Scientific Directory

Dr Céline LE BOHEC
Chargée de Mission - Biologie PolaireTel. +377 97 77 44 56
Email : [javascript protected email address]
Thèmes de recherche développés
Dynamique des populations et démographie, Écologie comportementale, Ecologie évolutive, Biostatistiques et modélisation, Génétique des populations.
Modèles biologiques : Manchot royal, Manchot empereur, Manchot Adélie.
Publications CSM
Remote sensing of emperor penguin abundance and breeding success
Winterl A, Richter S, Houstin A, Barracho T, Boureau M, Cornec C, Couet D, Cristofari R, Eiselt C, Fabry B, Krellenstein A, Mark C, Mainka A, Ménard D, Morinay J, Pottier S, Schloesing E, Le Bohec C, Zitterbart D P
Nat Commun 15, 4419 (2024) -
Gene expression is the main driver of purifying selection in large penguin populations
Trucchi E, Massa P, Giannelli F, Fernandes F A N, Ancona L, Stenseth N C, Ferrer Obiol J, Paris J, Bertorelle G, Le Bohec C
bioRxiv preprint -
Remote sensing of emperor penguin abundance and breeding success
Winterl A, Richter S, Houstin A, Barracho T, Boureau M, Cornec C, Couet D, Cristofari R, Eiselt C, Fabry B, Krellenstein A, Mark C, Mainka A, Ménard D, Morinay J, Pottier S, Schloesing E, Le Bohec C, Zitterbart D P
BioRxiv preprint -
RFIDeep: Unfolding the potential of deep learning for radio-frequency identification
Bardon G, Cristofari R, Winterl A, Barracho T, Benoiste M, Ceresa C, Chatelain N, Courtecuisse J, Fernandes F A N, Gauthier-Clerc M, Gendner J-P, Handrich Y, Houstin A, Krellenstein A, Lecomte N, Salmon C-E, Trucchi E, Vallas B, Wong E M, Zitterbart D P, Le Bohec C
Methods Ecol Evol 00, 1-13 -
Biologging of emperor penguins— Attachment techniques and associated deployment performance
Houstin A, Zitterbart D P, Winterl A, Richter S, Planas-Bielsa V, Chevallier D, Ancel A, Fournier J, Fabry B, Le Bohec C
PLoS ONE 17(8):e0265849 -
Juvenile emperor penguin range calls for extended conservation measures in the Southern Ocean
Houstin A, Zitterbart D P, Heerah K, Eisen O, Planas-Bielsa V, Fabry B, Le Bohec C,
R Soc Open Sci Vol.9, n°8, 11pp. -
No evidence of microplastic ingestion in emperor penguin chicks (Aptenodytes forsteri) from the Atka Bay colony (Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica)
Leistenschneider C, Le Bohec C, Eisen O, Houstin A, Neff S, Primpke S, Zitterbart D P, Burkhardt-Holm P, Gerdts G
Sci Total Environ Vol. 851, Part 2, 10 December 2022, 158314 -
Positive selection over the mitochondrial genome and its role in the diversification of gentoo penguins in response to adaptation in isolation
Noll D, Leon F, Brandt D, Pistorius P, Le Bohec C, Bonadonna F, Trathan P N, Barbosa A, Raya Rey A, Dantas G P M, Bowie R C K, Poulin E, Vianna J A
Sci Rep 12; art. n° 3767 (2022); 14pp -
Reviews and syntheses: A framework to observe, understand, and project ecosystem response to environmental change in the East Antarctic Southern Ocean
Gutt J, Arndt S, Barnes D K A, Bornemann H, Brey T, Eisen O, Flores H, Griffiths H, Haas C, Hain S, Hattermann T, Held C, Hoppema M, Isla E, Janout M, Le Bohec C, Link H, Mark F C, Moreau S, Trimborn S, van Opzeeland I, Pörtner H-O, Schaafsma F, Teschke K, Tippenhauer S, Van de Putte A, Wege M, Zitterbart D, Piepenburg D
Biogeosci Discuss 19, 5313–5342 -
Selection-driven adaptation to the extreme Antarctic environment in the Emperor penguin
Pirri F, Ometto L, Fuselli S, Fernandes F A N, Ancona L, Le Bohec C, Zane L, Trucchi E
Heredity 129, pages 317–326 (2022) -
How king penguins advertise their sexual maturity
Kriesell H J, Aubin T, Planas-Bielsa V, Schull Q, Bonadonna F, Cornec C, Le Maho Y, Troudet L, Le Bohec C
Anim Behav 177: 253-267 -
The early life of king penguins: ontogeny of dive capacity and foraging behaviour in an expert diver
Enstipp M R, Bost C-A, Le Bohec C, Chatelain N, Weimerskirch H, Handrich Y
J Exp Biol 224(12): jeb242512 -
Cryptic speciation in gentoo penguins is driven by geographic isolation and regional marine conditions: Unforeseen vulnerabilities to global change
Pertierra L R, Segovia N I, Noll D, Martinez P A, Pliscoff P, Barbosa A, Aragon P, Rey A R, Pistorius P, Trathan P, Polanowski A, Bonadonna F, Le Bohec C, Bi K, Wang-Claypool C Y, Gonzalez-Acuna D, Dantas G P M, Bowie R C K, Poulin E, Vianna J A
Diversity and Distributions 26: 958-975 -
Evidence of Pathogen-Induced Immunogenetic Selection across the Large Geographic Range of a Wild Seabird
Levy H, Fiddaman S R, Vianna J A, Noll D, Clucas G V, Sidhu J K H, Polito M J, Bost C A, Phillips R A, Crofts S, Miller G D, Pistorius P, Bonnadonna F, Le Bohec C, Barbosa A, Trathan P, Rey A R, Frantz L A F, Hart T, Smith A L
Mol Biol Evol 37(6): 1708-1726 -
Genome-wide analyses reveal drivers of penguin diversification
Vianna J A, Fernandes F A N, Frugone M J, Figueiro H V, Pertierra L R, Noll D, Bi K, Wang-Claypool C Y, Lowther A, Parker P, Le Bohec C, Bonadonna F, Wienecke B, Pistorius P, Steinfurth A, Burridge C P, Dantas G P M, Poulin E, Simison W B, Henderson J, Eizirik E, Nery M F, Bowie R C K
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 117(36): 22303-22310 -
micrObs – A customizable time-lapse camera for ecological studies
Winterl A, Richter S, Houstin A, Nesterova A P, Bonadonna F, Schneider W, Fabry B, Le Bohec C, Zitterbart D P
HardwareX 8(e00134) -
The emperor penguin - Vulnerable to projected rates of warming and sea ice loss
Trathan P N, Wienecke B, Barbraud C, Jenouvrier S, Kooyman G, Ainley D G, Le Bohec C, Ancel A, Zitterbart D P, Chown S L, LaRue M, Cristofari R, Younger J, Clucas G, Bost C-A, Brown J A, Gillett H J, Fretwell P T
Biological Conservation 241: 108216 -
Vocal tract anatomy of king penguins: morphological traits of two-voiced sound production
Kriesell H J, Le Bohec C, Cerwenka A F, Hertel M, Robin J-P, Ruthensteiner B, Gahr M, Aubin T, Düring D N
Front Zool 17(1): 1-11 -
CameraTransform: A Python package for perspective corrections and image mapping
Gerum R C, Richter S, Winterl A, Mark C, Fabry B, Le Bohec C, Zitterbart D P
Software X 10: 100333 -
Individual variability in contaminants and physiological status in a resident Arctic seabird species
Eckbo N, Le Bohec C, Planas-Bielsa V, Warner N A, Schull Q, Herzke D, Zahn S, Haarr A, Gabrielsen G W, Börga K
Environ Pollut 249: 191-199 -
Les manchots : joyaux de l’évolution menacés.
Le Bohec C
L’Atlas des Nouveaux Mondes − Territoires d’explorations et de découverte, édition CNRS In Nicolas Arnaud & Stéphanie Thiébault. Le Cherche Midi, 56−57. -
Reply to: ‘The role of ocean dynamics in king penguin range estimation’
Trucchi E, Cristofari R, Le Bohec C
Nat Clim Chang 9(2): 122 -
Sustained Antarctic Research: A 21st Century Imperative
Kennicutt II M C, Bromwich D, Liggett D, Njastad B, Peck L, Rintoul S R, Ritz C, Siegert M J, Aitken A, Brooks C M, Cassano J, Chaturvedi S, Chen D, Dodds K, Golledge N R, Le Bohec C, Leppe M, Murray A, Chandrika Nath P, Raphael M N, Rogan-Finnemore M, Schroeder D M, Talley L, Travouillon T, Vaughan D G, Wang L, Weatherwax A T, Yang H, Chown S L
One Earth 1(1): 95-113 -
The dive performance of immature king penguins following their annual molt suggests physiological constraints
Enstipp M R, Bost C-A, Le Bohec C, Bost C, Laesser R, Le Maho Y, Weimerskirch H, Handrich Y
J Exp Biol 222, jeb208900 -
Uncovering population structure in the Humboldt penguin (Spheniscus humboldti) along the Pacific coast at South America
Dantas G P M, Oliveira L R, Santos A M, Flores M D, de Melo D R, Simeone A, Gonzalez-Acuna D, Luna-Jorquera G, Le Bohec C, Valdes-Velasquez A, Cardena M, Morgante J S, Vianna J A
PLoS ONE 14(5): e0215293 -
Unexpected population fragmentation in an endangered seabird: the case of the Peruvian diving-petrel
Cristofari R, Plaza P, Fernandez C E, Trucchi E, Gouin N, Le Bohec C, Zavalaga C, Alfaro-Shigueto J, Luna-Jorquera G
Sci Rep 9: 2021 -
A remote‐controlled observatory for behavioural and ecological research: A case study on emperor penguins
Richter S, Gerum R C, Schneider W, Fabry B, Le Bohec C, Zitterbart D P
Methods Ecol Evol 9(5): 1168-1178 -
Beak of the pinch: anti-parasite traits are similar among Darwin’s finch species
Villa S, Koop J A H, Le Bohec C, Clayton D H
Evol Ecol 32(5): 443-452 -
Phase transitions in huddling emperor penguins
Richter S, Gerum R, Winterl A, Houstin A, Seifert M, Peschel J, Fabry B, Le Bohec C, Zitterbart D P
J Physics D 51: 214002 -
Sex identification in King Penguins Aptenodytes patagonicus through morphological and acoustic cues
Kriesell H J, Aubin T, Planas-Bielsa V, Benoiste M, Bonadonna F, Gachot-Neveu H, Le Maho Y, Schull Q, Vallas B, Zahn S, Le Bohec C
Ibis 160(4): 755-768 -
Structural organisation and dynamics in king penguin colonies
Gerum S, Richter S, Fabry B, Le Bohec C, Francesco Bonadonna, Nesterova A, Zitterbart D
J Physics D 51(16): 164004 -
Antarctica and the strategic plan for biodiversity
Chown S L, Brooks C M, Terauds A, Le Bohec C, van Klaveren-Impagliazzo C, Whittington J D, Butchart S H M, Coetzee B W T , Collen B, Convey P, Gaston K J, Gilbert N, Gill M, Hött R, Johnston S, Kennicutt M C II, Kriesell H J, Le Maho Y, Lynch H J, Palomares M, Puig-Marco R, Stoett P, McGeoch M A
PLoS Biol 15(3): e2001656 -
Apparent changes in body insulation of juvenile king penguins suggest an energetic challenge during their early life at sea
Enstipp M R, Bost C A, Le Bohec C, Bost C, Le Maho Y, Weimerskirch H, Handrich Y
J Exp Biol 220: 2666-2678 -
Climate-driven range shifts of the king penguin in a fragmented ecosystem
Cristofari R, Liu X, Bonadonna F, Cherel Y, Pistorius P, Le Maho Y, Raybaud V, Stenseth N C, Le Bohec C, Trucchi E
Nat Clim Chang 8(3) -
Marked phylogeographic structure of Gentoo penguin reveals an ongoing diversification process along the Southern Ocean
Vianna J A, Noll D, Dantas G P M, Petry M V, Barbosa A, Gonzalez-Acuna D, Le Bohec C, Bonadonna F, Poulin E
Mol Phylogenet Evol 107: 486-498 -
Objets connectés et embarqués sur les animaux sauvages
Le Bohec C, Planas-Bielsa V
Les Big Data à découvert 176-177 -
Full circumpolar migration ensures evolutionary unity in the Emperor penguin
Cristofari R, Bertorelle G, Ancel A, Benazzo A, Le Maho Y, Ponganis P J, Stenseth N C, Trathan P N, Whittington J D, Zanetti E, Zitterbart D P, Le Bohec C, Trucchi E
Nat Commun 7 -
Individual parameters shape foraging activity in breeding king penguins
Le Vaillant M, Ropert-Coudert Y, Le Maho Y, Le Bohec C
Adv Biol Regul 27(1): 352-362 -
Spatial heterogeneity as a genetic mixing mechanism in highly philopatric colonial seabirds
Cristofari R, Trucchi E, Whittington J D, Vigetta S, Gachot-Neveu H, Stenseth N C, Le Maho Y, Le Bohec C
PLoS ONE 10(2): e0117981 -
Telomere length reflects individual quality in free-living adult king penguins
Le Vaillant M, Viblanc V A, Saraux C, Le Bohec C, Le Maho Y, Kato A, Criscuolo F, Ropert-Coudert Y
Polar Biol 38(12): 2059-2067 -
Emperors in Hiding: When Ice-Breakers and Satellites Complement Each Other in Antarctic Exploration
Ancel A, Cristofari R, Fretwell P T, Trathan P N, Wienecke B, Boureau M, Morinay J, Blanc S, Le Maho Y, Le Bohec C
PLoS ONE 9(6): e100404 -
Inter-Annual Variability of Fledgling Sex Ratio in King Penguins
Bordier C, Saraux C, Viblanc V A, Gachot-Neveu H, Beaugey M, Le Maho Y, Le Bohec C
PLoS ONE 9(12): e114052 -
King penguin demography since the last glaciation inferred from genome-wide data
Trucchi E, Gratton P, Whittington J D, Cristofari R, Le Maho Y, Stenseth N C, Le Bohec C
Proc R Soc Lond, B, Biol Sci 281: 20140528 -
Rovers minimize human disturbance in research on wild animals
Le Maho Y, Whittington J D, Hanuise N, Pereira L, Boureau M, Brucker M, Chatelain N, Courtecuisse J, Crenner F, Friess B, Grosbellet E, Kernaleguen L, Olivier F, Saraux C, Vetter N, Viblanc V A, Thierry B, Tremblay P, Groscolas R, Le Bohec C
Nat Methods 11(12): 1242-1244 -
Diversity of Feather Mites (Acari: Astigmata) on Darwin's Finches
Villa S M, Le Bohec C, Koop J A H, Proctor H C, Clayton D H
J Parasitol 99(5): 756-762 -
Dry year does not reduce invasive parasitic fly prevalence or abundance in Darwin's finch nests
Koop J A H , Le Bohec C, Clayton D H
Rep Parasitol 3: 11-17 -
How age and sex drive the foraging behaviour in the king penguin
Le Vaillant M, Le Bohec C, Prud'Homme O, Wienecke B, Le Maho Y, Kato A, Ropert-Coudert Y
Mar Biol 160(5): 1147-1156 -
Suivre l’évolution de la biodiversité polaire : un défi scientifique et technique
Le Bohec C, Le Maho Y
Le développement durable à découvert CNRS Editions, Chapitre 20, 2ème partie - L'environnement, un système global dynamique: 92-93 -
Chick-provisioning strategies used by king penguins to adapt to a multiseasonal breeding cycle
Saraux C, Friess B, Le Maho Y, Le Bohec C
Anim Behav 84(3): 675-683 -
King penguins adjust their diving behaviour with age
Le Vaillant M, Wilson R P, Kato A, Saraux C, Hanuise N, Prud'Homme O, Le Maho Y, Le Bohec C, Ropert-Coudert Y
J Exp Biol 215(21): 3685-3692 -
Polar Monitoring: Seabirds as Sentinels of Marine Ecosystems
Le Bohec C, Whittington J D, Le Maho Y
Adaptation and Evolution in Marine Environments Part of the From Pole to Pole book series (POLE), Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Chap. 11: 205-230