, Sunagawa S, Galand P E
Nat Commun 14: 3037 (2023) -
Endogenous viral elements reveal associations between a non-retroviral RNA virus and symbiotic dinoflagellate genomes
Veglia A J, Bistolas K S I, Voolstra C R, Hume B C C, Ruscheweyh H-J, Planes S, Allemand D, Boissin E, Wincker P , Poulain J, Moulin C, Bourdin G, Iwankow G, Romac S, Agostini S, Banaigs B, Boss E, Bowler C, de Vargas C, Douville E, Flores M, Forcioli D, Furla P, Galand P E, Gilson E, Lombard F, Pesant S, Reynaud S, Sunagawa S, Thomas O P, Troublé R, Zoccola D, Correa A M S, Vega Thurber R
Comm Biol 6: 566 (2023) -
Holobiont responses of mesophotic precious red coral Corallium rubrum to thermal anomalies
Tignat-Perrier R, van de Water J A J M, Allemand D, Ferrier-Pagès C
Environ Microbiome 18, 70 (2023) -
Host transcriptomic plasticity and photosymbiotic fidelity underpin Pocillopora acclimatization across thermal regimes in the Pacific Ocean
Armstrong E J, Lê-Hoang J, Carradec Q, Aury J-M, Noel B, Hume B C C, Voolstra C R, Poulain J, Belser C, Paz-Garcia D A, Cruaud C, Labadie K, Da Silva C, Moulin C, Boissin E, Bourdin G, Iwankow G, Romac S, Agostini S, Banaigs B, Boss E, Bowler C, de Vargas C, Douville E, Flores M, Forcioli D, Furla P, Galand P E, Gilson E, Lombard F, Pesant S, Reynaud S, Sullivan M B, Sunagawa S, Thomas O P, Troublé R, Vega Thurber R, Zoccola D, Planes S, Allemand D, Wincker P
Nat Commun 14: 3056 (2023) -
In vivo observation of lipid droplets in coral calcifying cells: fat stores to fuel the reef‐building process?
Chatin B, Venn A A, Tambutté E, Tambutté S
Coral Reefs 42, 1379-1384 (2023) -
Integrative omics framework for characterization of coral reef ecosystems from the Tara Pacific expedition
Belser C, Poulain J, Labadie K, Gavory F, Alberti A, Guy J, Carradec Q, Cruaud C, Da Silva C, Engelen S, Mielle P, Perdereau A, Samson G, Gas S, Genoscope Technical Team, Voolstra C R, Galand P E, Flores J M, Hume B C C, Perna G, Ziegler M, Ruscheweyh H-J, Boissin E, Romac S, Bourdin G, Iwankow G, Moulin C, Paz Garcia D A, Agostini S, Banaigs B, Boss E, Bowler C, de Vargas C, Douville E, Forcioli D, Furla P, Gilson E, Lombard F, Pesant S, Reynaud S, Sunagawa S, Thomas O P, Troublé R, Vega Thurber R, Zoccola D, Scarpelli C, Jacoby E, Oliveira P H, Aury J-M, Allemand D, Planes S, Wincker P
Nat Commun 10: 326 (2023) -
Mitigating the ecological collapse of coral reef ecosystems
Voolstra C R, Peixoto R S, Ferrier-Pagès C
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Multi-omics determination of metabolome diversity in natural coral populations in the Pacific Ocean
Reddy M M, Goossens C, Zhou Y, Chaib S, Raviglione D, Nicolè F, Hume B C C, Forcioli D, Agostini S, Boissin E, Boss E, Bowler C, de Vargas C, Douville E, Flores M, Furla P, Galand P E, Gilson E, Lombard F, Pesant S, Reynaud S, Sullivan M B, Sunagawa S, Troublé R, Vega Thurber R, Wincker P, Zoccola D, Voolstra C R, Allemand D, Planes S, Thomas O P, Banaigs B
Commun Earth Environ 4, 281 (2023) -
Natural hypoxic conditions do not affect the respiration rates of the cold-water coral Desmophyllum pertusum (Lophelia pertusa) living in the Angola margin (Southeastern Atlantic Ocean)
Gori A, Orejas C, Mienis F, Ferrier-Pagès C, Bilan M, Flöter S, Reynaud S, Sweetman A K, Murray Roberts J, Wienberg C, Hebbeln D
Deep-sea Res, Part I, Oceanogr Res Pap. 197:104052 -
Nutrient starvation and nitrate pollution impairs the assimilation of dissolved organic phosphorus in coral-Symbiodiniaceae symbiosis
Blanckaert A, Grover R, Marcus M-I, Ferrier-Pagès C
Sci Total Environ Vol.8, Part 2, 159944 -
Nutritional ecology of temperate octocorals in a warming ocean
Lange K, Maguer J-F, Reynaud S, Ferrier-Pagès C
FMarS 10:1236164 -
Open science resources from the Tara Pacific expedition across coral reef and surface ocean ecosystems
Lombard F, Bourdin G, Pesant S, Agostini S, Baudena A, Boissin E, Cassar N, Clampitt M, Conan P, Da Silva O, Dimier C, Douville E, Elineau A, Fin J, Flores J M, Ghiglione J-F, Hume B C C, Jalabert L, John S G, Kelly R L, Koren I, Lin Y, Marie D, McMinds R, Mériguet Z, Metzl N, Paz-Garcia D A, Pedrotti M L, Poulain J, Pujo-Pay M, Ras J, Reverdin G, Romac S, Rouan A, Röttinger E, Vardi A, Voolstra C R, Moulin C, Iwankow G, Banaigs B, Bowler C, de Vargas C, Forcioli D, Furla P, Galand P E, Gilson E, Reynaud S, Sunagawa S, Sullivan M B, Thomas O P, Troublé R, Vega Thurber R, Wincker P, Zoccola D, Allemand D, Planes S, Boss E, Gorsky G
Nat Commun 10 : 324 (2023) -
Pervasive tandem duplications and convergent evolution shape coral genomes
Noel B, Denoeud F, Rouan A, Buitrago-Lopez C, Capasso L, Poulain J, Boissin E, Pousse M, Da Silva C, Couloux A, Armstrong E, Carradec Q, Cruaud C, Labadie K, Lê-Hoang J, Tambutté S, Barbe V, Moulin C, Bourdin G, Iwankow G, Romac S, Agostini S, Banaigs B, Boss E, Bowler C, de Vargas C, Douville E, Flores J-M, Forcioli D, Furla P, Galand P E, Lombard F, Pesant S, Reynaud S, Sullivan M B, Sunagawa S, Thomas O P, Troublé R, Vega Thurber R, Allemand D, Planes S, Gilson E, Zoccola D, Wincker P, Voolstra C R, Aury J-M
Genome Biol (2023)24:123 -
Species-Specific Response of Corals to Imbalanced Ratios of Inorganic Nutrients
Blanckaert A, Biscéré T, Grover R, Ferrier-Pagès C
Int J Mol Sci 24(4), 3119 -
Telomere DNA length regulation is influenced by seasonal temperature differences in short-lived but not in long-lived reef-building corals
Rouan A, Pousse M, Djerbi N, Porro B, Bourdin G, Carradec Q, Hume B C C, Poulain J, Lê-Hoang J, Armstrong E, Agostini S, Salazar G, Ruscheweyh H-J, Aury J-M, Paz-Garcia D A, McMinds R, Giraud-Panis M-J, Deshuraud R, Ottaviani A, Die Morini L, Leone C, Wurzer L, Tran J, Zoccola D, Pey A, Moulin C, Boissin E, Iwankow G, Romac S, de Vargas C, Banaigs B, Boss E, Bowler C, Douville E, Flores M, Reynaud S, Thomas O P, Troublé R, Vega Thurber R, Planes S, Allemand D, Pesant S, Galand P E, Wincker P, Sunagawa S, Röttinger E, Furla P, Voolstra C R, Forcioli D, Lombard F, Gilson E
Nat Commun 14: 3038 (2023) -
Testing hypotheses on the calcification in scleractinian corals using a spatio-temporal model that shows a high degree of robustness
Willard H F, Deutekom E S, Allemand D, Tambutté S, Kaandorp J A
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The effects of dissolved organic matter supplements on the metabolism of corals under heat stress
Lange K, Reynaud S, de Goeij J M, Ferrier-Pagès C
Limnol Oceanogr 10.1002/lno.12456 -
The pressures and opportunities for coral reef preservation and restoration in the Maldives
Hilmi N, Basu R, Crisóstomo M, Lebleu L, Claudet J, Seveso D
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Unveiling microbiome changes in Mediterranean octocorals during the 2022 marine heatwaves: quantifying key bacterial symbionts and potential pathogens
Prioux C, Tignat-Perrier R, Gervais O, Estaque T, Schull Q, Reynaud S, Béraud E, Mérigot B , Beauvieux A, Marcus M-I, Richaume J, Bianchimani O, Cheminée A, Allemand D, Ferrier-Pagès C
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What are the toxicity thresholds of chemical pollutants for tropical reef-building corals? A systematic review
Ouédraogo D-Y, Mell H, Perceval O, Burga K, Domart-Coulon I, Hédouin L, Delaunay M, Guillaume M M M, Castelin M, Calvayrac C, Kerkhof O, Sordello R, Reyjol Y, Ferrier-Pagès C
Environ Evid 12, 4 (2023)
Acute exposure to perfluorooctane sulfonate exacerbates heat-induced oxidative stress in a tropical coral species
Bednarz V, Choyke S, Marangoni L, Otto E I, Béraud E, Metian M, Tolosa I, Ferrier-Pagès C
Environ Pollut Vol. 302, 119054 -
An alternative and effective method for extracting skeletal organic matrix adapted to the red coral Corallium rubrum
Ganot P, Loentgen G, Marin F, Plasseraud L, Allemand D, Tambutté S
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Coral holobionts and biotechnology: from Blue Economy to coral reef conservation
van de Water J A J M, Tignat-Perrier R, Allemand D, Ferrier-Pagès C
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Desert dust deposition supplies essential bioelements to Red Sea corals
Blanckaert A, Omanović D, Fine M, Grover R, Ferrier-Pagès C
Glob Chang Biol Vol. 28, No. 7, pp. 2341-2359 -
Faster Crystallization during Coral Skeleton Formation Correlates with Resilience to Ocean Acidification
Schmidt C A, Stifler C A, Luffey E L, Fordyce B I, Ahmed A, Pujol G B, Breit C P, Davison S S, Klaus C N, Koehler I J, LeCloux I M, Diaz C M, Nguyen C M, Quach V, Sengkhammee J S, Walch E J, Xiong M M, Tambutté E, Tambutté S, , Mass T, Gilbert P U P A
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Informing Coral Reef Conservation Through Metabolomic Approaches
Lawson C A, Camp E, Davy S K, Ferrier-Pagès C, Matthews J, Suggett D J
CoReCoROA CORW volume 15, pp. 179-202 -
Investigating calcification-related candidates in a non-symbiotic scleractinian coral, Tubastraea spp.
Capasso L, Aranda M, Cui G, Pousse M, Tambutté S, Zoccola D
Sci Rep 12, n°13515, 16pp. -
Polystyrene nanoplastics impair the photosynthetic capacities of Symbiodiniaceae and promote coral bleaching
Marangoni L, Béraud E, Ferrier-Pagès C
Sci Total Environ 815 - 152136 -
SpiAMT1d: molecular characterization, localization, and potential role in coral calcification of an ammonium transporter in Stylophora pistillata
Capasso L, Zoccola D, Ganot P, Aranda M, Tambutté S
Coral Reefs 10.1007 -
Symbiodiniaceae Are the First Site of Heterotrophic Nitrogen Assimilation in Reef-Building Corals
Martinez S, Grover R, Baker D M, Ferrier-Pagès C
Mbio 01601-22 -
Symbiont starvation affects the stability of the coral-Symbiodiniaceae symbiosis
Martinez S, Grover R, Ferrier-Pagès C
Front Mar Sci 9:979563 -
Symbiotic stony and soft corals: Is their host-algae relationship really mutualistic at lower mesophotic reefs?
Ferrier-Pagès C, Bednarz V, Grover R, Benayahu Y, Maguer J-F, Rottier C, Wiedenmann J, Fine M
Limnol Oceanogr 67: 261-271 -
The Biology and Biomineralogy of the Red Coral : the Lacaze-Duthiers Legacy
Vielzeuf D, Allemand D, Shick J M, Arnaud V, Bodin S, Bramanti L
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The Effect of Thermal Stress on the Physiology and Bacterial Communities of Two Key Mediterranean Gorgonians
Tignat-Perrier R, van de Water J A J M, Guillemain D, Aurelle D, Allemand D, Ferrier-Pagès C
AEM Vol. 88, No. 6, e02340-21 -
Unified methods in collecting, preserving, and archiving coral bleaching and restoration specimens to increase sample utility and interdisciplinary collaboration
Vega Thurber R, Schmeltzer E R, Grottoli A G, van Woesik R, Toonen R J, Warner M, Dobson K L, McLachlan R H, Barott K, Barshis D J, Baumann J, Chapron L, Combosch D J, Correa A M S, DeCarlo T M, Hagedorn M, Hédouin L, Hoadley K, Felis T, Ferrier-Pagès C, Kenkel C, Kuffner I B, Matthews J, Medina M, Meyer C, Oster C, Price J, Putnam H M, Sawall Y
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Dendrophylliidae cold-water corals in a warm ocean: The effect of exposure duration on their physiological response
Reynaud S, Orejas C, Campagno A, Rottier C, Jimenez C, Ferrier-Pagès C
Deep Sea Res. Part II, Trop Stud Oceanogr. 193: 104962 -
Designing a blueprint for coral reef survival
Kleypas J, Allemand D, Anthony K, Baker A C, Beck M W, Hale L Z, Hilmi N, Hoegh-Guldberg O, Hughes T, Kaufman L, Kayanne H, Magnan A K, Mcleod E, Mumby P, Palumbi S, Richmond R H, Rinkevich B, Steneck R S, Voolstra C R, Wachenfeld D, Gattuso J-P
Biological Conservation 257: 109107 -
Dissolved Nitrogen Acquisition in the Symbioses of Soft and Hard Corals With Symbiodiniaceae: A Key to Understanding Their Different Nutritional Strategies?
Pupier C, Grover R, Fine M, Rottier C, van de Water J A J M, Ferrier-Pagès C
Front Microbiol 12(657759) -
Distribution of seafloor litter and its interaction with benthic organisms in deep waters of the Ligurian Sea (Northwestern Mediterranean)
Angiolillo M, Gérigny O, Valente T, Fabri M-C, Tambutté E, Rouanet E, Claro F, Tunesi L, Vissio A, Daniel B, Galgani F
Sci Total Environ 788, 147745: 1-20 -
Estimating ecotoxicological effects of chemicals on tropical reef-building corals; a systematic review protocol
Ouédraogo D-Y, Perceval O, Ferrier-Pagès C, Domart-Coulon I, Hédouin L, Burga K, Guillaume M M M, Calvayrac C, Castelin M, Reyjol Y, Sordello R
Environ Evid 35 (2021) -
Evidence on the impacts of chemicals arising from human activity on tropical reef-building corals; a systematic map
Ouédraogo D-Y, Delaunay M, Sordello R, Hédouin L, Castelin M, Perceval O, Domart-Coulon I, Burga K, Ferrier-Pagès C, Multon R, Guillaume M M M, Léger C, Calvayrac C, Joannot P, Reyjol Y
Environ Evid 10: 22 -
Intracellular pH regulation: characterization and functional investigation of H+ transporters in Stylophora pistillata
Capasso L, Ganot P, Planas-Bielsa V, Tambutté S, Zoccola D
BMC Mol Cell Biol 22(1): 18 -
Lipid biomarkers reveal the trophic plasticity of octocorals along a depth gradient
Pupier C, Mies M, Fine M, Bastos Francini-Filho R, Pereira Brandini F, Zambotti-Villela L, Colepicolo P, Ferrier-Pagès C
Limnol Oceanogr 66(5): 2078-2087 -
Low levels of ultra-violet radiation mitigate the deleterious effects of nitrate and thermal stress on coral photosynthesis
Blanckaert A, Marangoni L, Rottier C, Grover R, Ferrier-Pagès C
Mar Pollut Bull 167: 112257 -
Manganese benefits heat-stressed corals at the cellular level
Montalbetti E, Biscéré T, Ferrier-Pagès C, Houlbrèque F, Orlandi I, Forcella M, Galli P, Vai M, Seveso D
Front Mar Sci 8: 803 -
New Insights From Transcriptomic Data Reveal Differential Effects of CO2 Acidification Stress on Photosynthesis of an Endosymbiotic Dinoflagellate in hospite
Herrera M, Liew Y J, Venn A A, Tambutté E, Zoccola D, Tambutté S, Cui G, Aranda M
Front Microbiol 12, 666510 -
Noise pollution on coral reefs? — A yet underestimated threat to coral reef communities
Ferrier-Pagès C, Leal M C, Calado R, Schmid D W, Bertucci F, Lecchini D, Allemand D
Mar Pollut Bull 165: 112129 -
Ocean Acidification
Venn A A, Andersson A, Tambutté S
Status of Coral Reefs of the World: 2020 Ch. 4, Box 2, pp.66-67 -
Physiological and molecular responses of lobe coral indicate nearshore adaptations to anthropogenic stressors
Tisthammer K H, Timmins-Schiffman E, Seneca F, Nunn B L, Richmond R H
Sci Rep 11: 3423 -
Selection of mesophotic habitats by Oculina patagonica in the Eastern Mediterranean sea following global warming
Martinez S, Bellworthy J, Ferrier-Pagès C, Mass T
Sci Rep 11: 18134 -
Similar thermal breadth of two temperate coral species from the Mediterranean sea and two tropical coral species from the Great Barrier reef
Jurriaans S, Hoogenboom M O, Ferrier-Pagès C
Coral Reefs 40: 1281-1295 -
Symbiont regulation in Stylophora pistillata during cold stress: an acclimation mechanism against oxidative stress and severe bleaching
Marangoni L, Rottier C, Ferrier-Pagès C
J Exp Biol 224: jeb235275 -
Telomere dysfunction is associated to dark-induced coral bleaching in the reef coral Stylophora pistillata
Rouan A, Pousse M, Tambutté E, Djerbi N, Zozaya W, Capasso L, Zoccola D, Tambutté S, Gilson E
Authorea doi: 10.1111/mec.16199 -
The Effects of Temperature, Light, and Feeding on the Physiology of Pocillopora damicornis, Stylophora pistillata, and Turbinaria reniformis Corals
Dobson K L, Ferrier-Pagès C, Saup C M, Grottoli A G
Water 13(15): 2048 -
The evolution of calcification in reef-building corals
Wang X, Zoccola D, Liew Y J, Tambutté E, Cui G, Allemand D, Tambutté S, Aranda M
Mol Biol Evol 38(9): 3543–3555 -
The invisible threat: how microplastics endanger corals
Bednarz V, Leal M, Béraud E, Ferreira Marques J, Ferrier-Pagès C
Frontiers for Young Minds (9) 574637: 1-8 -
The Molecular Language of the Cnidarian–Dinoflagellate Symbiosis
Rosset S L, Oakley C A, Ferrier-Pagès C, Suggett D J, Weis V M, Davy S K
Trends in Microbiology 4: 320-333 -
The reef building coral Stylophora pistillata uses stored carbohydrates to maintain ATP levels under thermal stress
Kochman N, Grover R, Rottier C, Ferrier-Pagès C, Fine M
Coral Reefs doi.org/10.1007/s00338-021-02174-y -
The skeletome of the red coral Corallium rubrum indicates an independent evolution of biomineralization process in octocorals
Le Roy N, Ganot P, Aranda M, Allemand D, Tambutté S
BMC Ecol Evol 21(1): 1-21 -
Tracing the Trophic Plasticity of the Coral–Dinoflagellate Symbiosis Using Amino Acid Compound-Specific Stable Isotope Analysis
Ferrier-Pagès C, Martinez S, Grover R, Cybulski J, Shemesh E, Tchernov D
Microorganisms 9(1),182 -
Unravelling the importance of diazotrophy in corals - Combined assessment of nitrogen assimilation, diazotrophic community and natural stable isotope signatures
van de Water J A J M, Bednarz V, Grover R, Maguer J-F, Fine M, Ferrier-Pagès C
Front Microbiol 12, 631244
A role for primary cilia in coral calcification?
Tambutté E, Ganot P, Venn A A, Tambutté S,
Cell Tissue Res doi.org/10.1007/s00441-020-03343-1 -
Artificial light at night (ALAN) alters the physiology and biochemistry of symbiotic reef building corals
Marangoni L, Levy O, Cohen J I, Rottier C, Béraud E, Grover R, Ferrier-Pagès C
Environ Pollut 266, Part 2: 114987 -
Coastal urbanization influences human pathogens and microdebris contamination in seafood
Littman R A, Fiorenza E A, Wenger A S, Berry K L E, van de Water J A J M, Nguyen L, Aung S T, Parker D M, Rader D N, Harvell C D, Lamb J B
Sci Total Environ 736: 139081 -
Corail, un trésor à préserver
Calcagno R, Allemand D, Fautrier B
Glénat (Eds) 144p. -
Coral Productivity Is Co-Limited by Bicarbonate and Ammonium Availability
Roberty S, Béraud E, Grover R, Ferrier-Pagès C
Microorganisms 8(5): E640 -
Effect of temperature and feeding on carbon budgets and O2 dynamics in Pocillopora damicornis
Lyndby N H, Holm J B, Wangpraseurt D, Grover R, Rottier C, Kühl M, Ferrier-Pagès C
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 652: 49-62 -
Elevated ammonium delays the impairment of the coral-dinoflagellate symbiosis during labile carbon pollution
Bednarz V, Grover R, Ferrier-Pagès C
Aquat Toxicol 218: 105360 -
From particle attachment to space-filling coral skeletons
Sun C-Y, Stifler C A, Chopdekar R V, Schmidt C A, Parida G, Schoeppler V, Fordyce B I, Brau J H, Mass T, Tambutté S, Gilbert P U P A
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2012025117 -
From Science to Solutions: Ocean acidification Impacts On Select Coral Reefs
Hilmi N, Allemand D, Swarzenski P
Regional Studies in Marine Science Editorial of the Special Issue of Regional Studies in Marine Science, 33: 100957 -
Intercomparison of four methods to estimate coral calcification under various environmental conditions
Gomez Batista M, Metian M, Oberhänsli F, Pouil S, Swarzenski P W, Tambutté E, Gattuso J-P, Alonso Hernandez C M , Gazeau F
Biogeosciences 17: 887-899 -
Leaching of flame-retardants from polystyrene debris: Bioaccumulation and potential effects on coral
Aminot Y, Lanctôt C, Bednarz V, Robson W J, Taylor A, Ferrier-Pagès C, Metian M, Tolosa I
Mar Pollut Bull 151: 110862 -
Local conditions influence the prokaryotic communities associated with the mesophotic black coral Antipathella subpinnata
van de Water J A J M, Coppari M, Enrichetti F, Ferrier-Pagès C, Bo M
Front Microbiol 11, 537813: 1-20 -
Longevity strategies in response to light in the reef coral Stylophora pistillata
Ottaviani A, Eid R, Zoccola D, Pousse M, Dubal J-M, Barajas E, Jamet K, Lebrigand K, Labépie P, Baudoin C, Giraud-Panis M-J, Rouan A, Beauchef G, Guéré C, Vié K, Barbry P, Tambutté S, Gilson E, Allemand D
Sci Rep 10, Article 19937 -
Paracellular transport to the coral calcifying medium: effects of environmental parameters
Venn A A, Bernardet C, Chabenat A, Tambutté E, Tambutté S
J Exp Biol jeb.227074 / doi:10.1242/jeb.227074. -
Physiological stress response of the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata exposed to polyethylene microplastics
Lanctôt C M, Bednarz V, Melvin S, Jacob H, Oberhaensli F, Swarzenski P W, Ferrier-Pagès C, Carroll A R, Metian M
Adaptation and Evolution in Marine Environments 114559 -
Regulation of coral calcification by the acid-base sensing enzyme soluble adenylyl cyclase
Barott L, Venn A A, Thies A B, Tambutté S, Tresguerres M
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 525(3): 576-580 -
Seasonal variation of the stable C and N isotopic composition of the mesophotic black coral Antipathella subpinnata (Ellis & Solander, 1786)
Coppari M, Ferrier-Pagès C, Castellano M, Massa F, Olivari E, Bavestrello G, Povero P, Bo M
Estuar Coast Shelf Sci 233: 106520 -
Tara Pacific expedition’s atmospheric measurements of marine aerosols across the Atlantic and Pacific oceans - Overview and Preliminary results
Flores J M, Bourdin G, Altaratz O, Trainic M, Lang-Yona N, Dzimban E, Steinau S, Tettich F, Planes S, Allemand D, Agostini S, Banaigs B, Boissin E, Boss E, Douville E, Forcioli D, Furla P, Galand P E, Sullivan M, Gilson E, Lombard F, Moulin C, Pesant S, Poulain J, Reynaud S, Romac S, Sunagawa S, Thomas O P, Troublé E, de Vargas C, Vega Thurber R, Voolstra C R, Wincker P, Zoccola D, Bowler C, Gorsky G, Rudich Y, Vardi A, Koren I
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 101(5): E536–E554 -
The Molecular Language of the Cnidarian–Dinoflagellate Symbiosis
Rosset S L, Oakley C A, Ferrier-Pagès C, Suggett D J, Weis V M, Davy S K
Trends in Microbiology https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tim.2020.08.005 -
The World Coral Conservatory (WCC): A Noah’s ark for corals to support survival of reef ecosystems
Zoccola D, Ounaïs N, Barthelemy D, Calcagno R, Gaill F, Henard S, Hoegh-Guldberg O, Janse M, Jaubert J, Putnam H, Salvat B, Voolstra CR, Allemand D
PLoS Biol 18(9): e3000823 -
The World Coral Conservatory (WCC): Offering new hope for corals
Planas-Bielsa V, Benchaouir R, Allemand D, Zoccola D
Ercim News 123: 16-17 -
Ubiquitous macropinocytosis in anthozoans
Ganot P, Tambutté E, Caminiti Segonds N, Toullec G, Allemand D, Tambutté S
Elife 9: e50022 -
Unravelling the different causes of nitrate and ammonium effects on coral bleaching
Marangoni L, Ferrier-Pagès C, Rottier C, Bianchini A, Grover R
Sci Rep 10: 11975 -
What evidence exists on the impacts of chemicals arising from human activity on tropical reef-building corals? A systematic map protocol
Ouédraogo D-Y, Sordello R, Brugneaux S, Burga K, Calvayrac C, Castelin M, Domart-Coulon I, Ferrier-Pagès C, Guillaume M M M, Hédouin L, Joannot P, Perceval O, Reyjol Y
Environ Evid 9(18): 1-8
Bio-optical properties and radiative energy budgets in fed and unfed scleractinian corals (Pocillopora sp.) during thermal bleaching
Lyndby N H, Boiesen Holm J, Wangpraseurt D, Ferrier-Pagès C, Kühl M
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 629: 1-17 -
Biology and Ecophysiology of Mediterranean cold water corals
Reynaud S, Ferrier-Pagès C
Mediterranean Cold-Water Corals: Past, Present and Future 391-404 -
Cold-water corals in aquaria: advances and challenges. A focus on the Mediterranean
Reynaud S, Ferrier-Pagès C
Mediterranean Cold-Water Corals: Past, Present and Future C. Orejas, C. Jiménez (eds.), Coral Reefs of the World 9 -
Comparison of the Sulfonamide Inhibition Profiles of the α-Carbonic Anhydrase Isoforms (SpiCA1, SpiCA2 and SpiCA3) Encoded by the Genome of the Scleractinian Coral Stylophora pistillata
Del Prete S, Bua S, Alasmary F A S, AlOthman Z, Tambutté S, Zoccola D, Supuran C T, Capasso C
Mar Drugs 17(146): 1-11 -
Coral Li/Mg thermometry: Caveats and constraints
Cuny-Guirriec K, Douville E, Reynaud S, Allemand D, Bordier L, Canesi M, Mazzoli C, Taviani M, Canese S, McCulloch M
Chem Geol 523: 162-178 -
Coral reefs of the Red Sea - Challenges and potential solutions
Fine M, Cinar M, Voolstra C, Safa A, Rinkevich B, Laffoley D, Hilmi N, Allemand D
Regional Studies in Marine Science 25: 100198 -
Diazotrophic community and associated dinitrogen fixation within the temperate coral Oculina patagonica
Bednarz V, van de Water J A J M, Rabouille S, Maguer J-F, Grover R, Ferrier-Pagès C
Environ Microbiol 21(1): 480-495 -
Divergent Capacity of Scleractinian and Soft Corals to Assimilate and Transfer Diazotrophically Derived Nitrogen to the Reef Environment
Pupier C, Bednarz V, Grover R, Fine M, Maguer J-F, Ferrier-Pagès C
Front Microbiol 10: 1860 -
Ecological and socioeconomic strategies to sustain Caribbean coral reefs in a high-CO2 world
Andersson A J, Venn A A, Pendleton L, Brathwaite A, Camp E F, Cooley S, Gledhill D, Koch M, Maliki S, Manfrino C
Regional Studies in Marine Science 29: 100677 -
Editorial: Optics and Ecophysiology of Coral Reef Organisms
Wangpraseurt D, Larkum A W D, Ferrier-Pagès C, Salih A, Warner M E, Dubinsky Z, Kühl M
Front Mar Sci 6: 742 -
Effect of salinity and temperature on the expression of genes involved in branchial ion transport processes in European sea bass
Masroor W, Farcy E, Blondeau-Bidet E, Venn A A, Tambutté E, Lorin-Nebel C
J Therm Biol 85: 102422 -
Effects of light and darkness on pH regulation in three coral species exposed to seawater acidification
Venn A A, Tambutté E, Caminiti Segonds N, Técher N, Allemand D, Tambutté S
Sci Rep 9(1):2201 -
Expanding Tara Oceans protocols for underway, ecosystemic sampling of the ocean-atmosphere interface during Tara Pacific Expedition (2016-2018)
Gorsky G, Bourdin G, Lombard F, Pedrotti M L, Audrain S, Bin N, Boss E, Bowler C, Cassar N, Caudan L, Chabot G, Cohen N R, Cron D, De Vargas C, Dolan J R, Douville E, Elineau A, Flores J M, ..., Reynaud S, Sunagawa S, Thomas O P, Vega Thurber R L, Zoccola D, Tara Pacific Consortium, Planes S, Allemand D, Karsenti E
Front Mar Sci 6(750): 1-20 -
Flow-driven micro-scale pH variability affects the physiology of corals and coralline algae under ocean acidification
Comeau S, Cornwall C E, Pupier C, DeCarlo T M, Alessi C, Trehern R, McCulloch M T
Sci Rep 9: 12829 -
Full in vivo characterization of carbonate chemistry at the site of calcification in corals
Sevilgen D, Venn A A, Hu M Y, Tambutté E, de Beer D, Planas-Bielsa V, Tambutté S
Sci Adv 5: eaau7447 -
Ion transporter gene expression is linked to the thermal sensitivity of calcifcation in the reef coral Stylophora pistillata
Bernardet C, Tambutté E, Técher N, Tambutté S, Venn A A
Sci Rep 9: 18676 -
IPCC 2019: Cross-Chapter Box 9: Integrative Cross-Chapter Box on Low-Lying Islands and Coasts.
Magnan A, Garschagen M, Gattuso J-P, Hay J, Hilmi N, Holland E, Federico I, Kofinas G, Petzold J, Ratter B, Schuur T, Tabe T, van de Wal R
IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate H.-O. Pörtner, D.C. Roberts, V. Masson-Delmotte, P. Zhai, M. Tignor, E. Poloczanska, K. Mintenbeck, A. Alegría, M. Nicolai, A. Okem, J. Petzold, B. Rama, N.M. Weyer (eds.) -
Key questions for research and conservation of mesophotic coral ecosystems and temperate mesophotic ecosystems.
Turner J A, Andradi-Brown D A, Gori A, Bongaerts P, Burdett H L, Ferrier-Pagès C, Voolstra C, Weinstein D K, Bridge T, Costantini F, Gress E, Laverick J, Loya Y, Goodbody-Gringley G, Rossi S, Taylor M L, Viladrich N, Voss J D, Williams J, Woodall L C, Eyal G
Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems In: Loya Y., Puglise K., Bridge T. (eds). Coral Reefs of the World, vol 12: 989-1003 -
Les coraux et le changement climatique
Allemand D
Ocean and climate change, Scientific Notes - Plateforme Océan et Climat 2019: 36-49 -
Microscale light management and inherent optical properties of intact corals studied with optical coherence tomography
Wangpraseurt D, Jacques S, Lyndby N, Boiesen Holm J, Ferrier-Pagès C, Kühl M
J R Soc Interface 16(151): 20180567 -
Nutrient starvation impairs the trophic plasticity of reef‐building corals under ocean warming
Ezzat L, Maguer J-F, Grover R, Rottier C, Tremblay P, Ferrier-Pagès C
Funct Ecol 33(4): 643-653 -
Ocean acidification impacts on coral reefs: From sciences to solutions
Allemand D, Osborn D
Regional Studies in Marine Science 28: 100558 -
Peroxynitrite Generation and Increased Heterotrophic Capacity Are Linked to the Disruption of the Coral–Dinoflagellate Symbiosis in a Scleractinian and Hydrocoral Species
Marangoni L, Mies M, Güth A Z, Banha T N S, Inague A, da Silva Fonseca J, Dalmolin C, Coelho Faria S, Ferrier-Pagès C, Bianchini A
Microorganisms 7(10): 426 -
Photochemical response of the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata to some sunscreen ingredients
Fel J-P, Lacherez C, Bensetra A, Mezzache S, Béraud E, Léonard M, Allemand D, Ferrier-Pagès C
Coral Reefs 38(1): 109-122 -
Productivity and carbon fluxes depend on species and symbiont density in soft coral symbioses
Pupier C, Fine M, Bednarz V, Rottier C, Grover R, Ferrier-Pagès C
Sci Rep 9: 17819 -
Rare Earth Elements in early-diagenetic foraminifer ‘coatings’: Pore-water controls and potential palaeoceanographic applications
Skinner L C, Sadekov A, Brandon M, Greaves M, Plancherel Y, De la Fuente M, Gottschalk J, Souanef-Ureta S, Sevilgen D, Scrivner A E
Geochim Cosmochim Acta 245: 118-132 -
Reduced diversity and stability of coral-associated bacterial communities and suppressed immune function precedes disease onset in corals
Pollock F J, Lamb J B, van de Water J A J M, Smith H A, Schaffelke B, Willis B L, Bourne D G
R Soc Open Sci 6: 190355 -
Response of the temperate scleractinian coral Cladocora caespitosa to high temperature and long-term nutrient enrichment
Hadjioannou L, Jimenez C, Rottier C, Sfenthourakis S, Ferrier-Pagès C
Sci Rep 9(1): 14229 -
Society-based solutions to coral reef threats in french pacific territories
Bambridge T, Chlous F, D'Arcy P, Claudet J, Pascal N, Reynaud S, Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Tambutté S, Thomassin A, Recuero Virto L
Regional Studies in Marine Science 29: 100667 -
Socio-economic Tools to Mitigate the Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Economies and Communities Reliant on Coral Reefs – A Framework for Prioritization
Hilmi N, Osborn D, Acar S, Bambridge T, Chlous F, Cinar M, Djoundourian S, Haraldsson G, Lam V W Y, Maliki S, de Marffy Mantuano A, Marshall N, Marshall P, Pascal N, Recuero-Virto L, Rehdanz K, Safa A
Regional Studies in Marine Science 28: 100559 -
Stable isotopes as tracers of trophic interactions in marine mutualistic symbioses
Ferrier-Pagès C, Costa Leal M
Ecol Evol 9: 723-740 -
The Tara Pacific expedition—A pan-ecosystemic approach of the “-omics” complexity of coral reef holobionts across the Pacific Ocean
Planes S, Allemand D, Agostini S, Banaigs B, Boissin E, Boss E, Bourdin G, Bowler C, Douville E, Flores J-M, Forcioli D, Furla P, Galand P E, Ghiglione J-F, Gilson E, Lombard F, Moulin C, Pesant S, Poulain J, Reynaud S, Romac S, Sullivan M B, Sunagawa S, Thomas O P, Troublé R, de Vargas C, Vega Thurber R, Voolstra C R, Wincker P, Zoccola D, The Tara Pacific Consortium
PLoS Biol 17(9): e3000483
Antimicrobial and stress responses to increased temperature and bacterial pathogen challenge in the holobiont of a reef-building coral
van de Water J A J M, Chaib de Mares M, Dixon G B, Raina J B, Willis B L, Bourne D G, van Oppen M J H
Mol Ecol 27(4): 1065-1080 -
Biochemical composition of the cold-water coral Dendrophyllia cornigera under contrasting productivity regimes: Insights from lipid biomarkers and compound-specific isotopes
Gori A, Tolosa I, Orejas C, Rueda L, Viladrich N, Grinyo J, Flögel S, Grover R, Ferrier-Pagès C
Deep-sea Res, Part I, Oceanogr Res Pap. 141: 106-117 -
Comparison of the Anion Inhibition Profiles of the alpha-CA Isoforms (SpiCA1, SpiCA2 and SpiCA3) from the Scleractinian Coral Stylophora pistillata
Del Prete S, Bua S, Zoccola D, Alasmary F A S, AlOthman Z, Alqahtani L S, Técher N, Supuran C T, Tambutté S, Capasso C
Int J Mol Sci 19(7) -
Contrasting seasonal responses in dinitrogen fixation between shallow and deep-water colonies of the model coral Stylophora pistillata in the northern Red Sea
Bednarz V, Naumann M S, Cardini U, van Hoytema N, Rix L, Al-Rshaidat M M D, Wild C
PLoS ONE 13(6): e0199022 -
Coral bleaching is linked to the capacity of the animal host to supply essential metals to the symbionts.
Ferrier-Pagès C, Sauzeat L, Balter V
Glob Chang Biol 24(7): 3145-3157 -
Coral-based tourism in Egypt's Red Sea
Hilmi N, Safa A, Reynaud S, Allemand D
Coral Reefs-Tourism, Conservation and Management Part I (3): 29-43 -
Effects of ultraviolet radiation and nutrient level on the physiological response and organic matter release of the scleractinian coral Pocillopora damicornis following thermal stress
Courtial L, Planas-Bielsa V, Houlbrèque F, Ferrier-Pagès C
PLoS ONE 13(10): e0205261 -
Enhancement of coral calcification via the interplay of nickel and urease
Biscere T, Ferrier-Pagès C, Grover R, Gilbert A, Rottier C, Wright A, Payri C, Houlbrèque F
Aquat Toxicol 200: 247-256 -
Enhancing eco-engineering of coastal infrastructure with eco-design: Moving from mitigation to integration
Pioch S, Relini G, Souche J C, Stive M J F, De Monbrison D, Nassif S, Simard F, Allemand D, Saussol P, Spieler R
Ecol Engin 120: 574-584 -
Epigenome-associated phenotypic acclimatization to ocean acidification in a reef-building coral
Liew Y J, Zoccola D, Li Y, Tambutté E, Venn A A, Michell C T, Cui G, Deutekom E S, Kaandorp J A, Voolstra C R, Forêt S, Allemand D, Tambutté S, Aranda M
Sci Adv 4(6): eaar8028 -
Evidence for mitigation of coral bleaching by manganese
Biscéré T, Ferrier-Pagès C, Gilbert A, Pichler T, Houlbrèque F
Sci Rep 8: 16789 -
Le plastique, un danger pour les récifs coralliens
Courtial L, Allemand D, Furla P
Encyclopédie de l'Environnement -
Les récifs coralliens, importance, menaces et solutions
Allemand D
La Connaissance des océans au service du développement durable. INDEMER Actes de la Conférence Internationale, Monaco 27-28 Avril 2017, Chap III: 141-159 -
N2 fixation and primary productivity in a red sea Halophila stipulacea meadow exposed to seasonality
Cardini U, van Hoytema N, Bednarz V, Al-Rshaidat M M D, Wild C
Limnol Oceanogr 63(2): 786-798 -
Ocean pH fluctuations affect mussel larvae at key developmental transitions
Kapsenberg L, Miglioli A, Bitter M C, Tambutté E, Dumollard R, Gattuso J-P
Proc R Soc Lond, B, Biol Sci 285: 20182381 -
Our vital ocean
Allemand D
In Water is life: thoughts of our generation L. Aversa (Eds.).pp. 87. StarGroup Books. -
Therapeutic Potential of a New Jumbo Phage That Infects Vibrio coralliilyticus, a Widespread Coral Pathogen
Jacquemot L, Bettarel Y, Monjol J, Corre E, Halary S, Desnues C, Bouvier T, Ferrier-Pagès C, Baudoux A-C
Front Microbiol 9: 2501 -
Ultra-violet radiation has a limited impact on seasonal differences in the Acropora Muricata holobiont
van de Water J A J M, Courtial L, Houlbrèque F, Jacquet S, Ferrier-Pagès C
Front Mar Sci 5(275): 1-14
An improved approach investigating epithelial ion transport in scleractinian corals
Taubner I, Böhm F, Eisenhauer A, Tambutté E, Tambutté S, Moldzio S, Bleich M
Limnol Oceanogr Methods 15(9): 753-765 -
Carbon and Nitrogen Acquisition in Shallow and Deep Holobionts of the Scleractinian Coral S. pistillata
Ezzat L, Fine M, Maguer J-F, Grover R, Ferrier-Pagès C
Front Mar Sci 4: 102 -
Comparative analysis of the genomes of Stylophora pistillata and Acropora digitifera provides evidence for extensive differences between species of corals
Voolstra C, Li Y, Liew Y J, Baumgarten S, Zoccola D, Flot J-F, Tambutté S, Allemand D, Aranda M
Sci Rep 7(1): 17583 -
Comparative Assessment of Mediterranean Gorgonian-Associated Microbial Communities Reveals Conserved Core and Locally Variant Bacteria
van de Water J A J M, Melkonian R, Voolstra C R, Junca H, Béraud E, Allemand D, Ferrier-Pagès C
Microb Ecol 73(2): 466-478 -
Computing the carbonate chemistry of the coral calcifying medium and its response to ocean acidification
Raybaud V, Tambutté S, Ferrier-Pagès C, Reynaud S, Venn A A, Tambutté E, Nival P, Allemand D
J Theor Biol 424: 26-36 -
Coral calcifying fluid pH is modulated by seawater carbonate chemistry not solely seawater pH
Comeau S, Tambutté E, Carpenter R C, Edmunds P J, Evensen N R, Allemand D, Ferrier-Pagès C, Tambutté S, Venn A A
Proc R Soc Lond, B, Biol Sci 284(1847): 20161669 -
Coral larvae for restoration and research: a large-scale method for rearing Acropora millepora larvae, inducing settlement, and establishing symbiosis
Pollock F J, Katz S M, van de Water J A J M, Davies S W, Hein M, Torda G, Matz M V, Beltran V H, Buerger P, Puill-Stephan E, Abrego D, Bourne D G, Willis B L
PeerJ 5: e3732 -
Leal M C, Ferrier-Pagès C, Petersen D, Osinga R
Marine Ornamental Species Aquaculture Chap 21.1: 406-436 -
Coraux : les ingénieurs des océans sont menacés
Courtial L, Allemand D, Furla P
Encyclopédie de l'Environnement [en ligne ISSN 2555-0950] -
Crystallography of Complex Forms: The Case of Octocoral Sclerites
Vielzeuf D, Floquet N, Perrin J, Tambutté E, Ricolleau A
Crystal Growth & Design 17(10): 5080-5097 -
Developing transcriptional profiles in Orbicella franksi exposed to copper: Characterizing responses associated with a spectrum of laboratory-controlled environmental conditions.
Morgan M B, Edge S E, Venn A A, Jones R J
Aquat Toxicol 189: 60-76 -
Diazotrophs: Overlooked Key Players within the Coral Symbiosis and Tropical Reef Ecosystems?
Benavides M, Bednarz V, Ferrier-Pagès C
Front Mar Sci 4: 10 -
Draft genomes of the corallimorpharians Amplexidiscus fenestrafer and Discosoma sp
Wang X, Liew Y J, Li Y, Zoccola D, Tambutté S, Aranda M
Mol Ecol Resour 17(6): 187-195 -
Effects of temperature and UVR on organic matter fluxes and the metabolic activity of Acropora muricata
Courtial L, Ferrier-Pagès C, Jacquet S, Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Reynaud S, Rottier C, Houlbrèque F
Biology Open 6(8): 1190-1199 -
In vivo pH measurement at the site of calcification in an octocoral
Le Goff C, Tambutté E, Venn A A, Técher N, Allemand D, Tambutté S
Sci Rep 7: 11210 -
Interactive effects of ultraviolet radiation and thermal stress on two reef-building corals
Courtial L, Roberty S, Shick J M, Houlbrèque F, Ferrier-Pagès C
Limnol Oceanogr 62(3): 1000-1013 -
Intoxication à la palytoxine ou la légende de Limu-make-o’hana
Beau N, Allemand D, Molinatti E, Claessens Y E
Ann Fr Med Urgence 7(1): 52-54 -
Kinetic properties and affinities for sulfonamide inhibitors of an alpha-carbonic anhydrase (CruCA4) involved in coral biomineralization in the Mediterranean red coral Corallium rubrum
Del Prete S, Vullo D, Zoccola D, Tambutté S, Capasso C, Supuran C T
Bioorg Med Chem 25(13): 3525-3530 -
Les récifs coralliens peuvent-ils s’adapter au changement global ?
Allemand D
Les mécanismes d’adaptation de la biodiversité aux changements climatiques et leurs limites Fiche thématique du Rapport Académie des Sciences, Chap. 3, Fiche 3.5: 99-104 -
N2 fixation and primary productivity in a red sea Halophila stipulacea meadow exposed to seasonality
Cardini U, van Hoytema N, Bednarz V, Al-Rshaidat M M D, Wild C
Limnol Oceanogr 63(2): 786-798 -
Seagrass ecosystems reduce exposure to bacterial pathogens of humans, fishes, and invertebrates
Lamb J B, van de Water J A J M, Bourne D G, Altier C, Hein M Y, Fiorenza E A, Abu N, Jompa J, Harvell C D
Science 355(6326): 731 -
Seasonal Stability in the Microbiomes of Temperate Gorgonians and the Red Coral Corallium rubrum Across the Mediterranean Sea
van de Water J A J M, Voolstra C, Rottier C, Cocito S, Peirano A, Allemand D, Ferrier-Pagès C
Microb Ecol 75(1): 274-288 -
Seasonality affects dinitrogen fixation associated with two common macroalgae from a coral reef in the northern Red Sea
Tilstra A, Bednarz V, Cardini U, Van Hoytema N, Al-Rshaidat M M D, Wild C
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 575: 69-80 -
Structural and functional analysis of coral Hypoxia Inducible Factor
Zoccola D, Morain J, Pagès G, Caminiti Segonds N, Giuliano S, Tambutté S, Allemand D
PLoS ONE 12(11): e0186262 -
The Assimilation of Diazotroph-Derived Nitrogen by Scleractinian Corals Depends on Their Metabolic Status
Bednarz V, Grover R, Maguer J-F, Fine M, Ferrier-Pagès C
Mbio 8(1): e02058-16 -
The c-Jun N-terminal kinase prevents oxidative stress induced by UV and thermal stresses in corals and human cells
Picco V, Courtial L, Grover R, Cormerais Y, Rottier C, Labbe A, Pagès G, Ferrier-Pagès C
Sci Rep 7: 45713 -
Trophic and stoichiometric consequences of eutrophication for intertidal zoanthids
Leal M C, Rocha R J M, Anaya-Rojas J M, Cruz I C S, Ferrier-Pagès C
Mar Pollut Bull 119(1): 169-175 -
Validation of commercial ERK antibodies against the ERK orthologue of the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata
Picco V, Courtial L, Pagès G, Ferrier-Pagès C
F1000Res 6(577) -
Variation of lipid and free fatty acid contents during larval release in two temperate octocorals according to their trophic strategy
Viladrich N, Bramanti L, Tsounis G, Martinez-Quitana A, Ferrier-Pagès C, Rossi S
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 573: 117-128 -
Y aura-t-il encore des coraux dans la mer ?
Allemand D, Tambutté S, Zoccola D
Recherche 521: 52-57
Bioaccumulation of 63Ni in the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata and isolated Symbiodinium using radiotracer techniques
Hédouin L, Metian M, Teyssié J L, Oberhänsli F, Ferrier-Pagès C, Warnau M
Chemosphere 156: 420-427 -
Carbonic Anhydrases in Cnidarians: Novel Perspectives from the Octocorallian Corallium rubrum
Le Goff C, Ganot P, Zoccola D, Caminiti Segonds N, Allemand D, Tambutté S
PLoS ONE 11(8): e0160368 -
Comparative genomics explains the evolutionary success of reef-forming corals
Bhattacharya D, Agrawal S, Aranda M, Baumgarten S, Belcaid M, Drake J L, Erwin D, Foret S, Gates R D, Gruber D F, Kamel B, Lesser M P, Levy O, Liew Y J, Macmanes M D, Mass T, Medina M, Mehr S, Meyer E, Price D C, Putnam H M, Qiu H, Shinzato C, Shoguchi E, Stokes A J, Tambutté S, Tchernov D, Voolstra C R , Wagner N, Walker C W, Weber A P M, Weis V, Zelzion E, Zoccola D, Falkowski P G
Elife 5: e13288 -
Coral bleaching, an imminent threat to marine biodiversity / Blanchissement des coraux, un réservoir de biodiversité menacé
Ezzat L, Courtial L
Ocean and climate change, Scientific Notes Second Edition, Tome 2: 40-44 -
Coral Carbonic Anhydrases: Regulation by Ocean Acidification
Zoccola D, Innocenti A, Bertucci A, Tambutté E, Supuran C T, Tambutté S
Mar Drugs 14(6) -
Coral reefs and climate change / Les coraux et le changement climatique
Allemand D
Ocean and climate change, Scientific Notes Second Edition, Tome 2: 32-39 -
Des coraux au Centre Scientifique de Monaco
Allemand D
Revue de l'AMOPA 212: 28-31 -
Diversity and function of prevalent symbiotic marine bacteria in the genus Endozoicomonas
Neave M J, Apprill A, Ferrier-Pagès C, Voolstra C R
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 100(19): 8315-8324 -
From species distributions to ecosystem structure and function: A methodological perspective
Chaalali A, Beaugrand G, Raybaud V, Lassalle G, Saint-Béat B, Le Loc'h F, Bopp L, Tecchio S, Safi G, Chifflet M, Lobry J, Niquil N
Ecol Modell 334: 78-90 -
General Ecological Aspects of Anthozoan-Symbiodinium Interactions in the Mediterranean Sea
Casado-Amezua P, Terron-Sigler A, Pinzon J H, Furla P, Forcioli D, Allemand D, Ribes M, Coma R
Springer International Publishing: 375-386 Springer: 375-386 -
Heterotrophy promotes the re-establishment of photosynthate translocation in a symbiotic coral after heat stress
Tremblay P, Gori A, Maguer J F, Hoogenboom M, Ferrier-Pagès C
Sci Rep 6: 38112 -
Integrating the Effects of Ocean Acidification across Functional Scales on Tropical Coral Reefs
Edmunds P J, Comeau S, Lantz C, Andersson A, Briggs C, Cohen A, Gattuso J-P, Grady J M, Gross K, Johnson M, Muller E B, Ries J B, Tambutté S, Tambutté E, Venn A A, Carpenter R C
BioScience 66(5): 350-362 -
Limited phosphorus availability is the Achilles heel of tropical reef corals in a warming ocean
Ezzat L, Maguer J F, Grover R, Ferrier-Pagès C
Sci Rep 17(6): 31768 -
Molecular assessment of the effect of light and heterotrophy in the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata
Levy O, Karako-Lampert S, Waldman Ben-Asher H, Zoccola D, Pagès G, Ferrier-Pagès C
Proc Biol Sci 283(1829) -
Molecular trophic markers in marine food webs and their potential use for coral ecology
Leal M C, Ferrier-Pagès C
Mar Genomics 29: 1-7 -
On the use of 31P NMR for the quantification of hydrosoluble phosphorus-containing compounds in coral host tissues and cultured zooxanthellae
Godinot C, Gaysinski M, Thomas O P, Ferrier-Pagès C, Grover R
Sci Rep 6: 21760 -
Phosphorus metabolism of reef organisms with algal symbionts
Ferrier-Pagès C, Godinot C, D'Angelo C, Wiedenmann J, Grover R
Ecol Monogr 86(3): 262-277 -
Physiological response of the cold-water coral Desmophyllum dianthus to thermal stress and ocean acidification
Gori A, Ferrier-Pagès C, Hennige S J, Murray F, Rottier C, Wicks L C, Roberts J M
PeerJ 4: e1606 -
Spirochaetes dominate the microbial community associated with the red coral Corallium rubrum on a broad geographic scale
van de Water J A J M, Melkonian R, Junca H, Voolstra C R, Reynaud S, Allemand D, Ferrier-Pagès C
Sci Rep 6: 27277 -
Temporal patterns in innate immunity parameters in reef-building corals and linkages with local climatic conditions
van de Water J A J M, Lamb J B, Heron S F, van Oppen M J H, Willis B L
Ecosphere 7(11): e01505 -
The relationship between heterotrophic feeding and inorganic nutrient availability in the scleractinian coral T. reniformis under a short‐term temperature increase
Ezzat L, Towle E K, Irisson J-O, Langdon C, Ferrier-Pagès C
Limnol Oceanogr 61(1): 89-102
Among-species variation in the energy budgets of reef-building corals: scaling from coral polyps to communities
Hoogenboom M, Rottier C, Sikorski S, Ferrier-Pagès C
J Exp Biol 218: 3866-3877 -
Bicarbonate transporters in corals point towards a key step in the evolution of cnidarian calcification
Zoccola D, Ganot P, Bertucci A, Caminiti Segonds N, Técher N, Voolstra C R, Aranda M, Tambutté E, Allemand D, Casey J R, Tambutté S
Sci Rep 5: 9983 -
Carbonic anhydrase and metazoan biocalcification: a focus on molluscs
Le Roy N, Jackson D J, Marie B, Ramos-Silva P, Marin F
Key Eng Mater 672: 151-157 -
Constraints on barium isotope fractionation during aragonite precipitation by corals
Pretet C, van Zuilen K, Nägler T F, Reynaud S, Böttcher M E, Samankassou E
The Depositional Record 1(2): 118-129 -
Coral host cells acidify symbiotic algal microenvironment to promote photosynthesis
Barott K L, Venn A A, Perez S O, Tambutté S, Tresguerres M
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 112(2): 607-612 -
Coral reefs and climate change / Les coraux et le changement climatique
Allemand D
Ocean and climate change, Scientific Notes 64-70 -
First Evidence of an Important Organic Matter Trophic Pathway between Temperate Corals and Pelagic Microbial Communities
Fonvieille J A, Reynaud S, Jacquet S, LeBerre B, Ferrier-Pagès C
Adv Biol Regul 10(10): e0139175 -
Future vulnerability of marine biodiversity compared with contemporary and past changes
Beaugrand G, Edwards M, Raybaud V, Goberville E, Kirby R R
Nat Clim Chang 5: 695-701 -
Heterotrophic nutrition of tropical, temperate and deep-sea corals
Houlbrèque F, Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Ferrier-Pagès C
Diseases of Coral Wiley-Blackwell, 150-163 -
Institute Profile: The Centre Scientifique de Monaco—A Reference in the Study of Coral and Polar Biology
Allemand D
ASLO 22-23 -
Les coraux : quelques gagnants et beaucoup de perdants
Allemand D
Les écosystèmes marins dans la régulation du climat Fonds Français pour l’Environnement Mondial (FFEM), Chap 3. Changements globaux et déséquilibres induits: 62-63 -
Metal bioconcentration in the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata: investigating the role of different components of the holobiont using radiotracers
Metian M, Hédouin L, Ferrier-Pagès C, Teyssié J-L, Oberhansli F, Buschiazzo E, Warnau M,
Environ Monit Assess 187(4): 1-10 -
Morphological plasticity of the coral skeleton under CO2-driven seawater acidification
Tambutté E, Venn A A, Holcomb M, Caminiti Segonds N, Técher N, Zoccola D, Allemand D, Tambutté S
Nat Commun 6: 7368 -
New insights into carbon acquisition and exchanges within the coral–dinoflagellate symbiosis under NH4+ and NO3- supply
Ezzat L, Maguer F, Grover R, Ferrier-Pagès C
Proc R Soc Lond, B, Biol Sci 282(1812): 20150610 -
Ocean acidification reduces feeding rates in the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata
Houlbrèque F, Reynaud S, Godinot C, Oberhänsli F, Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Ferrier-Pagès C
Limnol Oceanogr 60(1): 89-99 -
Photophysiology and daily primary production of a temperate symbiotic gorgonian
Ferrier-Pagès C, Reynaud S, Béraud E, Rottier C, Menu D, Duong G, Gevaert F
Photosyn Res 123(1): 95-104 -
Plasticity of coral physiology under ocean acidification
Venn A A, Tambutté E, Tambutté S
Oncotarget 6(21): 18248-18249 -
Récifs coralliens, remparts nourriciers
Planes S, Allemand D
Les écosystèmes marins dans la régulation du climat Fonds Français pour l’Environnement Mondial (FFEM), Chap. 2 Biodiversité, résilience et atténuation des impacts: 40-41 -
Sex under the moon
Zoccola D, Tambutté S
Elife 4: e12936 -
Structural molecular components of Septate Junctions in cnidarians point to the origin of epithelial junctions in Eukaryotes
Ganot P, Zoccola D, Tambutté E, Voolstra C R, Aranda M, Allemand D, Tambutté S
Mol Biol Evol 32(1): 44-62 -
The influence of flow velocity and temperature on zooplankton capture rates by the cold-water coral Dendrophyllia cornigera
Reynaud S, Gori A, Covadonga O, Ferrier-Pagès C
J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 466: 92-97 -
Trophic dynamics of scleractinian corals: stable isotope evidence
Tremblay P, Maguer J F, Grover R, Ferrier-Pagès C
J Exp Biol 218(Pt 8): 1223-1234 -
Trophic ecology of two cold-water coral species from the Mediterranean Sea revealed by lipid biomarkers and compound-specific isotope analyses
Naumann M S, Tolosa I, Taviani M, Grover R, Ferrier-Pagès C
Coral Reefs 34(4): 1165-1175
Carbon translocation from symbiont to host depends on irradiance and food availability in the tropical coral Stylophora pistillata
Tremblay P, Grover R, Maguer J-F, Hoogenboom M, Ferrier-Pagès C
Coral Reefs 33(1): 1-13 -
Centre Scientifique de Monaco moves to the Harbour - 20 tonnes of seawater on a roof !
Allemand D
Reef Encounter 29(2): 12-13 -
Coral aquaculture: applying scientific knowledge to ex situ production
Leal M C, Ferrier-Pagès C, Petersen D, Osinga R
Reviews in Aquaculture 6: 1-18 -
Coral calcifying fluid pH dictates response to ocean acidification
Holcomb M, Venn A A, Tambutté E, Tambutté S, Allemand D, Trotter J, McCulloch M
Sci Rep 4: 5207 -
Effect of salinity on the skeletal chemistry of cultured scleractinian zooxanthellate corals: Cd/Ca ratio as a potential proxy for salinity reconstruction
Pretet C, Reynaud S, Ferrier-Pagès C, Gattuso J-P, Kamber B S, Samankassou E
Coral Reefs 33(1): 169-180 -
High occurrence of viruses in the mucus layer of scleractinian corals
Nguyen-Kim H, Bouvier T, Bouvier C, Doan-Nhu H, Nguyen-Ngoc L, Rochelle-Newall E, Baudoux A-C, Desnues C, Reynaud S, Ferrier-Pagès C, Bettarel Y
Environ Microbiol Rep 6(6): 675-682 -
Identification of MicroRNAs in the Coral Stylophora pistillata
Liew Y J, Aranda M, Carr A, Baumgarten S, Zoccola D, Tambutté S, Allemand D, Micklem G, Voolstra C R
PLoS ONE 9(3): e91101 -
Li/Mg systematics in scleractinian corals: Calibration of the thermometer
Montagna P, Mc Culloch M, Douville E, Lopez-Correa M, Trotter J, Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Dissard D, Ferrier-Pagès C, Frank N, Freiwald A, Goldstein S, Mazzoli C, Reynaud S, Rüggeberg A, Russo S, Taviani M
Geochim Cosmochim Acta 132: 288-310 -
Light enhanced calcification in Stylophora pistillata: effects of glucose, glycerol and oxygen
Holcomb M, Tambutté E, Allemand D, Tambutté S
PeerJ 2: e375 -
Light is an active contributor to the vital effects of coral skeleton proxies
Reynaud S, Juillet-Leclerc A, Dissard D, Tisserand G, Ferrier-Pagès C
Geochim Cosmochim Acta 140: 671-690 -
Nitrogen fixation in the mucus of Red Sea corals
Grover R, Ferrier-Pagès C, Maguer J-F, Ezzar L, Fine M
J Exp Biol 217(Pt 22): 3962-3963 -
Physiological performance of the cold-water coral Dendrophyllia cornigera reveals its preference for temperate environments
Gori A, Reynaud S, Orejas C, Gili J-M, Ferrier-Pagès C
Coral Reefs 33(3): 665-674 -
Préserver la biodiversité des récifs coralliens : l’évaluation économique comme outil d’une gouvernance multi-échelle
Hilmi N, Bambridge T, Claudet J, David G, Failler P, Feral F, Leopold M, Pascal N, Safa A
Cahiers du Credo Les sciences humaines et sociales dans le Pacifique Sud, Chap. 14: 291-312 -
Species-specific physiological response by the cold-water corals Lophelia pertusa and Madrepora oculata to variations within their natural temperature range
Naumann M S, Orejas C, Ferrier-Pagès C
Deep Sea Res. Part II, Trop Stud Oceanogr. 99: 36-41 -
Temporal changes in the trophic ecology of the asymbiotic gorgonian Leptogorgia virgulata
Leal M C, Berger S A, Ferrier-Pagès C, Calado R, Brandes J, Frischer M E, Nejstgaard J C
Mar Biol 161(9): 2191-2197 -
The evolution of metazoan α-carbonic anhydrases and their roles in calcium carbonate biomineralization
Le Roy N, Jackson D J, Marie B, Ramos-Silva P, Marin F
Front Zool 11(1): 75 -
Thermally tolerant corals have limited capacity to acclimatize to future warming
Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Hoogenboom M, Rottier C, Ramos-Espla A, Baker A C, Fine M, Ferrier-Pagès C
Glob Chang Biol 20(10): 3036-3049 -
Transcriptome Analysis of the Scleractinian Coral Stylophora pistillata
Zoccola D, Karako-Lampert S, Salmon-Divon M, Katzenellenbogen M, Tambutté S, Bertucci A, Hoegh-Guldberg O, Deleury E, Allemand D, Levy O
PLoS ONE 9(2): e88615 -
Trophic ecology of the facultative symbiotic coral Oculina arbuscula
Leal M C, Ferrier-Pagès C, Calado R, Brandes J A, Frischer M E, Nejstgaard J C
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 504: 171-179 -
Uptake of dissolved free amino acids by four cold-water coral species from the Mediterranean Sea
Gori A, Grover R, Orejas C, Sikorski S, Ferrier-Pagès C
Deep Sea Res. Part II, Trop Stud Oceanogr. 99: 42-50
Alkaline Phosphatase activity of reef-building corals
Godinot C, Ferrier-Pagès C, Sikorski S, Grover R
Limnol Oceanogr 58(1): 227-234 -
An evaluation of staining techniques for marking daily growth in scleractinian corals
Holcomb M, Cohen A L, McCorkle D C
J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 440: 126-131 -
Bacteria of the genus Endozoicomonas dominate the microbiome of the Mediterranean gorgonian coral Eunicella cavolini
Bayer T, Arif C, Ferrier-Pagès C, Zoccola D, Aranda M, Voolstra C R
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 479: 75-84 -
Carbonic anhydrases in anthozoan corals-A review
Bertucci A, Moya A, Tambutté S, Allemand D, Supuran C T, Zoccola D
Bioorg Med Chem 21(6): 1437-1450 -
Constraining calcium isotope fractionation (δ44/40Ca) in modern and fossil scleractinian coral skeleton
Pretet C, Samankassou E, Felis T, Reynaud S, Böhm F, Eisenhauer A, Ferrier-Pagès C, Gattuso J-P, Camoin G
Chem Geol 340: 49-58 -
Coral feeding on microalgae assessed with molecular trophic markers
Leal M C, Ferrier-Pagès C, Calado R, Thompson M E, Frischer M E, Nejstgaard J C
Mol Ecol 23(15): 3870-3876 -
Detrimental effects of ocean acidification on the economically important Mediterranean red coral (Corallium rubrum)
Bramanti L, Movilla J, Guron M, Calvo E, Gori A, Dominguez-Carrio C, Grinyo J, Lopez-Sanz A, Martinez-Quintana A, Pelejero C, Ziveri P, Rossi S
Glob Chang Biol 19(6): 1897-1908 -
Genes related to ion-transport and energy production are upregulated in response to CO2-driven pH decrease in corals: new insights from transcriptome analysis
Vidal-Dupiol J, Zoccola D, Tambutté E, Grunau C, Cosseau C, Smith K M, Freitag M, Dheilly N M, Allemand D, Tambutté S
PLoS ONE 8(3): e58652 -
High thermal tolerance of two Mediterranean cold-water coral species maintained in aquaria
Naumann M S, Orejas C, Ferrier-Pagès C
Coral Reefs 32(3): 749-754 -
Impact of seawater acidification on pH at the tissue-skeleton interface and calcification in reef corals
Venn A A, Tambutté E, Holcomb M, Laurent J, Allemand D, Tambutté S
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 110(5): 1634-1639 -
In situ assessment of the daily primary production of the temperate symbiotic coral Cladocora caespitosa
Ferrier-Pagès C, Gevaert F, Reynaud S, Béraud E, Menu D, Janquin M-A, Cocito S, Peirano A
Limnol Oceanogr 58(4): 1409-1418 -
Nutrient acquisition in four Mediterranean gorgonian species
Cocito S, Ferrier-Pagès C, Cupido R, Rottier C, Meier-Augenstein W, Kemp H, Reynaud S, Peirano A
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 473: 179-188 -
Photosynthate translocation increases in response to low seawater pH in a coral–dinoflagellate symbiosis
Tremblay P, Fine M, Maguer J-F, Grover R, Ferrier-Pagès C
Biogeosci Discuss 10(6): 3997-4007 -
Regulation of intracellular pH in cnidarians: response to acidosis in Anemonia viridis
Laurent J, Venn A A, Tambutté E, Ganot P, Allemand D, Tambutté S
FEBS J 281(3): 683-695 -
Response of coral assemblages to thermal stress: are bleaching intensity and spatial patterns consistent between events ?
Penin L, Vidal-Dupiol J, Adjeroud M
J Cell Physiol 185(6): 5031-5042 -
Spatial and Temporal Variations in Stable Carbon (δ13) and Nitrogen (δ15N) Isotopic Composition of Symbiotic Scleractinian Corals
Nahon S, Richoux N B, Kolasinski J, Desmalades M, Ferrier-Pagès C, Lecellier G, Planes S, Berteaux Lecellier V
PLoS ONE 8(12): e81247 -
The influence of photosynthesis on host intracellular pH in scleractinian corals
Laurent J, Tambutté S, Tambutté E, Allemand D, Venn A A
J Exp Biol 216(8): 1398-1404 -
The Response of the Mediterranean Gorgonian Eunicella singularis to Thermal Stress Is Independent of Its Nutritional Regime
Ezzat L, Merle P L, Furla P, Buttler A, Ferrier-Pagès C
PLoS ONE 8(5): e64370 -
The response of the scleractinian coral Turbinaria reniformis to thermal stress depends on the nitrogen status of the coral holobiont
Béraud E, Gevaert F, Rottier C, Ferrier-Pagès C
J Exp Biol 216(14): 2665-2674
An investigation of the calcification response of the scleractinian coral Astrangia poculata to elevated pCO2 and the effects of nutrients, zooxanthellae and gender
Holcomb M, Cohen A L, McCorkle D C
Biogeosci Discuss 9(1): 29-39 -
Autotrophic carbon budget in coral tissue: a new 13C-based model of photosynthate translocation
Tremblay P, Grover R, Maguer J-F, Legendre L, Ferrier-Pagès C
J Exp Biol 215: 1384-1393 -
Bioerosion by euendoliths decreases in phosphate-enriched skeletons of living corals
Godinot C, Tribollet A, Grover R, Ferrier-Pagès C
Biogeosci Discuss 9(7): 2377-2384 -
Budget of coral-derived organic carbon in a fringing coral reef of the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea
Naumann M S, Richter S, Mott C, el-Zibdah M, Manasrah R, Wild C
J Mar Syst 105-108: 20-29 -
Calcein labelling and electrophysiology: Insights on coral tissue permeability and calcification
Tambutté E, Tambutté S, Caminiti Segonds N, Zoccola D, Venn A A, Erez J, Allemand D
Proc Biol Sci 279(1726): 19-27 -
Cell biology of cnidarian-dinoflagellate symbiosis
Davy S K, Allemand D, Weis V M
Microbiol Mol Biol Rev 76(2): 229-261 -
Controlling effects of irradiance and heterotrophy on carbon translocation in the temperate coral Cladocora caespitosa
Tremblay P, Ferrier-Pagès C, Maguer J-F, Rottier C, Legendre L, Grover R
PLoS ONE 7(9): e44672 -
Effects of increased pCO2 on zinc uptake and calcification in the tropical coral Stylophora pistillata
Houlbrèque F, Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Jeffree R, Oberhänsli F, Teyssié J L, Boisson F, Al-Trabeen K, Ferrier-Pagès C
Coral Reefs 31(1): 101-109 -
Effects of Light, Food Availability and Temperature Stress on the Function of Photosystem II and Photosystem I of Coral Symbionts
Hoogenboom M O, Campbell D A, Béraud E, DeZeeuw K, Ferrier-Pagès C
PLoS ONE 7(1): e30167 -
Experimental assessment of organic carbon fluxes in the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata during a thermal and photo stress event
Tremblay P, Naumann M S, Sikorski S, Grover R, Ferrier-Pagès C
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 453: 63-77 -
Hsp60 protein pattern in coral is altered by environmental changes in light and temperature
Chow A M, Béraud E, Tang D W F, Ferrier-Pagès C, Brown I R
Comp Biochem Physiol A, Mol Integr Physiol. 161(3): 349-353 -
Light and temperature effects on δ11B and B / Ca ratios of the zooxanthellate coral Acropora sp.: results from culturing experiments
Dissard D, Douville E, Reynaud S, Juillet-Leclerc A, Montagna P, Louvat P, McCulloch M
Biogeosci Discuss 9(11): 4589-4605 -
Molecular cloning and characterization of first organic matrix protein from Sclerites of Red Coral, Corallium rubrum
Debreuil J, Tambutté E, Zoccola D, Deleury E, Guigonis J M, Samson M, Allemand D, Tambutté S
J Biol Chem 287(23): 19367-19376
A new coral carbonic anhydrase in Stylophora pistillata
Bertucci A, Tambutté S, Supuran C T, Allemand D, Zoccola D
Mar Biotechnol 13(5): 992-1002 -
Adaptations to endosymbiosis in a cnidarian-dinoflagellate association: Differential gene expression and specific gene duplications
Ganot P, Moya A, Magnone V, Allemand D, Furla P, Sabourault C
PLoS Genet 7(7): e1002187 -
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors. Inhibition studies with anions and sulfonamides of a new cytosolic enzyme from the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata
Bertucci A, Innocenti A, Scozzafava A, Tambutté S, Zoccola D, Supuran C T
Bioorg Med Chem Lett 21(2): 710-714 -
Climate change impedes scleractinian corals as primary reef ecosystem engineers
Wild C, Hoegh-Guldberg O, Naumann M S, Colombo-Pallotta M F, Ateweberhan M, Fitt W K, Iglesias-Prieto R, Palmer C, Bythell J C, Ortiz J-C, Loya Y, van Woesik R
Mar Freshw Res 62(2): 205-215 -
Comparative analysis of the soluble organic matrix of axial skeleton and sclerites of Corallium rubrum: Insights for biomineralization
Debreuil J, Tambutté S, Zoccola D, Caminiti Segonds N, Técher N, Allemand D, Tambutté E
Comp Biochem Physiol B, Biochem Mol Biol. 159(1): 40-48 -
Coral and mollusc resistance to ocean acidification adversely affected by warming
Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Houlbrèque F, Tambutté E, Boisson F, Baggini C, Patti F P, Jeffree R, Fine M, Foggo A, Gattuso J-P, Hall-Spencer J M
Nat Clim Chang 1(6): 308-312 -
Coral biomineralization: From the gene to the environment
Tambutté S, Holcomb M, Ferrier-Pagès C, Reynaud S, Tambutté E, Zoccola D, Allemand D
J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 408(1-2): 58-78 -
Coral calcification under ocean acidification and global change
Erez J, Reynaud S, Silverman J, Schneider K, Allemand D
Coral reefs: An ecosystem in transition Eds Dubinsky, Z. Stambler, N., Springer Netherlands vol. 3: 151-176 -
Coral calcification, cells to reefs
Allemand D, Tambutté E, Zoccola D, Tambutté S
Coral reefs: An ecosystem in transition Eds Dubinsky, Z. Stambler, N., Springer Netherlands vol. 3: 119-150 -
Coral uptake of inorganic phosphorus and nitrogen negatively affected by simultaneous changes in temperature and pH
Godinot C, Houlbrèque F, Grover R, Ferrier-Pagès C
PLoS ONE 6(9): e25024 -
Depth-dependant thermotolerance of the symbiotic Mediterranean gorgonian Eunicella singularis: Evidence from cellular stress markers
Pey A, Zamoum T, Allemand D, Furla P, Merle P L
J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 404(1-2): 73-78 -
Experimental comparison of skeletal growth rates in the cold-water coral Madrepora oculata Linnaeus, 1758 and three tropical scleractinian corals
Orejas C, Ferrier-Pagès C, Reynaud S, Tsounis G, Allemand D, Gili J M
J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 405(1-2): 1-5 -
First evidence for zooplankton feeding sustaining key physiological processes in a scleractinian cold-water coral
Naumann M S, Orejas C, Wild C, Ferrier-Pagès C
J Exp Biol 214(21): 3570-3576 -
Glycan profiling of gel forming mucus layer from the scleractinian symbiotic coral Oculina arbuscula
Coddeville B, Maes E, Ferrier-Pagès C, Guerardel Y
Biomacromolecules 12(6): 2064-2073 -
Heterotrophy in the Mediterranean symbiotic coral Cladocora caespitosa: Comparison with two other scleractinian species
Tremblay P, Peirano A, Ferrier-Pagès C
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 422: 165-177 -
High phosphate uptake requirements of the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata
Godinot C, Grover R, Allemand D, Ferrier-Pagès C
J Exp Biol 214(Pt 16): 2749-2754 -
Impact of feeding and short-term temperature stress on the content and isotopic signature of fatty acids, sterols, and alcohols in the scleractinian coral Turbinaria reniformis
Tolosa I, Treignier C, Grover R, Ferrier-Pagès C
Coral Reefs 30(3): 763-774 -
Innate immune responses of a scleractinian coral to vibriosis
Vidal-Dupiol J, Ladriere O, Destoumieux-Garzon D, Sautiere P E, Meistertzheim A L, Tambutté E, Tambutté S, Duval D, Foure L, Adjeroud M, Mitta G
J Biol Chem 286(25): 22688-22698 -
Live tissue imaging shows reef corals elevate pH under their calcifying tissue relative to seawater
Venn A A, Tambutté E, Holcomb M, Allemand D, Tambutté S
PLoS ONE 6(5): e20013 -
Long-term growth rates of four Mediterranean cold-water coral species maintained in aquaria
Orejas C, Ferrier-Pagès C, Reynaud S, Gori A, Béraud E, Tsounis G, Allemand D, Gili J M
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 429: 57-65 -
Mucus composition and bacterial communities associated with the tissue and skeleton of three scleractinian corals maintained under culture conditions
Tremblay P, Weinbauer M G, Rottier C, Guerardel Y, Nozais C, Ferrier-Pagès C
J Mar Biolog Assoc. U.K. 91(3): 649-657 -
Physiological adaptation to symbiosis in cnidarians
Furla P, Richier S, Allemand D
Coral reefs: An ecosystem in transition Eds Dubinsky, Z. Stambler, N., Springer Netherlands vol. 3: 187-195 -
Quantifying the pH 'vital effect' in the temperate zooxanthellate coral Cladocora caespitosa: Validation of the boron seawater pH proxy
Trotter J, Montagna P, McCulloch M, Silenzi S, Reynaud S, Mortimer G, Martin S, Ferrier-Pagès C, Gattuso J-P, Rodolfo-Metalpa R
Earth Planet Sci Lett 303(3-4): 163-173 -
Shallow water scleractinian corals of the Mediterranean Sea
Ferrier-Pagès C, Reynaud S, Allemand D
Life in the Mediterranean Sea : A look at habitat changes Eds Dubinsky, Z. Stambler, N., Nova Science Publisher Chap. 13 -
Specific organic matrix characteristics in skeletons of Corallium species
Debreuil J, Tambutté S, Zoccola D, Caminiti Segonds N, Técher N, Marschal C, Allemand D, Kosuge S, Tambutté E
Mar Biol 158(12): 2765-2774 -
Summer autotrophy and winter heterotrophy in the temperate symbiotic coral Cladocora caespitosa
Ferrier-Pagès C, Peirano A, Abbate M, Cocito S, Negri A, Rottier C, Riera P, Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Reynaud S
Limnol Oceanogr 56(4): 1429-1438 -
Symbiont diversity is not involved in depth acclimation in the Mediterranean sea whip Eunicella singularis
Forcioli D, Merle P L, Caligara C, Ciosi M, Muti C, Francour P, Cerrano C, Allemand D
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 439: 57-71 -
The Role of Plankton in Coral Trophodynamics
Ferrier-Pagès C, Hoogenboom M, Houlbrèque F
Coral reefs: An ecosystem in transition Eds Dubinsky, Z. Stambler, N., Springer Netherlands Chap. 15: 215-229 -
Tissue and skeletal changes in the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata Esper 1797 under phosphate enrichment
Godinot C, Ferrier-Pagès C, Montagna P, Grover R
J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 409(1-2): 200-207 -
Transcriptome-level responses of corals to copper
Schwarz J, Jones R, Venn A A, Noyes T, Mitchelmore C
Integr Comp Biol 51(E250)
Carbonic anhydrase activators. The first activation study of a coral secretory isoform with amino acids and amines
Bertucci A, Zoccola D, Tambutté S, Vullo D, Supuran C T
Bioorg Med Chem 18(6): 2300-2303 -
Cnidarian / Dinoflagellate symbiosis-mediated adaptation to environmental perturbations
Richier S, Sabourault C, Ferrier-Pagès C, Merle P L, Furla P, Allemand D
Symbioses and Stress 17: 149-175 -
Co-variation between autotrophy and heterotrophy in the Mediterranean coral Cladocora caespitosa
Hoogenboom M, Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Ferrier-Pagès C
J Exp Biol 213(Pt 14): 2399-2409 -
Experimental assessment of the feeding effort of three scleractinian coral species during a thermal stress: Effect on the rates of photosynthesis
Ferrier-Pagès C, Rottier C, Béraud E, Levy O
J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 390(2): 118-124 -
Light effects on the isotopic fractionation of skeletal oxygen and carbon in the cultured zooxanthellate coral, Acropora: implications for coral growth rates.
Juillet-Leclerc A, Reynaud S
Biogeosci Discuss 7: 893-906 -
Long-term effects of nutrient and CO2 enrichment on the temperate coral Astrangia poculata (Ellis and Solander, 1786)
Holcomb M, McCorkle D C, Cohen A L
J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 386(1-2): 27-33 -
Prey-capture rates in four Mediterranean cold water corals
Tsounis G, Orejas C, Reynaud S, Gili J M, Allemand D, Ferrier-Pagès C
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 398: 149-155 -
Relationship between symbiont density and photosynthetic carbon acquisition in the temperate coral Cladocora caespitosa
Hoogenboom M, Béraud E, Ferrier-Pagès C
Coral Reefs 29(1): 21-29 -
Response of the temperate coral Cladocora caespitosa to mid- and long-term exposure to pCO2 and temperature levels projected for the year 2100 AD
Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Martin S, Ferrier-Pagès C, Gattuso J-P
Biogeosci Discuss 7(1): 289-300 -
Symbiosis-dependent gene expression in coral-dinoflagellate association: cloning and characterization of a P-type H+-ATPase gene
Bertucci A, Tambutté E, Tambutté S, Allemand D, Zoccola D
Proc R Soc Lond, B, Biol Sci 277(1678): 87-95 -
Un monde trop acide pour les récifs coralliens
Allemand D, Reynaud S, Salvat B
Recherche 444: 56-58
Acidification and Coral reefs
Salvat B, Allemand D
Adaptation and Evolution in Marine Environments 31 pp. -
Carbon isotope composition of fatty acids and sterols in the scleractinian coral Turbinaria reniformis: Effect of light and feeding
Treignier C, Tolosa I, Grover R, Reynaud S, Ferrier-Pagès C
Limnol Oceanogr 54(6): 1933-1940 -
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors: Inhibition studies of a coral secretory isoform with inorganic anions
Bertucci A, Innocenti A, Zoccola D, Scozzafava A, Allemand D, Tambutté S, Supuran C T
Bioorg Med Chem Lett 19(3): 650-653 -
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors. Inhibition studies of a coral secretory isoform by sulfonamides
Bertucci A, Innocenti A, Zoccola D, Scozzafava A, Tambutté S, Supuran C T
Bioorg Med Chem 17(14): 5054-5058 -
Comprehensive EST analysis of the symbiotic sea anemone, Anemonia viridis
Sabourault C, Ganot P, Deleury E, Allemand D, Furla P
BMC Genomics 10: 333 -
Control of phosphate uptake by zooxanthellae and host cells in the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata
Godinot C, Ferrier-Pagès C, Grover R
Limnol Oceanogr 54(5): 1627-1633 -
Coral bleaching under thermal stress: Putative involvement of host/symbiont recognition mechanisms
Vidal-Dupiol J, Adjeroud M, Roger E, Foure L, Duval D, Mone Y, Ferrier-Pagès C, Tambutté E, Tambutté S, Zoccola D, Allemand D, Mitta G
BMC Physiol 9: 14 -
Defining fundamental niche dimensions of corals: synergistic effects of colony size, light, and flow
Hoogenboom M, Connolly S R
Ecology 90(3): 767-780 -
Effect of environmental conditions and skeletal ultrastructure on the Li isotopic composition of scleractinian corals
Rollion-Bard C, Vigier N, Meibom A, Blamart D, Reynaud S, Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Martin S, Gattuso J-P
Earth Planet Sci Lett 286: 63-70 -
Effect of light and feeding on the nitrogen isotopic composition of a zooxanthellate coral: Role of nitrogen recycling
Reynaud S, Martinez P, Billy I, Allemand D, Ferrier-Pagès C
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 392: 103-110 -
Energetics approach to predicting mortality risk from environmental stress: a case study of coral bleaching
Anthony K R N, Hoogenboom M, Maynard J A, Grottoli A G, Middlebrook R
Funct Ecol 23: 539-550 -
Function of Photosystems I and II during coral bleaching
Hoogenboom M, Campbell D A, Ferrier-Pagès C
Comp Biochem Physiol A, Mol Integr Physiol. 153(A2): S171 -
Future economic impacts of ocean acidification on mediterranean seafood: First assessment summary
Hilmi N, Allemand D, Jeffree R A, Orr J C
MEDCOAST09 597-608 -
Heterotrophy in tropical scleractinian corals
Houlbrèque F, Ferrier-Pagès C
Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc 84(1): 1-17 -
Imaging intracellular pH in a reef coral and symbiotic anemone
Venn A A, Tambutté E, Lotto S, Zoccola D, Allemand D, Tambutté S
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 106(39): 16574-16579 -
Increased light intensity induces heat shock protein Hsp60 in coral species
Chow A M, Ferrier-Pagès C, Khalouei S, Reynaud S, Brown I R
Cell Stress Chaperones 14(5): 469-476 -
Measurement of plankton consumption by corals
Ferrier-Pagès C, Houlbrèque F
The Biology of Coral Reef Eds Sheppard, R. C. Davy, S. K. Pilling, G. M., Oxford University Press: 150-151 -
Oxygen isotopic signature of the skeletal microstructures in cultured corals: Identification of vital effects
Juillet-Leclerc A, Reynaud S, Rollion-Bard C, Cuif J P, Dauphin Y, Blamart D, Ferrier-Pagès C, Allemand D
Geochim Cosmochim Acta 73(18): 5320-5332 -
P-glycoprotein (multi-xenobiotic resistance) and heat shock protein gene expression in the reef coral Montastraea franksi in response to environmental toxicants
Venn A A, Quinn J, Jones R, Bodnar A
Aquat Toxicol 93(4): 188-195 -
Physiological response of the symbiotic gorgonian Eunicella singularis to a long-term temperature increase
Ferrier-Pagès C, Tambutté E, Zamoum T, Caminiti Segonds N, Merle P L, Bensoussan N, Allemand D, Garrabou J, Tambutté S
J Exp Biol 212(18): 3007-3015 -
Relation de couple au soleil : l'endosymbiose Cnidaires-Dinoflagellés
Furla P, Allemand D
Biofutur 299: 40-43 -
Specific expression of BMP2/4 ortholog in biomineralizing tissues of corals and action on mouse BMP receptor
Zoccola D, Moya A, Beranger G E, Tambutté E, Allemand D, Carle G F, Tambutté S
Mar Biotechnol 11(2): 260-269 -
Strontium-86 labeling experiments show spatially heterogeneous skeletal formation in the scleractinian coral Porites porites
Houlbrèque F, Meibom A, Cuif J-P, Stolarski J, Marrocchi Y, Ferrier-Pagès C, Domart-Coulon I, Dunbar R B
Geophys Res Lett 36(4): L04604 -
What Determines Coral Health?
Weis V M, Allemand D
Science 324(5931): 1153-1155
Calcification and associated physiological parameters during a stress event in the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata
Moya A, Ferrier-Pagès C, Furla P, Richier S, Tambutté E, Allemand D, Tambutté S
Comp Biochem Physiol A, Mol Integr Physiol. 151(1): 29-36 -
Carbonic anhydrase in the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata - Characterization, localization, and role in biomineralization
Moya A, Tambutté S, Bertucci A, Tambutté E, Lotto S, Vullo D, Supuran C T, Allemand D, Zoccola D
J Biol Chem 283(37): 25475-25484 -
Cloning and use of a coral 36B4 gene to study the differential expression of coral genes between light and dark conditions
Moya A, Tambutté S, Beranger G, Gaume B, Scimeca J C, Allemand D, Zoccola D
Mar Biotechnol 10(6): 653-663 -
Coral calcification responds to seawater acidification: A working hypothesis towards a physiological mechanism
Marubini F, Ferrier-Pagès C, Furla P, Allemand D
Coral Reefs 27(3): 491-499 -
Depth-dependant response to light of the reef building coral, Pocillopora verrucosa: Implication of oxidative stress
Richier S, Cottalorda J-M, Guillaume M M M, Fernandez C, Allemand D, Furla P
J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 357: 48-56 -
Effect of light and feeding on coral calcification
Tambutté S, Ferrier-Pagès C
Advances in Coral Husbandry in Public Aquariums Burgers' Zoo, Chap. 4, vol. 2: 27-29 -
Effect of light and feeding on the fatty acid and sterol composition of zooxanthellae and host tissue isolated from the scleractinian coral Turbinaria reniformis
Treignier C, Grover R, Ferrier-Pagès C, Tolosa I
Limnol Oceanogr 53(6): 2702-2710 -
Effects of temperature, light and heterotrophy on the growth rate and budding of the temperate coral Cladocora caespitosa
Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Peirano A, Houlbrèque F, Abbate M, Ferrier-Pagès C
Coral Reefs 27(1): 17-25 -
Fish otolith calcification in relation to endolymph chemistry
Allemand D, Mayer-Gostan N, De Pontual H, Boeuf G, Payan P
Handbook of Biomineralization Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH, vol. 1, Chap. 17: 291-308 -
Importance of Time and Place: Patterns in Abundance of Symbiodinium Clades A and B in the Tropical Sea Anemone Condylactis gigantea
Venn A A, Loram J E, Trapido-Rosenthal H G, Joyce D A, Douglas A E
Biol Bull 215(3): 243-252 -
Interactions between morphological and physiological plasticity optimize energy acquisition in corals
Hoogenboom M, Connoly S R, Anthony K R
Ecology 89(4): 1144-1154 -
Organic matrix and biomineralization of scleractinian corals
Tambutté S, Tambutté E, Zoccola D, Allemand D
Handbook of Biomineralization Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH, vol. 1, Chap. 14: 243-259 -
Photosynthetic response of the Mediterranean zooxanthellate coral Cladocora caespitosa to the natural range of light and temperature
Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Huot Y, Ferrier-Pagès C
J Exp Biol 211(Pt 10): 1579-1586 -
Reply to the comment of Fritsch and Karampelas on "Determination of canthaxanthin in the red coral (Corallium rubrum) from Marseille by HPLC combined with UV and MS detection" by Cvejic et al. (2007) Mar Biol 152 : 855-862
Cvejic J, Tambutté S, Lotto S, Mikov M, Slacanin I, Allemand D
Mar Biol 154(5): 931-932 -
Temporal and depth responses of two temperate corals, Cladocora caespitosa and Oculina patagonica, from the North Mediterranean Sea
Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Reynaud S, Allemand D, Ferrier-Pagès C
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 369: 103-114 -
Upper thermal thresholds of shallow vs. deep populations of the precious Mediterranean red coral Corallium rubrum (L.): Assessing the potential effects of warming in the NW Mediterranean
Torrents O, Tambutté E, Caminiti Segonds N, Garrabou J
J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 357(1): 7-19 -
Uptake of dissolved free amino acids by the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata
Grover R, Maguer J-F, Allemand D, Ferrier-Pagès C
J Exp Biol 211(Pt 6): 860-865
A century of warfare shoots holes in anti-Caulerpa campaign
Chisholm J R M, Povinec P P, Briet V, Gastaud J, Jaubert J M, Lee S H, Levy-Palomo I, Marchioretti M, Minghelli-Roman A
Nature Precedings doi:10.1038/npre.2007.1240.1 -
Catalase characterization and implication in bleaching of a symbiotic sea anemone
Merle P L, Sabourault C, Richier S, Allemand D, Furla P
Free Radic Biol Med. 42(2): 236-246 -
Characterization and role of carbonic anhydrase in the calcification process of the azooxanthellate coral Tubastrea aurea
Tambutté S, Tambutté E, Zoccola D, Caminiti Segonds N, Lotto S, Moya A, Allemand D, Adkins J
Mar Biol 151(1): 71-83 -
Dark calcification and the daily rhythm of calcification in the scleractinian coral, Galaxea fascicularis
Al-Horani F, Tambutté E, Allemand D
Coral Reefs 26(3): 531-538 -
Determination of canthaxanthin in the red coral (Corallium rubrum) from Marseille by HPLC combined with UV and MS detection
Cvejic J, Tambutté S, Lotto S, Mikov M, Slacanin I, Allemand D
Mar Biol 152(4): 855-862 -
Effects of temperature and UV radiation increases on the photosynthetic efficiency in four scleractinian coral species
Ferrier-Pagès C, Richard C, Forcioli D, Allemand D, Pichon M, Shick J M
Biol Bull 213(1): 76-87 -
Evidence of low molecular weight components in the organic matrix of the reef building coral, Stylophora pistillata
Puverel S, Houlbrèque F, Tambutté E, Zoccola D, Payan P, Caminiti Segonds N, Tambutté S, Allemand D
Comp Biochem Physiol A, Mol Integr Physiol. 147(4): 850-856 -
Ingestion of pico- and nanoplankton by the Mediterranean red coral Corallium rubrum
Piccinao M, Ferrier-Pagès C
Mar Biol 150(5): 773-782 -
Lipkea ruspoliana Vogt, 1887, (Stauromedusa, Scyphozoa, Cnidaria) dans les aquariums du Musee Oceanographique de Monaco
Pisani V, Ottero-Ferrer F, Lotto S, Maurel P, Goy J
Bull Soc Zool France 132(3): 183-190 -
Light and temperature effects on Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca ratios in the scleractinian coral Acropora sp
Reynaud S, Ferrier-Pagès C, Meibom A, Mostefaoui S, Mortlock R, Fairbanks R, Allemand D
Geochim Cosmochim Acta 71(2): 354-362 -
Observations of the tissue-skeleton interface in the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata
Tambutté E, Allemand D, Zoccola D, Meibom A, Lotto S, Caminiti Segonds N, Tambutté S
Coral Reefs 26(3): 517-529
Calcium isotope fractionation in modern scleractinian corals
Böhm F, Gussone N, Eisenhauer A, Dullo W-C, Reynaud S, Paytan A
Geochim Cosmochim Acta 70(17): 4452-4462 -
Characterization and variations of organic parameters in teleost fish endolymph during day-night cycle, starvation and stress conditions
Guibbolini M, Borelli G, Mayer-Gostan N, Priouzeau F, De Pontual H, Allemand D, Payan P
Comp Biochem Physiol A, Mol Integr Physiol. 145(1): 99-107 -
Growth and photosynthesis of two Mediterranean corals, Cladocora caespitosa and Oculina patagonica, under normal and elevated temperatures
Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Richard C, Allemand D, Ferrier-Pagès C
J Exp Biol 209: 4546-4556 -
Light-Enhanced Calcification and dark decalcification in isolates of the Soft Coral Cladiella sp. during tissue recovery
Tentori E, Allemand D
Biol Bull 211(2): 193-202 -
Oxidative stress and apoptotic events during thermal stress in the symbiotic sea anemone, Anemonia viridis
Richier S, Sabourault C, Courtiade J, Zucchini N, Allemand D, Furla P
FEBS J 273: 4186-4198 -
Picoplankton removal by the coral reef community of La Prévoyante, Mayotte Island
Houlbrèque F, Delesalle B, Blanchot J, Montel Y, Ferrier-Pagès C
Aquat Microb Ecol 44(1): 59-70 -
Recent advances in coral biomineralization with implications for paleo-climatology: a brief overview.
Watanabe T, Juillet-Leclerc A, Cuif J-P, Rollion-Bard C, Dauphin Y, Reynaud S
Oceanography Series Chap. 10, vol. 73: 239-254 -
Response of zooxanthellae in symbiosis with the Mediterranean corals Cladocora caespitosa and Oculina patagonica to elevated temperatures
Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Richard C, Allemand D, Bianchi C N, Morri C, Ferrier-Pagès C
Mar Biol 150: 45-55 -
Study of calcification during a daily cycle of the coral Stylophora pistillata: implications for 'light-enhanced calcification'
Moya A, Tambutté S, Tambutté E, Zoccola D, Caminiti Segonds N, Allemand D
J Exp Biol 209(Pt 17): 3413-3419 -
Terrestrial and marine n-alcohol inputs and degradation processes relating to a sudden turbidity current in the Zaire canyon
Treignier C, Derenne S, Saliot A
Org Geochem 37(9): 1170-1184 -
Urea uptake by the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata
Grover R, Maguer J-F, Allemand D, Ferrier-Pagès C
J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 332: 216-226 -
Variation of geochemical signals in coral skeletons: Environmental changes or biological processes?
Watanabe T, Reynaud S, Cuif J-P, Dauphin Y
Paleo Res 10(4): 359-374 -
Vital effects in coral skeletal composition display strict three-dimensional control
Meibom A, Yurimoto H, Cuif J-P, Domart-Coulon I, Houlbrèque F, Constantz B, Dauphin Y, Tambutté E, Tambutté S, Allemand D, Wooden J, Dunbar R B
Geophys Res Lett 33(11): L11608
Antibodies against the organic matrix in scleractinians: A new tool to study coral biomineralization
Puverel S, Tambutté E, Zoccola D, Domart-Coulon I, Bouchot A, Lotto S, Allemand D, Tambutté S
Adaptation and Evolution in Marine Environments 24(1): 149-156 -
Bioaccumulation of zinc in the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata
Ferrier-Pagès C, Houlbrèque F, Wyse E, Richard C, Allemand D, Boisson F
Coral Reefs 24(4): 636-645 -
Effects of starvation, ammonium concentration, and photosynthesis on the UV-dependent accumulation of mycosporine-like amino acids (MMAs) in the coral Stylophora pistillata
Shick M, Ferrier-Pagès C, Grover R, Allemand D
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 295: 135-156 -
Soluble organic matrix of two Scleractinian corals: Partial and comparative analysis
Puverel S, Tambutté E, Pereira-Mouries L, Zoccola D, Allemand D, Tambutté S
Comp Biochem Physiol B, Biochem Mol Biol. 141(4): 480-487 -
Stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) of organic matrix from coral skeleton
Muscatine L, Goiran C, Land L, Jaubert J, Cuif J-P, Allemand D
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 102(5): 1525-1530 -
Symbiosis-induced adaptation to oxidative stress
Richier S, Furla P, Plantivaux A, Merle P L, Allemand D
J Exp Biol 208(Pt 2): 277-285 -
The Symbiotic Anthozoan: A Physiological chimera between Alga and Animal
Furla P, Allemand D, Schick M, Ferrier-Pagès C, Richier S, Plantivaux A, Merle P L, Tambutté S
Integr Comp Biol 45: 595-604 -
Tissue necrosis and mortality of the temperate coral Cladocora Caespitosa
Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Bianchi C N, Peirano A, Morri C
Ital J Zool 72(4): 271-276
A basidiomycete isolated from the skeleton of Pocillopora damicornis (Scleractinia) selectively stimulates short-term survival of coral skeletogenic cells
Domart-Coulon I, Sinclair C S, Hill R T, Tambutté S, Puverel S, Ostrander G K
Mar Biol 144(3): 583-592 -
Biological control of skeleton formation in scleractinian corals
Allemand D
Geochim Cosmochim Acta 68(11): A204 -
Biomineralisation in reef-building corals: from molecular mechanisms to environmental control
Allemand D, Ferrier-Pagès C, Furla P, Houlbrèque F, Puverel S, Reynaud S, Tambutté E, Tambutté S, Zoccola D
C R Palevol 3(6-7): 453-467 -
Cell growth and calcification result from uncoupled physiological processes in the soft coral Litophyton arboreum
Tentori E, Allemand D, Sheperd R
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 276: 85-92 -
Effect of light and temperature on calcification and strontium uptake in the scleractinian coral Acropora verweyi
Reynaud S, Ferrier-Pagès C, Boisson F, Allemand D, Fairbanks R G
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 279: 105-112 -
Effect of pCO2 and temperature of the boron isotopic composition of the zooxanthellate coral Acropora sp.
Reynaud S, Hemming N G, Juillet-Leclerc A, Gattuso J-P
Coral Reefs 23: 539-546 -
Etude de la diversité génétique et phénotypique chez la gorgone symbiotique méditerranéenne Eunicella singularis (Esper, 1791)
Caligara C, Forcioli D, Merle P L, Francour P, Allemand D
Rapp Comm int Mer Médit 37: 499 -
Importance of a micro-diet for scleractinian corals
Houlbrèque F, Tambutté E, Richard C, Ferrier-Pagès C
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 282: 151-160 -
Interactions between zooplankton feeding, photosynthesis and skeletal growth in the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata
Houlbrèque F, Tambutté E, Allemand D, Ferrier-Pagès C
J Exp Biol 207(Pt 9): 1461-1469 -
Les Caulerpes, un genre envahissant
Jaubert J, Chisholm J R, Minghelli-Roman A, Marchioretti M, Morrow J H, Ripley H T
Calypso Log 222/3: 18-52 -
Molecular characterization of two CuZn-superoxide dismutases in a sea anemone
Plantivaux A, Furla P, Zoccola D, Garello G, Forcioli D, Richier S, Merle P L, Tambutté E, Tambutté S, Allemand D
Free Radic Biol Med. 37(8): 1170-1181 -
Molecular cloning and localization of a PMCA P-type calcium ATPase from the coral Stylophora pistillata
Zoccola D, Tambutté E, Kulhanek E, Puverel S, Scimeca J-C, Allemand D, Tambutté S
Biochim Biophys Acta 1663: 117-126 -
Short term viability of soft tissue detached from the skeleton of reef-building corals
Domart-Coulon I, Tambutté S, Tambutté E, Allemand D
J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 309(2): 199-217 -
The continuity and intensity of ultraviolet irradiation affect the kinetics of biosynthesis, accumulation, and conversion of mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAS) in the coral Stylophora pistillata
Shick J M
Limnol Oceanogr 49(2): 442-458
Adaptation à la vie en symbiose des cnidaires à zooxanthelles
Allemand D, Furla P, Merle P L, Plantivaux A, Richier S, Tambutté S
Océanis Institut océanographique, vol.3-4: 30 -
Characterization of superoxide dismutases in anoxia- and hyperoxia-tolerant symbiotic cnidarians
Richier S, Merle P L, Furla P, Pigozzi D, Sola F, Allemand D
Biochim Biophys Acta 1621(1): 84-91 -
Daily variations of endolymph composition: Relationship with the otolith calcification process in trout
Borelli G, Guibbolini M E, Mayer-Gostan N, Priouzeau F, De Pontual H, Allemand D, Puverel S, Tambutté E, Payan P
J Exp Biol 206(Pt 15): 2685-2692 -
Effect of natural zooplankton feeding on the tissue and skeletal growth of the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata
Ferrier-Pagès C, Witting J, Tambutté E, Sebens K P
Coral Reefs 22(3): 229-240 -
Effect of zooplankton availability on the rates of photosynthesis, and tissue and skeletal growth in the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata
Houlbrèque F, Tambutté E, Ferrier-Pagès C
J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 296(2): 145-166 -
Interacting effects of CO2 partial pressure and temperature on photosynthesis and calcification in a scleractinian coral
Reynaud S, Leclercq N, Romaine-Lioud S, Ferrier-Pagès C, Jaubert J, Gattuso J-P
Glob Chang Biol 9: 1660-1668 -
Les coraux : Archives des océans tropicaux
Juillet-Leclerc A, Allemand D, Blamart D, Dauphin Y, Ferrier-Pagès C, Reynaud S, Rollion-Bard C
Océanis Institut océanographique, vol.3-4: 303-323 -
Nitrate uptake in the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata
Grover R, Maguer J-F, Allemand D, Ferrier-Pagès C
Limnol Oceanogr 48(6): 9 -
Re-evaluation of the extent of Caulerpa taxifolia development in the northern mediterranean using airborne spectrographic sensing
Jaubert J M, Chisholm J R, Minghelli-Roman A, Marchioretti M, Morrow J H, Ripley H T
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 263: 75-82 -
Stimulation of nitrogen fixation in refractory organic sediments by Caulerpa taxifolia (Chlorophyta)
Chicholm J R M, Moulin P
Limnol Oceanogr 48(2): 787-794 -
Suppression of skeletal growth in scleractinian corals by decreasing ambient carbonate-ion concentration: a cross-family comparison
Marubini F, Ferrier-Pagès C, Cuif J-P
Proc R Soc Lond, B, Biol Sci 270(1511): 179-184
Discrimination of coral reflectance spectra in the Red Sea
MInghelli-Roman A, Chisholm J R, Marchioretti M, Jaubert J M
Coral Reefs 21(3): 307-314 -
Effect of feeding on the carbon and oxygen isotopic composition in the tissues and skeleton of the zooxanthellate coral Stylophora pistillata
Reynaud S, Ferrier-Pagès C, Sambrotto R, Juillet-Leclerc A, Jaubert J M, Gattuso J-P
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 238: 81-89 -
Kinetics of strontium uptake in the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata
Ferrier-Pagès C, Boisson F, Allemand D, Tambutté E
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 245: 8 -
Primary production, respiration, and calcification of a coral reef mesocosm under increased CO2 partial pressure
Leclercq N, Gattuso J-P, Jaubert J
Limnol Oceanogr 47(2): 558-564 -
Uptake of ammonium by the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata: Effect of feeding, light, and ammonium concentrations
Grover R, Maguer J-F, Reynaud S, Ferrier-Pagès C
Limnol Oceanogr 47(3): 782-790
A bird's-eye view of the health of coral reefs
Mumby P J, Chisholm J R, Clark C D, Hedley J D, Jaubert J M
Nature 413(6851): 36 -
Cloning of a chick A3 adenosine receptor: characterization of ligand binding and receptor-effector coupling of chick A1 and A3 adenosine receptors
Durand I H, Green R D
Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol 363(1): 81-86 -
Cloudy weather may have saved Society Island reef corals during the 1998 ENSO event
Mumby P J, Chisholm J R M, Edwards A J, Andrefouet A, Jaubert J M
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 222: 209-216 -
Dependence of calcification on light and carbonate ion concentration for the hermatypic coral Porites compressa
Marubini F, Barnett H, Langdon C, Atkinson M J
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 220: 153-162 -
Effect of light on skeletal δ13C and δ18O, and interaction with photosynthesis, respiration and calcification in two zooxanthellate scleractinian corals
Reynaud S, Juillet-Leclerc A, Jaubert J M, Gattuso J-P
Palaeogeogr Palaeoclimatol Palaeoecol 175: 393-404 -
Entrapment of pollutants in Mediterranean sediments and biogeochemical indicators of their impact
Fernex F E, Migon C, Chisholm J R M
Hydrobiologia 450(1): 31-46 -
Pico- and nanoplankton biomass and production in the two largest atoll lagoons of French Polynesia
Ferrier-Pagès C, Furla P
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 211: 63-76 -
Unprecedented bleaching-induced mortality in Porites sp. at Rangiroa Atoll, French Polynesia
Mumby P J, Chisholm J R M, Edwards A J, Clark C D, Roark B, Andréfouët S, Jaubert J M
Mar Biol 139: 183-189 -
Worms start the reef-building process
Chisholm J R M, Kelley R
Nature 409(6817): 152
Artificial reefs in the Principality of Monaco: Protection and enhancement of coastal zones
Allemand D, Debernardi E, Seaman W Jr
Artificial Reefs in Europeans Seas Kluwer Academic Press, Eds Jensen, A. C. Collins, K. J. Lockwood, A. P. M., Chap. 8: 151-166 -
Calcification by crustose coralline algae on the northern Great Barrier Reef, Australia
Chisholm J R M
Limnol Oceanogr 45(7): 1476-1484 -
Calcification does not stimulate photosynthesis in the zooxanthellate scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata
Gattuso J-P, Reynaud S, Furla P, Romaine-Lioud S, Jaubert J M
Limnol Oceanogr 45(1): 246-250 -
CO2 partial pressure controls the calcification rate of a coral community
Leclercq N, Gattuso J-P, Jaubert J M
Glob Chang Biol 6: 329-334 -
Coral reef ecosystems: An overview of their life structure and function
Chisholm J R M
Encyclopedia of life support systems Oceanography, Eds Chen, C. T. A. vol. 2 -
Effect of calcium carbonate saturation state on the calcification rate of an experimental coral reef
Langdon C, Takahashi T, Sweeney C, Chipman D, Goddard J, Marubini F, Aceves H, Barnett H, Atkinson M J
Global Biogeochem Cycles 14(2): 639-654 -
Effect of low water temperature on metabolism and growth of a subtropical strain of Caulerpa taxifolia (Chlorophyta)
Chisholm J R M, Marchioretti M, Jaubert J M
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 201: 189-198 -
Effect of nutrient enrichment on growth and photosynthesis of the zooxanthellate coral Stylophora pistillata
Ferrier-Pagès C, Gattuso J-P, Dallot S, Jaubert J M
Coral Reefs 19: 103-113 -
Enhancement of pico- and nanoplankton growth by coral exudates
Ferrier-Pagès C, Leclercq N, Jaubert J M, Pelegri S
Aquat Microb Ecol 21: 203-209 -
Genetic variation in the green alga Caulerpa taxifolia
Benzie J A H, Ballment E, Chisholm J R M, Jaubert J M
Aquat Bot 66(2): 131-139 -
Involvement of H+-ATPase and carbonic anhydrase in inorganic carbon uptake for endosymbiont photosynthesis
Furla P, Allemand D, Orsenigo M N
Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 278(4): R870-881 -
Nos ancêtres les coraux
Furla P, Allemand D
Med Sci (Paris) 16(10): 1139-1140 -
Physiological mechanisms underlying biomineralization process in the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata
Allemand D, Zoccola D, Tambutté E
Chemistry and Biology of Mineralized Tissues Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference, Vittel, France, 458 pp. -
Sources and mechanisms of inorganic carbon transport for coral calcification and photosynthesis
Furla P, Galgani I, Durand I, Allemand D
J Exp Biol 203(22): 3445-3457 -
Spectral discrimination of coral mortality states following a severe bleaching event
Clark C D, Mumby P J, Chisholm J R M, Jaubert J M, Andrefouet S
Int J Remote Sens. 21(11): 2321-2327
A novel culture technique for scleractinian corals: application to investigate changes in skeletal δ18O as a function of temperature
Reynaud S, Gattuso J-P, Cuif J-P, Jaubert J M, Juillet-Leclerc A
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 180: 121-130 -
Cloning of a calcium channel a1 subunit from the reef-building coral, Stylophora pistillata
Zoccola D, Tambutté E, Senegas-Balas F, Michiels J F, Failla J P, Jaubert J M, Allemand D
Gene 227(2): 157-167 -
Comments on the article of Olsen et al (1998): Mediterranean Caulerpa taxifolia and Caulerpa mexicana (Chlorophyta) are not conspecific
Chisholm J R M, Jaubert J M, Olsen J M, Valero M, Meusnier I, Boele-Bos S, Stam W T
J Phycol 35(2): 438-440 -
Effect of small variations in salinity on the rates of photosynthesis and respiration of the zooxanthellate coral Stylophora pistillata
Ferrier-Pagès C, Gattuso J-P, Jaubert J M
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 181: 309-314 -
Measurement of oxygen metabolism in open-top aquatic mesocosms: aplication to a coral reef community
Leclercq N, Gattuso J-P, Jaubert J M
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 177: 299-304 -
No deleterious alterations in Posidonia beds in the bay of Menton (French Riviera) eight years after Caulerpa taxifolia colonization
Jaubert J M, Chisholm J R M, Ducrot D, Ripley H T, Roy L, Passeron-Seitre G
J Phycol 35(6): 1113-1119 -
Photosynthesis and calcification at cellular, organismal and community levels in coral reefs : A review on interactions and control by carbonate chemistry
Gattuso J-P, Allemand D, Frankignoulle M
Am Zool 39(1): 160-183 -
Ultraviolet-B radiation shikimate pathway-dependent accumulation of mycosporine-like amino acids in the coral Stylophora pistillata despite decreases in its population of symbiotic dinoflagellates
Shick M, Romaine-Lioud S, Ferrier-Pagès C, Gattuso J-P
Limnol Oceanogr 44(7): 1667-1682
Biomass, production and grazing rates of pico- and nanoplankton in coral reef waters (Miyako Island, Japan)
Ferrier-Pagès C, Gattuso J-P
Microb Ecol 35(1): 46-57 -
Carbon and carbonate metabolism in coastal aquatic ecosystems
Gattuso J-P, Gattuso J-P, Frankignoulle M, Wollast R
Annu Rev Ecol Syst 29: 405-433 -
Cell-specific density of symbiotic dinoflagellates in tropical anthozoans
Muscatine L, Ferrier-Pagès C, Blackburn A, Gates R D, Baghdasarian G, Allemand D
Coral Reefs 17(4): 329-337 -
Contribution of soft-bottoms to the community metabolism (carbon production and calcification) of a barrier reef flat (Moorea Island, French Polynesia)
Boucher G, Clavier J, Hily C, Gattuso J-P
J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 225(2): 269-283 -
Diffusional permeability of dissolved inorganic carbon through the isolated oral epithelial layers of the sea anemone, Anemonia viridis
Furla P, Tambutté S, Jaubert J M, Allemand D
J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 221(1): 71-88 -
Effect of calclium carbonate saturation of seawater on coral calcification
Gattuso J-P, Frankignoulle M, Bourge I, Romaine S, Buddemeier R W
Glob Planet Change 18: 37-46 -
Functional polarity of the tentacle of the sea anemone Anemonia viridis: role in inorganic carbon acquisition
Furla P, Tambutté S, Jaubert J M, Allemand D
Am Physiol Soc 274(2 Pt 2): R303-310 -
Mechanisms of carbon acquisition for endosymbiont photosynthesis in Anthozoa
Allemand D, Furla P, Tambutté S
Can J Bot 76(6): 925-941 -
Microheterotrophy in the zooxanthellate coral Stylophora pistillata: effects of light and ciliate density
Ferrier-Pagès C, Allemand D, Gattuso J-P, Jaubert J M, Rassoulzadegan F
Limnol Oceanogr 43(7): 1639-1648 -
Organic matrix synthesis in the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata: role in biomineralization and potential target of the organotin tributyltin
Allemand D, Tambutté E, Girard J P, Jaubert J M
J Exp Biol 201(Pt 13): 2001-2009 -
Pore water geochemistry and mixing processes within the Tahiti barrier reef
Andrié C, Jean-Baptiste P, Pierre C, Déjardin P, Fichez R, Poupeau J-J, Rougerie F
Geochim Cosmochim Acta 62(16): 2809-2822 -
Release of dissolved amino acids by flagellates and ciliates grazing on bacteria
Ferrier-Pagès C, Karner M, Rassoulzadegan F
Oceanol Acta 21(3): 485-494 -
Release of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen by the zooxanthellate coral Galaxea fascicularis
Ferrier-Pagès C, Gattuso J-P, Cauwet G, Jaubert J M, Allemand D
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 172: 265-274 -
Rising CO2 and marine calcification: a core project of the global change international geosphere-biosphere programme
Buddemeier R W, Gattuso J-P, Kleypas J A
LOICZ Newsletter 8: 1-3
Dynamiques d'espèces marines invasives : Application à l'expansion de Caulerpa Taxifolia en Méditerranée
Jaubert J M
Broché Eds Tec & Doc Lavoisier, 384 pp. -
Effects of calcification patterns on the oxygen isotope composition of the skeleton of the scleractinian coral Acropora formosa
Juillet-Leclerc A, Montagioni L F, Pichon M, Gattuso J-P
Oceanol Acta 20(4): 645-658 -
Geomorphology and hydrogeology of selected islands of French Polynesia : Tikehau (atoll) and Tahiti (Barrier reef)
Rougerie F, Fichez R, Déjardin P
Geology and Hydrogeology of Carbonate Islands. Developments in Sedimentology Elsevier Science, B. V. Chap.15: 475-502 -
Morphology of coral desmocytes, cells that anchor the calicoblastic epithelium to the skeleton
Muscatine L, Tambutté E, Allemand D
Coral Reefs 16(4): 205-213 -
Photoautotrophic metabolism of Caulerpa taxifolia (Chlorophyta) in the NW Mediterranean
Chisholm J R M, Jaubert J M
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 153: 113-123 -
Photosynthesis, respiration and calcification of a zooxanthellate scleractinian coral under submerged and exposed conditions
Romaine S, Tambutté E, Allemand D, Gattuso J-P
Mar Biol 129(1): 175-182 -
Primary production, calcification and air-sea CO2 fluxes in coral reefs : Organism, ecosystem and global scales
Gattuso J-P, Pichon M, Jaubert J M, Marchioretti M, Frankignoulle M
J Phycol 33(5): 729-738 -
Seasonal variation of primary productivity and skeletal δ13C and δ18O in the zooxanthellate scleractinian coral Acropora formosa
Juillet-Leclerc A, Gattuso J-P, Montaggioni L F, Pichon M
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 157: 109-117 -
Transient Na+ stress in symbiotic dinoflagellates after isolation from coral-host cells and subsequent immersion in seawater
Goiran C, Allemand D, Galgani I
Mar Biol 129(4): 581-589 -
Wastewater discharge, seagrass decline and algal proliferation on the Côte d'Azur
Chisholm J R M, Fernex F E, Mathieu D, Jaubert J M
Mar Pollut Bull 34(2): 78-84 -
Water permeability of the oral epithelial layers of the sea anemone, Anemonia viridis
Tambutté S, Allemand D
J Exp Zool 279(1): 1-8
A compartmental approach to the mechanism of calcification in hermatypic corals
Tambutté E, Allemand D, Mueller E, Jaubert J M
J Exp Biol 199(5): 1029-1041 -
Carbon fluxes in coral reefs. I. Lagrangian measurement of community metabolism and resulting air-sea CO2 disequilibrium
Gattuso J-P, Pichon M, Delesalle B, Canon C, Frankignoulle M
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 145: 109-121 -
Carbon fluxes in coral reefs. II. Eularian study of inorganic carbon dynamics and measurement of air-sea CO2 exchanges
Frankignoulle M, Gattuso J-P, Biondo R, Bourge I, Copin-Montégut G, PIchon M
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 145: 123-132 -
Coral reefs and carbon dioxide
Gattuso J-P, Frankignoulle M, Smith S V, Ware J R, Wollast R
Science 271(5253): 1298 -
Deglacial sea-level record from Tahiti corals and the timing of global meltwater discharge
Bard E, Hamelin B, Arnold M, Montaggioni L F, Cabioch G, Faure G, Rougerie F
Nature 382(6588): 241-244 -
Dynamics of calcification in the mediterranean red coral, Corallium rubrum (Linnaeus) (Cnidaria, Octocorallia)
Allemand D, Tambutté S
J Exp Zool 276(4): 270-278 -
In situ processes in reef interstitial waters : Implication for reef growth/calcification
Rougerie F
Bull Inst Oceanogr N° spécial 14(4): 47-49 -
Inorganic carbon supply to symbiont photosynthesis of the sea anemone, Anemonia viridis: Role of the oral epithelial layers
Tambutté S, Allemand D, Jaubert J M
Symbiosis 20: 199-217 -
Inorganic carbon uptake for photosynthesis by the symbiotic coral/ dinoflagellate association. II. Mechanisms for bicarbonate uptake
Al-Moghrabi S, Goiran C, Allemand D, Speziale N, Jaubert J M
J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 199: 227-248 -
Inorganic carbon uptake for photosynthesis by the symbiotic coral/dinoflagellate association I. Photosynthetic performances of symbionts and dependence on sea water bicarbonate
Goiran C, Al-Moghrabi S, Allemand D, Jaubert J M
J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 199(2): 207-225 -
Permeability of the oral epithelial layers in cnidarians
Tambutté S, Allemand D, Jaubert J M
Mar Biol 126(1): 43-53 -
Roots in mixotrophic algae
Chisholm J R M, Dauga C, Ageron E, Grimont P A D, Jaubert J M
Nature 381(6581): 382
Caulerpa taxifolia in the northwest Mediterranean : Introduced species or migrant from the Red Sea ?
Chisholm J R M, Jaubert J M, Giaccone G
C R Acad Sci Paris 318(12): 1219-1226 -
2- Physiological processes in biomineralization.
Allemand D
Bull Inst Oceanogr N° spécial 14(2): Introduction to the session -
An improved 45Ca protocol for investigating physiological mechanisms in coral calcification
Tambutté E, Allemand D, Bourge I, Gattuso J-P, Jaubert J M
Mar Biol 122(3): 453-459 -
Aquatic calcification as a source of carbon dioxide
Frankignoulle M, Pichon M, Gattuso J-P
Carbon sequestration in the biosphere Part of the NATO ASI Series book series, vol. 33: 265-271 -
Biological control of air-sea CO2 fluxes: Effect of photosynthetic and calcifying organisms and ecosystems
Gattuso J-P, Pichon M, Frankignoulle M
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 129: 307-312 -
Effect of arachidonic acid on Na+/H+ exchange and neutral amino acid transport in sea urchin eggs
Ciapa B, Allemand D, de Renzis G
Exp Cell Res 218(1): 248-254 -
Fatty acids of the scleractinian coral Galaxea fascicularis: Effect of light and feeding
Al-Moghrabi S, Allemand D, Couret J M, Jaubert J M
J Comp Physiol B, Biochem Syst Environ Physiol 165(3): 183-192 -
La réserve à corail rouge
Allemand D, Debernardi E, Gilles P, Ounaïs N, Theron D, Thevenin T
XXans au service de la Nature AMPN, Editions EGC Monaco: 121-130 -
Les récifs artificiels
Allemand D, Debernardi E
XXans au service de la Nature AMPN, Editions EGC Monaco: 81-84 -
Les réserves sous-marines : Pour quoi faire ?
Allemand D
XXans au service de la Nature AMPN, Editions EGC Monaco: 43-44 -
Metabolic responses of low-temperature-acclimated Caulerpa taxifolia (Chlorophyta) to rapidly elevated temperature
Gayol P, Falconetti C, Chisholm J R M, Jaubert J M
Botanica marina 38(1-6-: 61-68 -
Programmes et travaux de l'Observatoire Océanologique Européen du Centre Scientifique de Monaco
Jaubert J M
XXans au service de la Nature AMPN, Editions EGC Monaco: 169-174 -
The Stylophora pistillata microcolony: a model for studying calcium transport process during coral biomineralization
Tambutté E, Allemand D, Jaubert J M
Bull Inst Oceanogr N° spécial 14(2): 79-87
Marine calcification as a source of carbon dioxide: Positive feedback of increasing atmospheric CO2
Frankignoulle M, Canon C, Gattuso J-P
Limnol Oceanogr 39(2): 458-462 -
Phagotrophic nanoflagellates contribute to occurrence of a-glucosidase and aminopeptidase in marine environments
Karner M, Ferrier-Pagès C, Rassoulzadegan F
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 114: 237-244 -
The organic matrix of skeletal structures of the mediterranean Red Coral, Corallium rubrum
Allemand D, Cuif J-P, Watabe N, Oishi M, Kawaguchi T
Bull Inst Oceanogr N° spécial 14: 129-139
Community metabolism and air-sea CO2 fluxes in a coral reef ecosystem (Moorea, French Polynesia)
Gattuso J-P, Pichon M, Delesalle B, Frankignoulle M
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 96(3): 259-267 -
Depth- and light-dependent variation of carbon partitioning and utilization in the zooxanthellate scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata
Gattuso J-P, Yellowlees D, Lesser M
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 92: 267-276 -
Effects of a cyclone on coral reef phytoplankton bomass, primary production (Moorea Island, French Polynesia)
Delesalle B, Pichon M, Frankignoulle M, Gattuso J-P
J Plankton Res 15(12): 1413-1423 -
Effects of HgCl2 on intracellular pH in sea urchin eggs: activation of H+ excretion and Na+/H+ exchange activity
Allemand D, de Renzis G, Payan P
Aquat Toxicol 26(3-4): 171-184 -
Skeleton and sclerite formation in the precious red coral Corallium rubrum
Grillo M C, Goldberg W M, Allemand D
Mar Biol 117(1): 119-128 -
The biology and skeletogenesis of the mediterranean red coral. A review.
Allemand D
Precious Corals & Octocoral research 2: 19-39 -
Valine uptake by the scleractinian coral Galaxea fascicularis: Characterization and effect of light and nutritional status
Al-Moghrabi S, Allemand D, Jaubert J M
J Comp Physiol B, Biochem Syst Environ Physiol 163(5): 355-362
A Study of Cadmium and Calcium Transport into a Marine Unicellular Alga
Romeo M, Karez C S, Allemand D, de Renzis G, Gnassia-Barelli M, Puiseux-Dao S
Water and Ions in Biomolecular Systems Part of the Advances in Life Sciences book series (ALS): 249-256 -
Ca-Cd interaction in the prymnesiophyte Cricosphaera elongata
Karez C S, Allemand D, de Renzis G, Gnassia-Barelli M, Romeo M, Puiseux-Dao S
Plant Cell Environ 13(5): 483-487
Alteration of calcium transport as a mechanism of cell injury induced by HgCl2 in sea urchin eggs
Allemand D, Walter P, Delmas P, de Renzis G
Mar Environ Res 28(1-4): 227-230 -
Effect of the phorbol ester 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TTPA) upon membrane ionic exchanges in sea urchin eggs
Ciapa B, Allemand D, Payan P
Exp Cell Res 185(2): 407-418 -
Mediating effect of calcium in HgCl2 cytotoxicity in sea urchin egg: role of mitochondria in Ca2+-mediated cell death
Walter P, Allemand D, de Renzis G, Payan P
Biochim Biophys Acta 1012(3): 219-226