Scientific Directory

Ingénieur d'Études - Équipe Cancérologie-Cellules Souches et Tumeurs du CerveauTel. +377 97 77 44 25
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Thèmes de recherche développés
Ingénierie des génomes : CRISPR/Cas9 et CRISPR/Cpf1.
Biologie moléculaire et Biologie cellulaire, Biochimie, Microbiologie.
Publications CSM
Exploiting Integrin-αVβ3 to Enhance Radiotherapy Efficacy in Medulloblastoma via Ferroptosis
Gotorbe C, Segui F, Echavidre W, Durivault J, Blanchard T, Vial V, Pagnuzzi-Boncompagni M, Villeneuve R, Amblard R, Garnier N, Ortholan C, Serrano B, Picco V, Pouyssegur J, Vucetic M, Montemagno C
Curr. Oncol. 31, 7390–7402 -
Unveiling CXCR2 as a promising therapeutic target in renal cell carcinoma: exploring the immunotherapeutic paradigm shift through its inhibition by RCT001
Montemagno C, Jacquel A, Pandiani C, Rastoin O, Dawaliby R, Schmitt T, Bourgoin M, Palenzuela H, Rossi A-L, Ambrosetti D, Durivault J, Luciano F, Borchiellini D, Le Du J, Pires Gonçalves L C, Auberger P, Benhida R, Kinget L, Beuselinck B, Ronco C, Pagès G, Dufies M
J Exp Clinical Cancer Research 43(1):86 -
A group of novel VEGF splice variants as alternative therapeutic targets in renal cell carcinoma
Montemagno C, Durivault J, Gastaldi C, Dufies M, Vial V, He X, Ambrosetti D, Kamenskaya A, Négrier S, Bernhard J-C, Borchiellini D, Cao Y, Pagès G
mol 21 Feb 2023, 45 -
Integrin-αvβ3 is a Therapeutically Targetable Fundamental Factor in Medulloblastoma Tumorigenicity and Radioresistance
Echavidre W, Durivault J, Gotorbe C, Blanchard T, Pagnuzzi M, Vial V, Raes F, Broisat A, Villeneuve R, Amblard R, Garnier N, Ortholan C, Faraggi M, Serrano B, Picco V, Montemagno C
Cancer Res Commun 3(12):2483-2496 -
'Warburg effect' controls tumor growth, bacterial, viral infections and immunity - Genetic deconstruction and therapeutic perspectives
Pouyssegur J, Marchiq I, Parks S K, Durivault J, Zdralevic M, Vucetic M
Semin Cancer Biol Vol.86, Part 2, pp. 334-346 -
Antiangiogenic Compound Axitinib Demonstrates Low Toxicity and Antitumoral Effects against Medulloblastoma
Pagnuzzi M, Picco V, Vial V, Planas-Bielsa V, Vandenberghe A, Daubon T, Derieppe M-A, Montemagno C, Durivault J, Grépin R, Martial S, Doyen J, Gavard J, Pagès G
Cancers 14(1) : 70 -
Genetic Disruption of the γ-Glutamylcysteine Ligase in PDAC Cells Induces Ferroptosis-Independent Cell Death In Vitro without Affecting In Vivo Tumor Growth
Daher B, Meira W, Durivault J, Gotorbe C, Pouyssegur J, Vucetic M
Cancers 14, 3154 -
Metabolic Rewiring toward Oxidative Phosphorylation Disrupts Intrinsic Resistance to Ferroptosis of the Colon Adenocarcinoma Cells
Gotorbe C, Durivault J, Meira W, Cassim S, Zdralevic M, Pouyssegur J, Vucetic M
Antiox 11(12), 2412 -
A Cystine-Cysteine Intercellular Shuttle Prevents Ferroptosis in xCT(KO) Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Cells
Meira W, Daher B, Parks S, Cormerais Y, Durivault J, Tambutté E, Pouyssegur J, Vucetic M
Cancers 13(1434) -
In vivo monitoring of the therapeutic efficacy of a CXCR1/2 inhibitor with 18F-FDG PET/CT imaging in experimental head and neck carcinoma: A feasibility study
Montemagno C, Serrano B, Durivault J, Nataf V, Mocquot F, Amblard R, Vial V, Ronco C, Benhida R, Dufies M, Faraggi M, Pagès G
Biochem Biophys Rep 27: 101098 -
Neuropilin 1 and Neuropilin 2 gene invalidation or pharmacological inhibition reveals their relevance for the treatment of metastatic renal cell carcinoma
Dumond A, Brachet E, Durivault J, Vial V, Puszko A K, Lepelletier Y, Montemagno C, Pagnuzzi M, Hermine O, Garbay C, Lagarde N, Montes M, Demange L, Grépin R, Pagès G
J Exp Clinical Cancer Research 40: 33 -
Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma: The Dawn of the Era of Nuclear Medicine?
Montemagno C, Cassim S, De Leiris N, Durivault J, Faraggi M, Pagès G
Int J Mol Sci 22, 6413 -
The combination of bevacizumab/Avastin and erlotinib/Tarceva is relevant for the treatment of metastatic renal cell carcinoma: the role of a synonymous mutation of the EGFR receptor
Grépin R, Guyot M, Dumond A, Durivault J, Ambrosetti D, Roussel J F, Dupré F, Quintens H, Pagès G
Theranostics 10(3): 1107-1121 -
VEGFC negatively regulates the growth and aggressiveness of medulloblastoma cells
Penco-Campillo M, Comoglio Y, Feliz Morel A J, Hanna R, Durivault J, Leloire M, Mejias B, Pagnuzzi M, Morot A, Burel-Vandenbos F, Selby M, Williamson D, Clifford S C, Claren A, Doyen J, Picco V, Martial S, Pagès G
Comm Biol 3(758): 579 -
Carbonic anhydrase XII expression is linked to suppression of Sonic hedgehog ligand expression in triple negative breast cancer cells
Guerrini G, Durivault J, Filippi I, Criscuoli M, Monaci S, Pouyssegur J, Naldini A, Carraro F, Parks S
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 516(2):408-413 -
Genetic ablation of the cystine importer xCT induces ferroptosis in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma cells
Vucetic M, Daher B, Durivault J, Pouyssegur J
Free Radic Biol Med. 139(Suppl. 1): S55 -
Genetic Ablation of the Cystine Transporter xCT in PDAC Cells Inhibits mTORC1, Growth, Survival, and Tumor Formation via Nutrient and Oxidative Stresses
Daher B, Parks S, Durivault J, Cormerais Y, Baidarjad H, Tambutté E, Pouyssegur J, Vucetic M
Cancer Res 79(15):3877-3890 -
VEGFC acts as a double-edged sword in renal cell carcinoma aggressiveness
Ndiaye P D, Dufies M, Giuliano S, Douguet L, Grépin R, Durivault J, Lenormand P, Glisse N, Mintcheva J, Vouret-Craviari V, Mograbi B, Wurmser M, Ambrosetti D, Rioux-Leclercq N, Maire P, Pagès G
Theranostics 9(3): 661-675 -
AKT1 restricts the invasive capacity of head and neck carcinoma cells harboring a constitutively active PI3 kinase activity
Brolih S, Parks S, Vial V, Durivault J, Mostosi L, Pouyssegur J, Pagès G, Picco V
BMC Cancer 18(1): 249 -
Double genetic disruption of lactate dehydrogenase A and B is required to ablate the ‘Warburg effect’ restricting tumor growth to oxidative metabolism
Zdralevic M, Brand A, Di lanni L, Dettmer K, Reinders J, Singer K, Peter K, Schnell A, Bruss C, Decking S-M, Koehl G, Felipe-Abrio B, Durivault J, Bayer P, Evangelista M, O'Brien T, Oefner P J, Renner K, Pouyssegur J, Kreutz M
J Biol Chem 293(41): 15947–15961 -
The glutamine transporter ASCT2 (SLC1A5) promotes tumor growth independently of the amino acid transporter LAT1 (SLC7A5)
Cormerais Y, Massard P-A, Vucetic M, Giuliano S, Tambutté E, Durivault J, Vial V, Endou H, Wempe M F, Parks S, Pouyssegur J
J Biol Chem 293(8): 2877-2887 -
Disrupting glucose-6-phosphate isomerase fully suppresses the ‘Warburg effect’ and activates OXPHOS with minimal impact on tumor growth except in hypoxia
Cunha de Padua M, Delodi G, Vucetic M, Durivault J, Vial V, Bayer P, Noleto G, Mazure N, Zdralevic M, Pouyssegur J
Oncotarget 8(50): 87623-87637 -
Genetic disruption of the pHi-regulating proteins Na+/H+ exchanger 1 (SLC9A1) and carbonic anhydrase 9 severely reduces growth of colon cancer cells
Parks S, Cormerais Y, Durivault J, Pouyssegur J
Oncotarget 8(6): 10225-10237 -
Targeting the pro-angiogenic forms of VEGF or inhibiting their expression as anti-cancer strategies
Guyot M, Hilmi C, Ambrosetti D, Merlano M, Lo Nigro C, Durivault J, Grépin R, Pagès G
Oncotarget 8(6): 9174-9188 -
Genetic disruption of the multifunctional CD98/LAT1 complex demonstrates the key role of essential amino acid transport in the control of mTORC1 and tumor growth
Cormerais Y, Giuliano S, Le Floch R, Front B, Durivault J, Tambutté E, Massar P-A, Rodriguez de la Ballina L, Endou H, Wempe M F, Palacin M, Parks S, Pouyssegur J
Cancer Res 76(15): 4481-4492