Scientific Directory

Ingénieur de Recherche - Équipe Biothérapies Appliquées aux Handicaps Neuromusculaires (LIA-BAHN)Tel. +377 97 77 44 41
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Thèmes de recherche développés
Publications CSM
A group of novel VEGF splice variants as alternative therapeutic targets in renal cell carcinoma
Montemagno C, Durivault J, Gastaldi C, Dufies M, Vial V, He X, Ambrosetti D, Kamenskaya A, Négrier S, Bernhard J-C, Borchiellini D, Cao Y, Pagès G
mol 21 Feb 2023, 45 -
Identification and functional validation of SRC and RAPGEF1 as new direct targets of miR‐203, involved in regulation of epidermal homeostasis
Golebiewski C, Gastaldi C, Vieu D-L, Mari B, Rezzonico R, Bernerd F, Marionnet C
Sci Rep 13(1):14006 -
Oligonucleotide Enhancing Compound Increases Tricyclo-DNA Mediated Exon-Skipping Efficacy in the Mdx Mouse Model
Bizot F, Fayssoil A, Gastaldi C, Irawan T, Phongsavanh X, Mansart A, Tensorer T, Brisebard E, Garcia L, Juliano R L, Goyenvalle A
Cells 12(5):702 -
Palmitic acid conjugation enhances potency of tricyclo-DNA splice switching oligonucleotides
Relizani K, Echevarria L, Zarrouki F, Gastaldi C, Dambrune C, Aupy P, Haeberli A, Komisarski M, Tensorer T, Larcher T, Svinartchouk F, Vaillend C, Garcia L, Goyenvalle A
nar Vol. 50, No. 1, 17–34 -
Long-Term Efficacy of AAV9-U7snRNA-Mediated Exon 51 Skipping in mdx52 Mice
Aupy P, Zarrouki F, Sandro Q, Gastaldi C, Buclez P-O, Mamchaoui K, Garcia L, Vaillend C, Goyenvalle A
Molecular Therapy: Methods & Clinical Development 17: 1037-1047