Scientific Directory

Dr Alexander VENN
Chef d'équipe/Chargé de Recherche - Équipe Physiologie / BiochimieTel. +377 97 77 44 72
Email : [javascript protected email address]
Thèmes de recherche développés
Physiologie des organismes marins, changement climatique et acidification des océans.
Mécanismes de la biominéralisation chez les coraux ; relations symbiotiques.
Rôle de régulation du pH dans biominéralisation et symbioses.
Publications CSM
Coral Calcification at the Cellular Scale: Insight Through the ‘Window’ of the Growing Edge
Venn A A, Tambutté E, Zoccola D, Capasso L, Allemand D, Caminiti Segonds N, Técher N, Ganot P, Tambutté S
FronInPhy 1:7, 343-397 -
Myriad Mapping of nanoscale minerals reveals calcium carbonate hemihydrate in forming nacre and coral biominerals
Schmidt C A, Tambutté E, Venn A A, Zou Z, Castillo Alvarez C, Devriendt L S, Bechtel H A, Stifler C A, Anglemyer S, Breit C P, Foust C L, Hopanchuk A, Klaus C N, Kohler I J, LeCloux I M, Mezera J, Patton M R, Purisch A, Quach V, Sengkhammee J S, Sristy T, Vattem S, Walch E J, Albéric M, Politi Y, Fratzl P, Tambutté S, Gilbert P U P A
Nat Commun 15:1812 (2024) -
Quantification of cytosolic ‘free’ calcium in isolated coral cells with confocal microscopy
Venn A A, Técher N, Caminiti Segonds N, Tambutté E, Tambutté S
J Exp Biol 227(19):jeb247638 -
Spatial variability of and effect of light on the coelenteron pH of a reef coral
Crovetto L, Venn A A, Sevilgen D, Tambutté S, Tambutté E
Comm Biol 7, 246(2024) -
A comparison of SNARF-1 and skeletal δ11B estimates of calcification media pH in tropical coral
Allison N, Venn A A, Tambutté S, Tambutté E, Wilckens F K, Kasemann S A, EIMF
Geochim Cosmochim Acta 355 (2023) : 184-194 -
In vivo observation of lipid droplets in coral calcifying cells: fat stores to fuel the reef‐building process?
Chatin B, Venn A A, Tambutté E, Tambutté S
Coral Reefs 42, 1379-1384 (2023) -
Proton gradients across the coral calcifying cell layer: Effects of light, ocean acidification and carbonate chemistry
Venn A A, Tambutté E, Comeau S, Tambutté S
FMarS 9:973908 -
Effects of Ocean Acidification on Resident and Active Microbial Communities of Stylophora pistillata
Barreto M M, Ziegler M, Venn A A, Tambutté E, Zoccola D, Tambutté S, Allemand D, Antony C P, Voolstra C R, Aranda M
Front Microbiol 12: 707674 -
New Insights From Transcriptomic Data Reveal Differential Effects of CO2 Acidification Stress on Photosynthesis of an Endosymbiotic Dinoflagellate in hospite
Herrera M, Liew Y J, Venn A A, Tambutté E, Zoccola D, Tambutté S, Cui G, Aranda M
Front Microbiol 12, 666510 -
Ocean Acidification
Venn A A, Andersson A, Tambutté S
Status of Coral Reefs of the World: 2020 Ch. 4, Box 2, pp.66-67 -
A role for primary cilia in coral calcification?
Tambutté E, Ganot P, Venn A A, Tambutté S,
Cell Tissue Res -
Paracellular transport to the coral calcifying medium: effects of environmental parameters
Venn A A, Bernardet C, Chabenat A, Tambutté E, Tambutté S
J Exp Biol jeb.227074 / doi:10.1242/jeb.227074. -
Regulation of coral calcification by the acid-base sensing enzyme soluble adenylyl cyclase
Barott L, Venn A A, Thies A B, Tambutté S, Tresguerres M
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 525(3): 576-580 -
Ecological and socioeconomic strategies to sustain Caribbean coral reefs in a high-CO2 world
Andersson A J, Venn A A, Pendleton L, Brathwaite A, Camp E F, Cooley S, Gledhill D, Koch M, Maliki S, Manfrino C
Regional Studies in Marine Science 29: 100677 -
Effect of salinity and temperature on the expression of genes involved in branchial ion transport processes in European sea bass
Masroor W, Farcy E, Blondeau-Bidet E, Venn A A, Tambutté E, Lorin-Nebel C
J Therm Biol 85: 102422 -
Effects of light and darkness on pH regulation in three coral species exposed to seawater acidification
Venn A A, Tambutté E, Caminiti Segonds N, Técher N, Allemand D, Tambutté S
Sci Rep 9(1):2201 -
Full in vivo characterization of carbonate chemistry at the site of calcification in corals
Sevilgen D, Venn A A, Hu M Y, Tambutté E, de Beer D, Planas-Bielsa V, Tambutté S
Sci Adv 5: eaau7447 -
Ion transporter gene expression is linked to the thermal sensitivity of calcifcation in the reef coral Stylophora pistillata
Bernardet C, Tambutté E, Técher N, Tambutté S, Venn A A
Sci Rep 9: 18676 -
Epigenome-associated phenotypic acclimatization to ocean acidification in a reef-building coral
Liew Y J, Zoccola D, Li Y, Tambutté E, Venn A A, Michell C T, Cui G, Deutekom E S, Kaandorp J A, Voolstra C R, Forêt S, Allemand D, Tambutté S, Aranda M
Sci Adv 4(6): eaar8028 -
Computing the carbonate chemistry of the coral calcifying medium and its response to ocean acidification
Raybaud V, Tambutté S, Ferrier-Pagès C, Reynaud S, Venn A A, Tambutté E, Nival P, Allemand D
J Theor Biol 424: 26-36 -
Coral calcifying fluid pH is modulated by seawater carbonate chemistry not solely seawater pH
Comeau S, Tambutté E, Carpenter R C, Edmunds P J, Evensen N R, Allemand D, Ferrier-Pagès C, Tambutté S, Venn A A
Proc R Soc Lond, B, Biol Sci 284(1847): 20161669 -
Developing transcriptional profiles in Orbicella franksi exposed to copper: Characterizing responses associated with a spectrum of laboratory-controlled environmental conditions.
Morgan M B, Edge S E, Venn A A, Jones R J
Aquat Toxicol 189: 60-76 -
In vivo pH measurement at the site of calcification in an octocoral
Le Goff C, Tambutté E, Venn A A, Técher N, Allemand D, Tambutté S
Sci Rep 7: 11210 -
Integrating the Effects of Ocean Acidification across Functional Scales on Tropical Coral Reefs
Edmunds P J, Comeau S, Lantz C, Andersson A, Briggs C, Cohen A, Gattuso J-P, Grady J M, Gross K, Johnson M, Muller E B, Ries J B, Tambutté S, Tambutté E, Venn A A, Carpenter R C
BioScience 66(5): 350-362 -
Coral host cells acidify symbiotic algal microenvironment to promote photosynthesis
Barott K L, Venn A A, Perez S O, Tambutté S, Tresguerres M
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 112(2): 607-612 -
Morphological plasticity of the coral skeleton under CO2-driven seawater acidification
Tambutté E, Venn A A, Holcomb M, Caminiti Segonds N, Técher N, Zoccola D, Allemand D, Tambutté S
Nat Commun 6: 7368 -
Plasticity of coral physiology under ocean acidification
Venn A A, Tambutté E, Tambutté S
Oncotarget 6(21): 18248-18249 -
An updated synthesis of the impacts of ocean acidification on marine biodiversity
Aze T, Barry J, Bellerby R, Brander L, Byrne M, Dupont S, Gattuso J-P, Gibbs S, Hansson L, Hattam C, Hauton C, Havenhand J, Fossa J H, Kavanagh C, Kurihara H, Matear R, Mark F, Melzner F, Munday P L, Niehoff B, Pearson P, Rehdanz K, Tambutté S, Turley C, Venn A A, Warnau M, Young J
Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity Eds: S. Hennige, J.M. Roberts & P. Williamson. Montreal, Technical Series No. 75, 99 pages -
Coral calcifying fluid pH dictates response to ocean acidification
Holcomb M, Venn A A, Tambutté E, Tambutté S, Allemand D, Trotter J, McCulloch M
Sci Rep 4: 5207 -
Impact of seawater acidification on pH at the tissue-skeleton interface and calcification in reef corals
Venn A A, Tambutté E, Holcomb M, Laurent J, Allemand D, Tambutté S
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 110(5): 1634-1639 -
Regulation of intracellular pH in cnidarians: response to acidosis in Anemonia viridis
Laurent J, Venn A A, Tambutté E, Ganot P, Allemand D, Tambutté S
FEBS J 281(3): 683-695 -
The influence of photosynthesis on host intracellular pH in scleractinian corals
Laurent J, Tambutté S, Tambutté E, Allemand D, Venn A A
J Exp Biol 216(8): 1398-1404 -
Calcein labelling and electrophysiology: Insights on coral tissue permeability and calcification
Tambutté E, Tambutté S, Caminiti Segonds N, Zoccola D, Venn A A, Erez J, Allemand D
Proc Biol Sci 279(1726): 19-27 -
Live tissue imaging shows reef corals elevate pH under their calcifying tissue relative to seawater
Venn A A, Tambutté E, Holcomb M, Allemand D, Tambutté S
PLoS ONE 6(5): e20013 -
Transcriptome-level responses of corals to copper
Schwarz J, Jones R, Venn A A, Noyes T, Mitchelmore C
Integr Comp Biol 51(E250) -
Imaging intracellular pH in a reef coral and symbiotic anemone
Venn A A, Tambutté E, Lotto S, Zoccola D, Allemand D, Tambutté S
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 106(39): 16574-16579 -
P-glycoprotein (multi-xenobiotic resistance) and heat shock protein gene expression in the reef coral Montastraea franksi in response to environmental toxicants
Venn A A, Quinn J, Jones R, Bodnar A
Aquat Toxicol 93(4): 188-195 -
Importance of Time and Place: Patterns in Abundance of Symbiodinium Clades A and B in the Tropical Sea Anemone Condylactis gigantea
Venn A A, Loram J E, Trapido-Rosenthal H G, Joyce D A, Douglas A E
Biol Bull 215(3): 243-252