Coral Physiology team: Following its publication in Nature Communications, a major discovery on calcium carbonate highlighted in the journal Science.

In February, Professor Pupa Gilbert of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, in collaboration with numerous researchers including Drs. Sylvie Tambutté, Eric Tambutté and Alexander Venn from the CSM, published a groundbreaking article in the prestigious journal Nature Communications. Their study revealed a form of calcium carbonate previously unknown in nature (CSM News of 13th March 2024).

This pivotal discovery has recently been showcased by Brent Grocholski, editor of the renowned journal Science, in its "Research Highlights in Other Journals" section. These concise and informative summaries shed light on the most relevant and innovative studies published in scientific journals other than Science, highlighting significant findings, advancements, or implications.

The recognition of this research by both Nature Communications and Science underscores its substantial impact in the fields of materials science and marine biology. It presents exciting new prospects for understanding mineral formation processes.

You can read the highlight here.

For further information, please contact :
Dr Sylvie Tambutté
Dr Eric Tambutté 
Dr Alexander Venn