Presentation / Activities

Dedicated to scientific research, fundamental and applied, the work developed by the teams of the Monaco Scientific Center (CSM) are grouped into three departments. The primary concern of researchers in these departments is to study the bases of the functioning of organisms in order to better understand, and therefore better anticipate, the effects of environmental stresses (Physiology of Conservation) or therapeutic treatments (Translational Biology) . The proximity of researchers favors rich exchanges that should bring new ideas to the boundaries of disciplines. The juxtaposition of these different teams within the same establishment makes possible the creation of promising and original interface programs, for example using coral to better elucidate for example the mysteries of aging.

The Center has a large international attractiveness with more than 70 employees coming from 15 different countries (including Europe, USA, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Palau, Brazil, Caribbean, Canada, Oman, Saudi Arabia ...) since 2013, date of installation of the CSM in its new facilities of Quai Antoine Ier.

Department of Marine Biology

Specialized in Coral and coral reefs, this department includes the two "historical" teams of the Monaco Scientific Center, the Physiology and Biochemistry Team and the Ecophysiology and Ecology Team, created at the beginning of 1990s. An Environmental Economics theme addresses the socio-economic aspect of climate change. The complementarity of skills within this Department allows the development of an interdisciplinary research of the highest scientific level ranging from the gene to the ecosystem by integrating the socio-economic dimension.

Department of Polar Biology

Created in 2010 as part of an International Associated Laboratory (LIA BioSensib 647 - CSM - CNRS - University of Strasbourg), this department provides the scientific basis for the use of penguins as an indicator of changes in polar ecosystems.

Department of Medical Biology

This department closely associates basic and clinical research in the form of three activities:   

  1. A Human Health Cluster bringing together a resources agency to develop clinical research projects in the Principality of Monaco in the Princess Grace Hospital (CHPG) and the two clinics, the Monaco Institute of Sports Medicine (IM2S) and the Monaco Cardio-Thoracic Center (CCM) and a collaborating center of the World Health Organization (WHO) on Health and Sustainable Development.    
  2. An International Observatory on Sickle Cell Disease, "Monacord"
  3. Four Translational Research Teams:     
  • two teams specialized in the study of the metabolic properties of cancer cells and the development of innovative therapies aimed at reducing the metabolism of the cancer cell by inhibiting its vascularization or its nutrition: "Mechanisms of resistance to targeted therapies" and "Hypoxia and metabolism".     
  • a team specializing in the study of interactions between the gut microbiota and the immune system and the role of probiotics "Ecosystems and Immunity",     
  • a team created within the framework of an International Associated Laboratory with the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines: "Biotherapies Applied to Neuromuscular Handicaps" (LIA BAHN).