Scientific Directory

Mme Natacha SEGONDS
Technicienne Supérieure - Équipe Physiologie / BiochimieTel. +377 97 77 44 77
Email : [javascript protected email address]
CV 2018
Thèmes de recherche développés
Techniques de biochimie, extraction de protéines tissulaires, mesure d’activité enzymatique, électrophorèse SDS-PAGE, électrophorèse bidimensionnelle, coloration gels, western blot, activité enzymatique sur gels…
Mesure de paramètres physiologiques, électrophysiologie. Physiologie, manipulations d’isotopes radioactifs 45Ca, 14C et 3H.
Biologie moléculaire (PCR, RT PCR, Q-PCR, transformation bactérienne…)
Membre du groupe Hygiène et Sécurité du laboratoire.
Élaboration, mise au point et application de protocoles, présentations et discussions des résultats, formation d’étudiants ou stagiaires à la paillasse, participation à l’organisation du laboratoire.
Publications CSM
Coral Calcification at the Cellular Scale: Insight Through the ‘Window’ of the Growing Edge
Venn A A, Tambutté E, Zoccola D, Capasso L, Allemand D, Caminiti Segonds N, Técher N, Ganot P, Tambutté S
FronInPhy 1:7, 343-397 -
Quantification of cytosolic ‘free’ calcium in isolated coral cells with confocal microscopy
Venn A A, Técher N, Caminiti Segonds N, Tambutté E, Tambutté S
J Exp Biol 227(19):jeb247638 -
Ubiquitous macropinocytosis in anthozoans
Ganot P, Tambutté E, Caminiti Segonds N, Toullec G, Allemand D, Tambutté S
Elife 9: e50022 -
Effects of light and darkness on pH regulation in three coral species exposed to seawater acidification
Venn A A, Tambutté E, Caminiti Segonds N, Técher N, Allemand D, Tambutté S
Sci Rep 9(1):2201 -
Protonography and anion inhibition profile of the alpha-carbonic anhydrase (CruCA4) identified in the Mediterranean red coral Corallium rubrum
Del Prete S, Vullo D, Segonds N, Zoccola D, Tambutté S, Supuran C T, Capasso C
Bioorg Chem 76: 281-287 -
Structural and functional analysis of coral Hypoxia Inducible Factor
Zoccola D, Morain J, Pagès G, Caminiti Segonds N, Giuliano S, Tambutté S, Allemand D
PLoS ONE 12(11): e0186262 -
Carbonic Anhydrases in Cnidarians: Novel Perspectives from the Octocorallian Corallium rubrum
Le Goff C, Ganot P, Zoccola D, Caminiti Segonds N, Allemand D, Tambutté S
PLoS ONE 11(8): e0160368 -
Bicarbonate transporters in corals point towards a key step in the evolution of cnidarian calcification
Zoccola D, Ganot P, Bertucci A, Caminiti Segonds N, Técher N, Voolstra C R, Aranda M, Tambutté E, Allemand D, Casey J R, Tambutté S
Sci Rep 5: 9983 -
Morphological plasticity of the coral skeleton under CO2-driven seawater acidification
Tambutté E, Venn A A, Holcomb M, Caminiti Segonds N, Técher N, Zoccola D, Allemand D, Tambutté S
Nat Commun 6: 7368 -
Calcein labelling and electrophysiology: Insights on coral tissue permeability and calcification
Tambutté E, Tambutté S, Caminiti Segonds N, Zoccola D, Venn A A, Erez J, Allemand D
Proc Biol Sci 279(1726): 19-27 -
Comparative analysis of the soluble organic matrix of axial skeleton and sclerites of Corallium rubrum: Insights for biomineralization
Debreuil J, Tambutté S, Zoccola D, Caminiti Segonds N, Técher N, Allemand D, Tambutté E
Comp Biochem Physiol B, Biochem Mol Biol. 159(1): 40-48 -
Specific organic matrix characteristics in skeletons of Corallium species
Debreuil J, Tambutté S, Zoccola D, Caminiti Segonds N, Técher N, Marschal C, Allemand D, Kosuge S, Tambutté E
Mar Biol 158(12): 2765-2774 -
Physiological response of the symbiotic gorgonian Eunicella singularis to a long-term temperature increase
Ferrier-Pagès C, Tambutté E, Zamoum T, Caminiti Segonds N, Merle P L, Bensoussan N, Allemand D, Garrabou J, Tambutté S
J Exp Biol 212(18): 3007-3015 -
Upper thermal thresholds of shallow vs. deep populations of the precious Mediterranean red coral Corallium rubrum (L.): Assessing the potential effects of warming in the NW Mediterranean
Torrents O, Tambutté E, Caminiti Segonds N, Garrabou J
J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 357(1): 7-19 -
Characterization and role of carbonic anhydrase in the calcification process of the azooxanthellate coral Tubastrea aurea
Tambutté S, Tambutté E, Zoccola D, Caminiti Segonds N, Lotto S, Moya A, Allemand D, Adkins J
Mar Biol 151(1): 71-83 -
Evidence of low molecular weight components in the organic matrix of the reef building coral, Stylophora pistillata
Puverel S, Houlbrèque F, Tambutté E, Zoccola D, Payan P, Caminiti Segonds N, Tambutté S, Allemand D
Comp Biochem Physiol A, Mol Integr Physiol. 147(4): 850-856 -
Observations of the tissue-skeleton interface in the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata
Tambutté E, Allemand D, Zoccola D, Meibom A, Lotto S, Caminiti Segonds N, Tambutté S
Coral Reefs 26(3): 517-529 -
Study of calcification during a daily cycle of the coral Stylophora pistillata: implications for 'light-enhanced calcification'
Moya A, Tambutté S, Tambutté E, Zoccola D, Caminiti Segonds N, Allemand D
J Exp Biol 209(Pt 17): 3413-3419